

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
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98 Chs


As I returned to the classroom, my mind buzzed with the weight of the decision that loomed over me. What if I had accepted that offer? But for now, I pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the familiar rhythm of school life.

Ms. Smith, oblivious to the true nature of my visit to the Headmaster's office, unleashed her usual reprimand. Her stern voice echoed through the room, punctuating the air with disapproval. "What did you get in trouble for this time?"

Silently, I took my seat, feeling Remi's curiosity burning like a flame beside me. Her eyes shimmered with intrigue, yearning to uncover the secrets hidden in the conversation between Williams and me. "Is there something you want to ask?"

I met her gaze with a steely stare, withholding the information she sought. "It's nothing for you to worry about. It was a private conversation between Williams and me."

As the class progressed, Remi's curiosity persisted, like a persistent vine seeking sunlight. Ignoring her silent pleas for answers, I sealed my lips and allowed the lesson to unfold around me. The cadence of Ms. Smith's voice merged with the rustling of papers and the scratching of pens, creating a symphony of education.

With the final bell ringing, we ventured to the nearby park, a hidden haven away from prying eyes. The playground stood empty, devoid of the laughter and playfulness of children. It was our canvas, where we would unleash our newfound skills and demonstrate our growth.

Leo's voice carried a spark of excitement as he proposed our gathering. "Now that you're back, why don't we meet up and showcase what we've learned in the past three weeks?"

My lips curved into a confident smile, my fists clenched with determination. "Absolutely! I'll gladly demonstrate just how much stronger I've become since our last encounter."

Laughter filled the air as we made our way to the park, our small group forming a tight-knit circle. Remi, Leo, Rayne, Enzo, Myra, and I gathered, bound by friendship and a shared journey of discovery.

Leo's gaze locked with mine, his eyes brimming with anticipation. "Why don't you show us what you've learned on your little trip, Sora?"

I nodded, stepping forward with a surge of confidence. Channeling my magic, I conjured a gleaming sword crafted from ethereal light, illuminating the space around us. The sword hummed with latent power, a symbol of my growth and determination.

Spells danced upon our fingertips as each of us showcased our individual talents, weaving intricate patterns of magic in the air. The atmosphere shimmered with vibrant colors and pulsating energy, an enchanting spectacle that stirred the imagination.

But amidst the display, my focus honed in on Leo. This time, our encounter would not be driven by rivalry or hostility, but by camaraderie and a shared love for our craft.

I chuckled, playfully slapping Leo's back, our camaraderie evident. "You ready?"

He returned my smile, brimming with excitement. "You bet I am, Sora."

In perfect synchrony, we assumed our fighting stances, the anticipation electrifying the air. Leo launched a swift punch toward my abdomen, aiming to test my defenses. With agile grace, I evaded his attack, a wisp of breeze skimming past my skin. In response, I countered with a swift kick, but Leo's mastery of earth magic solidified into a sturdy shield as he chanted out the words Earthen Shield, effortlessly blocking my strike.

A chuckle escaped my lips, entertained by his progress in the art of earth magic. "You've got more tricks up your sleeve, don't you?"

He grinned at me, smacking his hand on the ground. "GAIA'S GRASP!"

The earth quivered beneath me, and I braced myself for a pillar to surge upward. But to my surprise, something different unfolded. Mimicking my light roots, he grew earthy tendrils that shot out from the ground, attempting to ensnare my foot. Reacting swiftly, I evaded his grasp with a quick Light Flash, slipping out of reach.

Among my arsenal of moves, I knew Prismatic Burst could catch him off guard and bring him down. Opening my hand, I conjured a burst of dazzling, multicolored lights that stunned Leo, forcing him to his knees. Seizing the opportunity, I attempted to seize him, only to find his skin had turned to stone, thwarting my grasp.

He rose to his feet, breaking free from his stony exterior, fully recovered from my previous attack. "I must admit, that was clever of you, but I've got a few tricks up my own sleeve."

Leo's voice echoed with confidence, his eyes gleaming with determination. The ground rumbled once again as he tapped into the depths of his earth magic. Cracks spread across the earth, and massive boulders emerged from beneath the surface, levitating around him in a menacing display of power.

I assessed the situation, realizing that I needed to be strategic in order to overcome Leo's newfound strength. Drawing upon the essence of light, I conjured a protective shield around myself, a barrier of shimmering energy that flickered and danced with ethereal radiance.

Leo smirked, his gaze fixated on my shield. "Impressive, Sora. But do you really think your light can withstand the might of the earth?"

With a commanding gesture, he sent the boulders hurtling towards me with tremendous force. They crashed against my shield, causing it to shimmer and tremble under the immense pressure. I dug deep, pouring my energy into maintaining its integrity, my focus unwavering.

But Leo wasn't finished. With a swift motion, he pounded his fist into the ground, sending a shockwave of earth towards me. The ground quaked, and I was thrown off balance, struggling to maintain my stance.

Thinking quickly, I called upon the versatility of light magic. I released a burst of radiant energy, enveloping myself in a blinding aura. The light refracted and dispersed the incoming shockwave, scattering it harmlessly around me.

Leo's eyes widened, momentarily taken aback by my maneuver. Seizing the opportunity, I channeled my light magic once more, this time focusing on precision and finesse. I casted radiant beams of concentrated light shot forth from my outstretched hands, darting towards Leo with uncanny accuracy.

His stone skin, formidable as it was, proved no match for the piercing intensity of my light. The beams seared through the cracks and crevices, gradually wearing down his defense. Leo grunted, his expression a mixture of pain and determination.

But he refused to be defeated. Drawing upon his earth magic once again, he fortified his defenses, forming an impenetrable barrier of solid stone. I knew I needed to devise a strategy that would outsmart his defenses.

I closed my eyes, seeking guidance from within. The whispers of light spoke to me, guiding my next move. I extended my hand towards the sky, invoking the essence of prismatic energy. Multicolored lights danced and swirled around me, forming a dazzling vortex of vibrant hues, casting Illumination Ray.

As the vortex reached its peak, I released it towards Leo in a concentrated burst of prismatic brilliance. The colors erupted, engulfing him in a stunning display of light and disorienting his senses.

Momentarily caught off guard, Leo staggered, his defenses weakened. It was the opening I had been waiting for. Swiftly, I closed the distance between us, my movements fueled by a surge of light magic. I delivered a series of precise strikes, exploiting the gaps in his defense, and brought him to his knees once more.

Leo gasped for breath, his gaze meeting mine with a mixture of admiration and resilience. "You've certainly grown, Sora. Your light magic... it's extraordinary."

Before I reached out and extended my hand to help him up, an individual materialized from the shadowy depths. "It's a shame Brown couldn't finish you off himself. Pathetic that he had to send me instead."

I clenched my teeth, signaling for everyone to maintain their distance. "I know you're solely after me. Release them, and I'll handle you alone."

He smirked, summoning his enigmatic magic, an affinity I had never before witnessed. "I think I'll just have to eliminate all of you right here and now."