
Detective Kazuki Files

Rook Kazuki is a consulting detective from Chiba Prefecture who only takes cases that interests him or if it involves a large sum of money. Before becoming the detective that he is, he solves the gruesome death of Sari Mortensson, the daughter of a well known chess grandmaster in Sweden. Now that he is back in Chiba, he solves the complicated requests of his clients, together with his partner, Tatsumi Sakoshita.

Fuurinkazan · Realistic
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27 Chs

White's Turn


Half an hour after they discovered the body, the ambulance and police arrived in the mansion. As they heard the police and ambulance's siren on the gate, Hansel quickly asked the maids to open the gate for them and let them in. The policemen and a few investigators stormed their way in when they heard that it was from Hansel's mansion that it happened. They were greatly indebted with the grandmaster's donation and charitable works, so they were worried that it was him who was found hanged. Everyone gathered in the lounge of the mansion and waited for the police officers inside. When they saw Hansel meeting them and welcomed them inside, the head investigator took a deep breath and faced him. he was somehow relieved that the good man was not harmed in any way.

"Mr. Mortensson, what exactly happened here?" asked the head investigator who was in charge of the case. Gabriel was the one who answered the investigator, explaining him every detail of what happened. Both Rook and Tatsumi was listening from the corner, as they both were intrigued and shocked at the same time to what has happened.

The head investigator called one of the forensics team and asked him a copy of the initial report before the autopsy. The medical doctor gave an estimate time of death, as well as initial findings about the body. He nodded and asked the forensic officer to take the body away. The officer nodded and went straight to Aldern's room.

"That's all I can think of, but my secretary is never the suicidal type nor was he psychologically affected to do this. He was looking forward for our new transaction with another company," Hansel explained, disappointed that his secretary would do such a thing.

"Not a suicidal type, huh. Well – " the head investigator was not able to finish his words when Rook interrupted him.

"That means that something aside from suicide caused it," he connected. The investigator took a quick annoyed look at him, but Rook was not fazed over it.

"So you mean to tell me this is murder, Sherlock? And who are you?" the investigator replied, with his tone higher, implicating that his words are to be taken with a grain of salt.

"I'm Rook Kazuki. I am currently Sir Hansel's guest," Rook replied.

The investigator was a little bit surprised when he heard the family name 'Kazuki'.

"Kazuki? Kazuki…where have I heard that family name?"

He dug his memory and remembered where he heard it. A very sharp memory flashed until he had the memory back crystal clear in his mind. Gradd Kazuki, the detective in charge of a case that happened 10 years back in Sweden. It was only for a very short time, but that detective's name was carved in his mind.

"Do you by any chance know a person named Gradd Kazuki?" he asked.

"This boy here is his son, Inspector. I say that his keen observation and intellect pars that of his father," Hansel explained.

The inspector was reassured of what he has heard. His amazement started to rise up as he turned back his attention to Rook.

"What a small world! By the way, I am Inspector Krauss Andersen. Your father was our aid on catching the murderer 10 years ago, but enough on the introduction. Since you are his, I will give you a chance of explanation, why you said there's more than suicide in this matter."

Tatsumi nudged Rook from the side and when the latter looked at him, gave him a nod, encouraging him to give an inference of what may have happened. It was the first time however, that he is not going to give any inferences to a murder case. He knows that his friend, in any way, does not want to line himself from any detective work nor does he wish to.

Rook took a deep breath before he explained. He asked for the crime scene photos and focused directly on one of them where they photographed the rope and the marks from Aldern's neck.

"Look at the victim's neck. The marks are not completely from the rope. If you noticed properly, there are scratches on his neck, indicating that he was struggling to remove the rope from his neck and kept his strength to sustain his breath. These nail marks are the proof."

Krauss looked at the ligature marks from the victim's neck and indeed, there were a few signs of struggles and nail marks. It was only evident that the victim tried to pull the rope but was not successful. After concluding that this may not have been a suicide, he took his handheld transceiver from his coat pocket and pushed the PTT button.

"Inspector Krauss, requesting for the head forensics officer. We're here in the Lounge," he said and dropped the button. He was sure at that moment that there might be something that's actually stirred up in this incident. He faced them all with a straight and serious face.

"I want you all to stay in here and relax yourselves in the moment. I know it is hard for you all but please cooperate. After I receive new information from the forensics, I will confirm your alibi the time this murder happened," he said.

Everyone was rather surprised as the inspector seems to have believed what a young boy just said.

"So you believe it is a murder, like what Rook said?" asked Nakahara.

"Yes. I also noticed that aside from the nail marks on his neck, there are skin tissues on the victim's nails. If we confirm it was because of the air struggle, we can confirm it was a murder and not a suicide," he replied, with a more confident look in his face. He is also determined that the one who did it, might be closer than they think.

After an hour, Krauss started to collect their alibis. Hansel was sleeping at the time of murder, Gabriel was going to the comfort room, Sari and Jenny were playing trump cards with Rook and Tatsumi. Krauss carefully detailed each of their alibis in his notebook, together with an officer with a record of the whole details of their time, the time of the murder and other information. He dismissed his officers and left the mansion. As soon as the officers were able to leave, everyone was rather silent and still unbelieving of what has happened.

"I still can't believe he is dead," said Hansel, still in great dismay. Both his daughters supported him and never left his side. It was at this moment that Hansel's judgment that his daughters never cared of him that much was proven wrong. He had his fair share of a smile that moment. He realized that he was living under the impression that his daughters only cared about his money, but he was wrong.

"Dad, please take a rest for now. The police will surely come early tomorrow for the investigation," Jenny said. She saw the worried faces of the others as well, which made him realize this might be heavy for her father.

"I think that goes for all of us," Nakahara continued. Everyone agreed and tried their best to cope up with the situation and went in their rooms.

Tatsumi sat on his bed while Rook was looking at the window. His eyes were that of a dead fish, but as he turned back to him, Tatsumi saw a different fire in his friend's eyes.

"Say, Tatsumi…I can see the sadness on Hansel-san about what happened. His beloved secretary was killed by an unknown man. What could be the reason? I want to help the police on their investigation. I want to know the truth. I want to help him," he said, determined. For Tatsumi, it was a big surprise, as to his friend never cared for anything related to such work, as he never had the love of any detective work like his father. Nevertheless, he respects his decision.

"But how? The murderer is still an X. Besides, this might be just a suicide. He could have just struggled when he felt regret over what he did but was too late," Tatsumi replied.

"The murderer maybe an X but it was surely a murder, a locked room murder. There are signs of struggle. There are sets of evidence that there was another man there who killed the victim, and that's what I wanted to know who."

Tatsumi silently nodded.

"Are you willing to help me?"

Tatsumi looked at him with a deep thought. He was also worried about Sir Hansel. He let them in his mansion, welcomed them inside and was kind enough to let them stay.

Tatsumi smiled and stood up, looking at him with a very determined smile.

"You creep. We'll definitely solve this case, right?"

"Of course, we will. How many strategies in chess have we not discovered a way out?"