
Destroying the World Starts From Marvel (MTL)

Task 1: Destroy the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Initial props: zombie virus Task 2: Destroy the world of Naruto, initial props: Egg of An Alien ····· task? ? ? : Destroy (system) real (error) world, initial props:? ? ? Forgive me for not being able to bring salvation, because the mission issued to me by the system will always be the same-destroy the world. ________________________________________________________________ This is a MTL. Here is the Orignal: https://m.qidian.com/book/1004837706

BlankWriter · Movies
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75 Chs

Chapter 21: Opening act

Within half an hour, Chen Lu greeted almost all the survivors in the entire supermarket, leaving a good impression in their hearts. He used some cold jokes, humorous performances and an optimistic attitude to make the otherwise lifeless atmosphere in the entire supermarket a little more lively. Alex, who came in with him to take refuge, was just the opposite. He kept silent, lying coldly in the dark corner of the supermarket, mumbling some strange things to himself.

"Father in heaven, I am in pain, and you have widened me. Now please have mercy on me and listen to my prayer..." Although Alex seemed to lower his voice, he actually The volume control is so audible to others.

   At this time, Chen Li looked at him with disgust and said to everyone: "Don't listen to this madman. In fact, he is really weird, and it makes me feel scared."

At this moment, Alex took out a notebook again and began to frantically write pictures on it, and continued to babble incomprehensible sentences: "God, please curse Satan again so that he can't work at will. I beg you, now put him under the power of the cross again, so that he can't move."

  This kind of madness naturally aroused the disgust of other people, even the same religious person could hardly tolerate others praying loudly in such a situation. After all, the most important thing for them to survive at this time is to unite and fight the enemy together. There is a person who does nothing but prays for himself, which undoubtedly affects the morale of the team.

   This is actually what Chen Lu likes to see.

  Mutated infected person spiritual link

   Chen Lu: Not bad, Alex, your acting skills are enough to win several Oscar winners.

  Alex: It's too much, Master. I will continue to work hard.

   Chen Lu: Very good, are the zombies assembled outside?

   Female infected person: Master, three hundred zombies are on standby at any time, and they are assembled behind the opposite building.

   Chen Lu: Very good. Let's go ahead as planned.

When everyone was moving away from Alex because of disgust, only Hawkeye approached him friendly, squatting down beside him and saying in an unhurried tone: "Hey, hey, are you okay? Look at it. I heard me say that the zombies trapped us here. Their names may be Bobby or Charles, but they are not called Satan. Everyone is trying to defend here. We can't coax the kids while fighting, you It doesn't matter who you are praying to. Your God must hope that you can pick up a gun, because then he won't lose one believer."

However, it seems that Hawkeye's persuasion did not reach Alex at all, and he became even more mad, holding his head in fear and screaming: "There are still half an hour, they are coming. Now! They are going to kill all the blasphemers! Here they are! In 29 minutes..."

   Hawkeye was also very helpless in the face of this kind of completely ignorant guy, and had to evacuate the curious crowd around to avoid them being affected by Alex. No one believes these gods and ghosts, after all, they have been fighting here for several days. You can only rely on yourself if you want to survive! At least all survivors now think so.

   Chen Lu glanced at Alex and said to Hawkeye: "I warned you, we'd better lock up this annoying guy, so as not to cause catastrophe later."

   Hawkeye, who at least received an American-style liberal-democratic education, naturally cannot accept this reckless behavior, which is no different from lynching. He shook his head and defended Alex: "He is just too scared. Besides, he hasn't done anything."

   Did nothing? Stupid Hawkeye, you will immediately understand what language is the most terrifying weapon. Chen Lu smiled secretly in his heart.

For the next half an hour, Chen Lu continued to have a relationship with other people, trying to leave more positive and deep impressions on more people, while Alex continued to talk like magic sounds. Generally, brainwashing everyone close to him naturally caused dissatisfaction among many people.

   Chen Lu looked at his watch and found that it was almost time for the planned corpse wave to strike. He walked to the window and looked out, and it happened that the first zombie had already rushed out. Turning his head to look at Alex again, the latter was repeating: "They are here! They are here! They are here!"

Everything is ready, no east wind.

   Chen Lu drew out a 9mm pistol and fired several empty guns at the window. The sudden sound of gunfire awakened the sleepy people. He pulled his throat in a panic and shouted: "They are here!"

   The sudden attack late at night made everyone doubly fearful, and some people screamed loudly not knowing where to go. At this time, Hawkeye stood up again, took a few sensitive steps and jumped to the highest shelf, took out a flashing arrow from the back and shot it to the ceiling, and the whole supermarket was illuminated by the intense light for a moment, frightening people. He also stopped shouting and instinctively covered his eyes with his hands.

"Listen, everyone!" Amidst the dazzling white light, an eagle-eyed leader full of leadership shouted: "We can't relax our vigilance no matter whether it is day or night! It makes no difference whether zombies come during the day or at night~www.mtlnovel. com~ Let's fight them back. Now, I need all of you to unite with me and stand on the line! Do you understand?"

   A leader who can remain calm and take the lead can always stabilize the morale of the team at critical times. Obviously, Hawkeye is such a talent. Chen Lu believes that as long as there are eagle eyes here, even if thousands of zombies come here, they will be killed in vain, and they will only be exhausted until they run out of ammunition and food. But now, he only plans to pay three hundred ordinary zombies to get here.


   Amid the roar of Hawkeye, almost all the survivors picked up their guns and leaned toward the window, firing at the zombies continuously emerging from the opposite streets and lanes. A few bolder youths, as well as Chen Lu and Alex, who had different plans, ran to the first floor to resist the zombies that broke through the plank.

   Chen Lu: Are you ready, Alex?

  Alex: You can start anytime, master.

   Chen Lu: Very good, first wait for our extra actor to be in place, you go to the window and wait. I figured out a way to get rid of a few people first to make them scared a little bit.

  Alex: Follow your instructions.

   Fierce gunfire roared continuously on the second floor of the supermarket, and countless bullets poured toward the corpse tide. Various pistols, assault rifles, and submachine guns vibrated wildly at their own rhythm, like a prelude to a symphony of a giant band. The opening scene of the first big drama planned by Chen Lu officially opened here.