

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
98 Chs

The End of The Beginning (3)

Leo's Perspective:


"Wait no! Leo listen I'm sorry okay... I need you to stop panicking and help us." Rayne urged me, pushing her purple hair out of her eyes as she did. Her blue eyes stared intently at mine, her dark complexion, contrasted by her light colored hair that complimented her face beautifully, looking incredibly concerned.

"Rayne... use your magic to find Sora, he's in danger."

"Okay! But calm down." She answered solemnly.

"No, not even! He's literally in danger and might not survive this! There's no way that you will be able to help me if he doesn't wake up! AND I'M NOT CALMING DOWN."

"Okay. You're right, but still we need to be patient... Do you understand?"

"Just tell me where he is Rayne."

Rayne nodded her head before casting an incantation: "Tracer". A magical spell that allows the caster to track objects, living beings and people, etc., regardless of physical boundaries. With the ability to trace the presence of living beings or other objects and locate their current position anywhere in the world. Rayne concentrated deeply on the tracing spell as her magic vision activated, her pupils glowing with a pale blue radiance. Then suddenly, a projection of images began flooding her mind at breakneck speeds. Images from far off locations, the mountain tops near our kingdom, the forest, and the school's courtyard flashed across her iris and went by in a blur. Finally, she located his current location, and snapped the connection to her magic vision.

"He's at The Dark Woods." She declared confidently.

Without saying a word I bolted out the door and started heading for the Dark Woods, it isn't too far so I should be able to get there before anything bad happens to Sora. However, if he dies or is harmed in anyway then the world may never recover from his loss. And it's partially our fault since we've always neglected him despite our friendship being stronger than ever before.

Our friend is currently fighting a powerful evil sorcerer that is much older than us and has a lot more experience in combat than we ever had before. It doesn't take an idiot to figure out what this means, yet I refuse to even acknowledge any possibility other than Sora's victory... My thoughts continued to flood my mind until finally I had to stop running because a group of four goblins stood directly ahead of me.

I didn't even bother to give them the time and used my earth magic to impale them with spears made from rock that jolted out of the ground below their feet, causing their blood to spew out of their mouths as they slumped onto the grass floor lifelessly.

I ignored the fallen corpses as they splattered about, but couldn't help myself as I took note of how their faces had turned into twisted grotesque shapes. My feet moved and I raced over the fallen bodies without pause, refusing to let them slow me down further. After ten minutes of running I finally was able to sense Sora's magic once again. It was strong, incredibly strong even, and filled the very air with its overwhelming pressure, weighing down heavily upon every breath.

After another ten minutes I managed to find them. Sora was incased in a prison of magic I can't even determine, he seems to be unconscious, but I can sense I pulse in his body. There is an indescribable aura emanating from his chest and it was incredibly strong, so much so that if he lost his life in here he'd become an unsurmountable threat to this entire planet.

"What's wrong with this picture?" The Voidwalker smirked widely and triumphantly, "Sora Katayama cannot hope to defeat me, but with my new powers he won't even be able to stand." The evil mage sneered viciously.

"I'm gonna kill you if it's the last thing that I do." I muttered lowly.

He chuckled heartily, clearly entertained by the sight in front of him, "Oh how the tables turn my dear Leo..." His grin widened eerily and his face contorted slightly as if he was trying to keep himself from laughing.

"Fuck you, asshole." I snapped at him angrily, sending him a nasty glare of contempt while stepping closer to the floating magical prison he held hostage in his grasp. "What have you done to Sora?!"

The Voidwalker cackled mirthlessly, "It's quite obvious isn't it? I took all the mana in his body and I put it in this special gem. Don't worry, you'll get a turn soon enough." He added confidently.

He is insane and truly dangerous to society if allowed to run wild! I must eliminate him at all costs.

I placed both my palms on the ground underneath the footprints, my feet making a tiny crater with each step I took as I moved towards the cage Sora was inside. Each footstep felt heavier and heavier with each passing second, but I couldn't bring myself to care, all that mattered at the moment was Sora.

As my feet stepped towards him, an eerie sense of foreboding filled the air surrounding my body. Everything inside the Dark Forest appeared darker than usual, save the dull gray tones coloring the leaves and vegetation under the pale moonlight's rays and the pitch-black shadow of the massive trees, but beyond the light cast off from Sora's orb and the light of his magic sphere illuminating my skin, nothing could be seen save darkness.

An aura of doom permeated from my feet and enveloped my entire body, and for whatever reason I knew instinctively that danger was near; danger which couldn't be avoided even if I desired to. "Atmokinesis." I whispered softly, letting out a long shaky breath as I felt power flood into my limbs, as my fingers curled inward tightly and my fingernails pierced the flesh of my hands drawing crimson red blood that dripped upon the grass, making wet smears. My knees trembled and quaked violently while tremors rocked the whole area, and the trees swayed from the gusts of wind that swept through their boughs, as their branches were lifted off the ground.

Everywhere my gaze landed was black and white, even when my vision blurred in front of me. Then suddenly, without warning, something struck my back harshly. Something painful and powerful crashed onto me, slamming down right between the shoulder blades and sending my body sprawling down on all fours, dazed and confused. Another blow was sent toward my head followed by another against my stomach. They were relentless strikes without mercy.

"VOIDWALKER STOP THIS MADNESS NOW!" Sora cried out, he finally woke up.

He kept hitting the place where his attack landed before finally stopping, taking notice of the pain I must be experiencing as my face contorted slightly with each blow dealt upon me. He raised his hand towards me and smiled evilly as he continued striking repeatedly with the same force that was already beginning to tire me out. He swung his palm again and I didn't bother avoiding it as the impact traveled from my lower torso all the way down my spinal cord to my head, causing a dull ringing noise to echo in my ears as I shook violently against the ground unable to control my movements properly. "Leo!" I heard Sora scream my name in desperation, calling for my help.

My consciousness faded rapidly and I found it difficult to breathe. Pain riddled my every nerve while blood oozed from numerous cuts along my skin from the rocks I fell on to and the bruises inflicted upon my sides, forming purple blemishes that stained the flesh around my ribcage.

My vision narrowed further. I didn't want Sora seeing me in such a weakened state, however, now there's no way I can prevent him seeing me like this... But it doesn't matter right? I know that if I die, then the one behind all this will take Sora instead. So why am I still alive?! I should just die and let Sora get away... Right...? Why... do I have so much... resentment for everything... Even for life itself...?

A sudden thought entered my mind, "Am I weak?!" Am I afraid...?


Sora's Perspective:

"No... it can't be..."

The man standing there staring directly at me, the man that stood only a few feet away from me was Headmaster Williams. The very man I respected, revered, loved like a father, and now... hated and wished to destroy with every fiber of my being.

I don't care if my mind and memories from my past life have resurfaced... Nothing can stop me from killing that piece of shit right here. Not even god himself can protect the fucking bastard from my wrath. I swear upon my family's honour... I WILL EXACT VENGEANCE FOR THIS INFAMY UPON YOUR ASS!!!!!

The rage of seeing his face was unbridled as rage boiled through my entire being, rushing through my body like molten lava through cracks in cooled magma. Every single muscle I possessed was tense to the point of bursting, ready to unleash a mighty blast of power which would utterly annihilate my enemy. However, in spite of how strong my emotions were, there remained some reason behind the actions, thus a calmer portion of me fought the urge to let loose a full force spell right here and now, and besides I was stuck in this prison with no way out.

My heartbeat quickened, intensified rapidly until it became deafening thunderclaps inside the still air. "LET GO OF LEO!"

Leo punched forward towards Voidwalker's head, sending a bolt of lightning at his face and landing directly between his eyes, instantly snapping his head backward. Blood spattered violently upon his dark red leather armor from the wound which didn't leave a mark on him as he simply absorbed all damage. 

"I vow to win no matter what." Leo whispered ominously.

Then he blinked... I swear I saw the fucker blink when he got hit. That wasn't the only abnormal thing about this situation, no one has ever had such fast reflexes to respond like that. This guy is like a damn lizard, completely different than any monster I've ever encountered, which is completely true.