

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
98 Chs

The End of The Beginning (4)

Leo's hand was firmly clamped over his wrist as he began applying pressure. Squeezing hard enough that veins pulsed visibly upon the surface of his skin, and his nails dug in causing minor puncture marks to form along his forearm that bled freely onto his white clothes.

"I'LL KILL YOU WILLIAMS, YOU KILLED MY FATHER AND MY SISTER!" Leo screamed angrily, his breathing becoming erratic while tears streamed down his cheeks uncontrollably. He launched his other fist forward creating another shock wave of electricity which traveled through the air in a fraction of a second. He repeated the process countless times. Punching over and over again, attempting to wear down the indestructible foe before him.

But no matter how many times Leo attacked the man before us, his attacks always failed. Every strike, every kick, all of his effort, everything seemed pointless against the strongest and most powerful villain in existence, one of whom had managed to easily incapacitate me in just a single move.

Leo suddenly disappeared and reappeared at Voidwalker's feet, pulling them out beneath himself with a vicious snap sending his knee driving forward and slamming it hard into the soft underbelly of his foe, knocking the wind from him. "ATMOKINETIC SWORD!"

A blade made entirely of the purest, white-hot iron materialized out of the clear sky itself and hovered between my best friend's two clenched fists. Leo grabbed the hilt in both palms and pulled upward.

A beam of intense energy crackled as the weapon came alive within its wielders grasp and was activated immediately, creating a sonic boom which erupted into the sky and left the surroundings completely silent. The sword spun horizontally above my comrade's head at rapid speed creating a circle in front of his chest while simultaneously illuminating the area brightly in an orange glow.

The ground beneath their feet cracked open, splitting into pieces and fracturing apart along its lines that crumbled before the storm that raged. With the speed and momentum gained, Leo used the entire might behind the force exerted by the movement of his muscles and shoulder to slam his arm and body together with all his strength causing both weapons to collide in an explosion which was unleashed by his sword, causing the wind to pick up and blow away the debris of the crumbling battleground.

Voidwalker roared loudly as flames rose around us, engulfing both fighters, causing sparks to fly everywhere that left scorch marks on the land beneath his feet.

A pillar of white-hot fire exploded upwards like a geyser sending enormous waves crashing into the sea in front and behind me causing huge plumes to form a wall protecting the unconscious body beside mine that glowed softly due to his injury.

Now in his transformed state, Leo screamed loudly into the atmosphere that resounded through my mind, bouncing around wildly and shaking my bones, his anger flowing out. He had taken another step forward to the edge of insanity as the spell cast over me lessened even further.

As more magic poured forth and coated his skin, covering it with thick layers of deadly energy, flames flickered across his skin and coated every inch of him from head to toe in blueish-white. And soon enough, his entire body was transformed into a burning inferno, radiating heat capable of turning humans into ash and cooking them alive from within.

"VOID BLIGHT!" Williams released his mana which slowly tore its way out from under the ground. His magic slowly invaded the ground and began to turn it into black void-like substance.

"Out of all people that I am having trouble with it had to be a measly human, someone who isn't even on the same level as Sora Katayama." Williams scoffed.

"VOID DESCEND! VOID ARRAY! VOID FLAME!!" The entire place around us became saturated in dark energy which tried desperately to devour us as we stood stationary and helpless in the center, our senses paralyzed as the energy tried its hardest to absorb all of our mana.

"VOIDLAND FLOWER!!!" Voidwalker roared furiously, launching an attack straight for Leo, which tore a massive hole into his torso, ripping flesh and organs apart. Blood and innards burst from my best friend as his eyes widened in absolute horror, knowing this would be his demise. His final moments.

Williams laughed insanely, unable to control his madness as he screamed into the night sky, screaming insanity as he used magic stronger than the rest of the world, making it an art of sorts as he gained satisfaction from using dark magic and being able to wield his might so effortlessly.

A chill traveled throughout my whole body as realization settled in. "LEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" I cried out as I watched Leo crumble to the ground.

My eyes narrowed, and I began to feel my heartbeat in my mind. All I could think about was getting out of this prison Williams made. My aura began to change color, and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Was this the possibility of the Oblivion Crystal finally awakening? Maybe, or maybe not.

The last thought I had was... I'm sorry, mother, I'm not strong enough yet, and neither am I, as of yet. I closed my eyes shut as I allowed darkness to consume me, as I allowed the voices in my mind to drown out my cries for Leo. I needed him, and here he is, gone.

Remi's Perspective: 

"Leo and Sora still haven't come back, Rayne, something might be wrong..."

"Now, Remi, don't get all paranoid again. Those two can handle themselves."

Rayne groaned impatiently, "Honestly, Remi, you need to stop worrying. They aren't as fragile as you believe."

"And that's what I hate," I blurted out, causing her brow to quirk curiously. 

They keep doing stuff on their own, thinking everything will be fine. They never listen. Well, maybe a little bit, but then they just ignore everything! Argh! Why are they acting so immaturely! Those two could at least just talk things out with me, or not leave a letter instead." I stated annoyed.

Rayne's ears perked, and her tail slowly moved, slapping softly against the wooden table as she spoke quietly, "Well, if I recall correctly, they told us to wait, and to be careful of the Dark Forest."

"I don't care about their warnings we have to go there immediately!" I grabbed Rayne and rushed to the Dark Forest with her

She stumbled behind, startled by the suddenness of it all. As soon as she was in front of the dark trees of the Forest, she regained composure, and the shock disappeared, and I could see the light enter her crimson eyes. She looked at the gloomy forest with determination, and her expression turned serious. "Alright then, let's go," Rayne murmured with resolution. Her feet took her past the tree line.

The sun rose while we searched. I could hear the sounds of animals running around everywhere, scurrying frantically to find shelter from the approaching night. However, there were no traces of where those two might be anywhere close to here, and I was beginning to doubt myself and Rayne, too. We went deep into the forest but found nothing of value, not even a clue or trail leading anywhere. This place truly lived up to its name, a living nightmare with creatures lurking and prowling for their prey in this jungle. "Is it this deep?" I whispered, searching frantically as Rayne and I quickly walked towards the far side of the dark forest.

That is when I noticed a loud noise, and when we walked towards it, I saw everything. The Voidwalker was fighting Sora, and Leo was on the ground... What the hell is going on? How is this possible? "LEO!!! SORA!!! WHAT'S GOING ON!!!" I shouted and started to cry loudly, unable to hold back the emotions inside.

Sora's Perspective:

I felt nothing, everything I once was became a memory I couldn't quite put together. Everything faded slowly into darkness, a cold embrace that seeped through me. Slowly taking away my life... this is... so peaceful... and pleasant... a gentle and inviting lullaby called out to me as a feeling of serenity settled inside. A feeling unlike anything before. I was ready to end this man's life no matter what, Williams needed to die for killing Leo. The memories of my best friend and the only person who has ever supported me despite not knowing anything of my past, was enough incentive to overcome his powers. The warmth from his soul filled with hope had warmed my heart, giving it comfort from the loneliness and despair, allowing my tears of sorrow flow without reserve, and finally showing some humanity. I will fight, and I won't lose because there's a greater meaning to my life...

I was blinded by my rage, consumed by hatred that coursed through my veins, fueling each strike and empowering every swing. Magic gathered and coalesced beneath his skin, flowing throughout his entire form, seeping out of every orifice imaginable until it pooled into pools beneath his feet. "WILLIAMS! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" I roared with enough strength, but it did nothing except piss him off even more. "Sora, you have no conviction, your only motive for killing me is your rage, when will you see that if you ever kill me you will no longer have a purpose in this world, a man like you has no destiny except destruction. So why not join forces with me, save that world of yours!"

I grabbed Williams neck and looked him dead in the eyes with my violet-crimson eyes. "IT'S DISGUSTING YOU EVEN THOUGHT I WOULD'VE ACCEPTED THIS OFFER." My teeth gritted in frustration, jaw muscles straining from the tension it held to prevent the onset of rage coursing within my entire being, the depths of darkness fueled by anger threatened to consume the rationality within. Anger bubbled and seethed within me threatening to take over, causing my anger to overwhelm any semblance of common sense I possessed; I want to make this bastard suffer as much possible to show what he did was wrong, "I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER THEN, THERE'S NOTHING TO DEVOTE YOUR LIFE TO, SO LET US MEET DEATH WITH HONOUR AND JOY!" His aura began to radiate menacingly, filling every fiber within me with an overpowering amount of malevolent power that overflowed all of the cracks in reality and shattered it.

Every bone I had previously injured shattered under pressure and finally cracked after repeated stresses and impacts. With all my efforts expended, all my emotions escaped my heart and erupted outwards. A huge force impacted the ground underneath me, causing large explosions to erupt all around my surroundings sending me flying backwards hundreds of feet, shattering every last inch of stone within its range as I fell face-first against the concrete, making the structure collapse under the intensity of magic I released. A large wave of dust covered the entire area as debris continued to fall down and onto my head. Pain rippled throughout the nerves of my body and was agonizing; every muscle burned, sending stinging pains from everywhere and everything, while I managed to control the blood within me. Blood dripped from various cuts, wounds, scrapes and abrasions all over me; no doubt I would've died instantly.

But I somehow survived that shit, the pain was unbearable, but at the same time there was relief as I couldn't breathe properly due to injuries caused by William's assault. I'll kill him, even if it kills me in the end.