

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
98 Chs


The figure slowly came closer to where we were standing and analyzed the area. Looking around the area and assessing the condition that Rayne and Enzo were in and the immense magical aura emanating around the place. The pillar finally stopped, with Sora staring him in the eyes as he said, "This can be dealt with tomorrow; both parties have lost more than enough. Shall we make arrangements for the meeting to take place tomorrow at noon?" The Pillar of the Dreaburg Kingdom was addressed.

"This is great; I can get rid of multiple pillars in one day. Maybe I should just finish this first instead," Sora replied, annoyed.

"Go ahead and try it, child." The pillar replied nonchalantly while removing his hood, revealing a young-looking face. His pitch-black hair and iridescent, crimson-red eyes stared directly at Sora as if he'd taken pity on him, which is nothing more than pure annoyance on Sora's side.

Sora charged forward towards the pillar with a fast speed, slashing his claw and aiming at the man in front of him. The pillar of the kingdom simply stared down at Sora while he stepped forward, dodging every blow he threw at him.

Sora halted in his steps and used the Oblivion Curse. In Sora's head, he was imagining the curse activating successfully and devouring the man in front of him whole.

"Bad move" The pillar smirked as the curse stopped immediately; the pillar threw a powerful punch in retaliation, sending Sora crashing through multiple buildings in the distance as the dust cloud started to clear up and reveal Sora.

The man made his way towards where Sora landed as if it were effortless for him; unlike his heavy armor that could even bend steel with his might, his white armored gauntlet grabbed ahold of Sora by the neck and lifted him in mid-air with one hand.

"Who are you to talk to the pillars of the kingdom?" The pillar asks as Sora gasped for air in his vice grip hold, which seems impossible to break free from.

"Fuck you." Sora responded.

The pillar tightens his grip and smiles at the feeble creature who dared defy him as Sora tries to struggle with all of the power and mana that he has. It wasn't long until Sora gave out a strong beam attack right in front of his face with almost all his energy.

The man looked at Sora with a stunned face as he was trying to recover, and just when Sora felt like he was victorious over the powerful foe, he punched the side of his skull hard with his freehand. Sora dropped to the ground as the wind knocked him out. The man looked at Sora's lifeless body, which had blood oozing from his wounds and fresh, cut flesh exposed through his mouth and left cheek; then the man picked up Sora's broken body and threw him.

"Come now; don't die, not here." The pillar spoke as he flew up in the air, hovering in the sky above, and watched how pathetic Sora was struggling to walk upright, barely able to carry himself from the devastating pain his injuries gave off. Sora then drops to his knees, groaning and holding his hand to his face. His thoughts were filled with everything he could have done better in the past and with his own internal hatred for what had happened to him.

The man spoke calmly but with a tinge of arrogance: "We both know the truth that you have hidden behind closed doors, but it's time for you to meet the afterlife." The man stared down at Sora, waiting for a response, but none came. "It would be easier for you if you just killed me now." Sora said his voice quivered while his crimson eyes became blurry, with tears forming in the corners of them. "Why don't I grant this to you?" The man asked, seemingly curious about this answer.

"This fucker, how much mana do you have?" Sora asked as he coughed up blood.

"None." The man's tone was that of a person with little patience, but he did not reveal what else was on his mind, which is why he gave him the impression that he held back and was keeping his true self under lock and key.

Sora stood there, shocked and unable to move. Did he really just lose to someone who has no magical capabilities? The man tilted his head towards the sky with the wind brushing his black hair that reached down below his chin, then took another step forward, his hand forming a fist as it's prepared to finish its job. The sound of glass shattered in the distance was deafening compared to the sound of rustling leaves and tree branches creaking while moving slowly towards each other.

"There's no need for the pillars' powers and resources, so I'm afraid this is goodbye." He stated this, now staring into Sora's eyes. "Before I die, let me ask you this. What is your name?" Sora inquired, confused about the strange figure in front of him and how little emotion was showing.

"I don't tell pathetic scum such as yourself my name; now die." The man chuckled before slamming his fist hard into Sora's already bleeding and broken rib cage. His hand and upper forearm were drenched in warm blood. "You're really stupid." The man said this to Sora, mocking him.

In the heat of the battle and without any hesitation, Sora knew what his next action needed to be to stop him, even if it meant sacrificing his body. He dashed forward with all of his power while throwing punches that weren't blocked by him easily. The pillar grabbed hold of the arm and twisted it, breaking it instantly as the bone came through Sora's flesh.

"Eclipse Transfiguration." His arm changed to black, emitting a strange, dark-like magic aura from it. Using it as a distraction, Sora took this opportunity to rip off the pillar's face; however, he was barely blocked.

"Did you really think killing me would be that easy, pillar? Now tell me your name before I have to kill you." Sora said as he cackled to himself, delighted that he'd caught him.

"Are you really a man, or just an untalented child?" The pillar mocked Sora, amused by his silly, feeble attempts. Sora grew frustrated and shot a huge beam of purple mana energy towards him, but nothing came out; his chest was impaled by something solid that pierced his heart, stopping his magic before his very eyes. Sora stared at the thing sticking out of his chest, struggling to look and see what it was that did this to him, but the pillar was standing so close that it was impossible. Sora started to tremble.

"My name is Cronus, Pillar of the Dreaburg Kingdom."

Sora coughed, with blood starting to come out of his mouth again. He spat out a mouthful, falling to the ground near Cronus' feet and lying lifeless in an instant. Blood spilled from the fresh wound where Sora's heart lay. His body turned limp while his blood still gushed out onto the dusty soil around his unmoving body. Cronus bent down, holding him, while a smile formed on his lips. "Are you done yet, Sora Katayama?" He chuckled.

"You're disgusting. No matter what I do or try, I fail. Why didn't fate allow me to succeed? I'm truly alone now."

At last, the wind died down and a thick veil of silence settled over the land, like nothing had happened. It was so quiet and eerie that he could hear his heart racing. Even if he didn't realize it yet, his soul was on the verge of leaving his body. Sora looked up at the moonless night sky through bleary eyes and felt somewhat relieved. "Sora, you've always been alone. Ever since the day you rejected your humanity, you have become nothing more than a cog in the machine." Cronus states this, letting go of his body.

Sora muttered out weakly, "Please, just leave me alone. I don't need another person looking down on me or lecturing me about how evil or wrong my actions are. Just give me something to distract me." Sora trembled and then sobbed. The tears that had been waiting so patiently for a chance to spill over were finally allowed their freedom as they rolled down his cheeks freely. Cronus tried wiping them away with his thumb, but the boy looked away defiantly.

"You make me sick." Cronus said as he spat at Sora's face. Sora then smiled before saying, "The stars really are beautiful tonight, and they'll keep shining even in darkness." After making the comment, Sora lay limp on the ground once more, and then all at once, his body exploded in flames, vaporizing into ash. The light emanating from it illuminated the otherwise bleak and desolate surroundings before fading away and turning completely black.

A strange quiet descended upon Cronus, and with a small sigh, he walked away.

"You didn't think it would be that easy to get rid of me, did you?" Cronus heard a voice beside him.