
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site. 穿越反派之子

Mad_verse · Movies
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208 Chs

White House Battlefield

Authors Note-

You can read up to 15 chapters ahead on my Patreon - Mad_verse [ Your support will help me in continuing this fic]


Soon, a flurry of footsteps approached. After the door swung open, a man in his 30s or 40s, donned a white coat, strolled in—the apparent physician attending to Mystique.

Upon his entrance, the doctor extended his hand and pressed a button adjacent to the door. What followed left Mystique in awe. The ward's floor autonomously opened, unveiling an array of intricate instruments that ascended, while an advanced shadowless lamp descended from the ceiling.

Though most of these instruments were unfamiliar to Mystique, their sophistication was evident at a glance.

"How is the patient? Is she still breathing?" The doctor swiftly donned a pair of rubber gloves, grasped a scalpel, and seemed ready for a significant procedure.

"Hold on, esteemed doctor. Surgery isn't necessary. Raven suffered a gunshot wound to his leg, and the bullet had already been removed. Basic treatment is all that's required." The red devil hastily intervened, briefing the doctor on the woman's injuries.

"Goodness. For such a trivial matter, you've brought him to my emergency room. Even with your high authority, such measures are unnecessary. Is she your wife or mistress?" The doctor rebuked the Azazel upon hearing his explanation. As a Level 4 ability mutant specializing in healing, his status was notably elevated, and he wasn't one to be scolded lightly.

Red devil, feeling embarrassed, glanced at Mystique and sheepishly admitted, "She is my woman"

"Ah, pursuing romance, I see. That's understandable. I'll address her injuries first."

The doctor promptly approached the bedside, examined the wound, and then a white light formed in his hand. With a slanting palm, the light seamlessly merged into the wound.

To Mystique's astonishment, the wound rapidly healed, restoring itself in just ten seconds, leaving smooth, unblemished skin.

"Alright, the wound is healed, but there's significant blood loss. Consume nutritious food to replenish your body. It's a womanly discomfort, no need to worry."

With those words, the doctor turned and exited, leaving Red Devil and Mystique alone in the room. They fell into a brief silence, uncertain of what to say. Despite their close relationship and shared parenthood, conflicting views on the future of mutants and the fallout from their last separation had kept them apart.

"Are you still leaving?" Eventually, it was the Red Devil who broke the silence.

Mystique nodded, "I must eliminate Trask first; otherwise, I can't find peace within myself."

The red devil understood that Mystique's insistence on killing Trask stemmed from a desire to avenge the White Queen and all mutants who had perished at his hands. Though burdened, Ivan and Shaw had stressed the need for secrecy regarding these matters.

"I can assist you; tackling this alone is too perilous. If not..."

Raven dismissed any further consideration and declared, "No, let me handle this on my own, alright? While I don't know the secrets you're harboring, I recognize you face your challenges, and I don't want to put you in an awkward position."

Red devil's expression fluctuated, and ultimately, he could only sigh helplessly. Indeed, he couldn't disrupt Shaw and Ivan's plan. Some matters were intricate and couldn't be tampered with.

"And what about Nathan? Aren't you planning to visit him?"

Mystique felt uneasy, hesitating before admitting, "Is he alright now? Does he resent his irresponsible mother?"

"He's fine, aside from occasionally missing your presence. Everything else is going well. Many little ones play with him, keeping him happy."

Mystique took a deep breath, her tense expression easing. "That's good. As long as he's happy, I'll go see him in a while."

"When are you leaving? Today?" Red Devil knew Mystique was determined. Once she decided, there would be no regrets, and he could only stand by her side.

"Tomorrow. Today is yours."

With those words, Raven turned over, embracing the red devil. Their lips met, igniting a passionate night.

The next morning, at Mystique's request, the Red Devil accompanied her to the station, where she planned to meet Magneto.

Publicly, the Red Devil bid farewell at the train station and left. In reality, he used his spatial abilities to lurk in the shadows, guarding Mystique discreetly.

Mystique, well aware of Magneto's habits, transformed into a beggar pleading for alms. As expected, she encountered Magneto, cornered him with a makeshift rod, and demanded answers about her supposed death.

Magneto, having seen that Mystique's blood was extracted, explained that killing her at this point would be meaningless. Understanding Magneto's rationale, Mystique's animosity toward him lessened, and she decided not to kill him. Yet, forgiveness wasn't on the table, and she gave Magneto a lesson before departing.

Red Devil, who had covertly safeguarded Mystique, only relaxed at this point. If Magneto had made a slight move earlier, he would have unhesitatingly intervened, even if it meant eliminating Magneto. With the situation diffused, Red Devil ceased his surveillance and teleported back to Shaw to report the events.

The reason the Red Devil allowed Mystique to venture alone was rooted in the knowledge that she still had a chance for resurrection. Even in a crisis, there was room for a turnaround. However, if that chance were exhausted, Red Devil would never permit her solitary excursions.

Mystique persisted in her mission to assassinate Trask. Simultaneously, the professor, having regrouped and regained his telepathic abilities, sought to dissuade Mystique using a brainwave intensifier. Unfortunately, Mystique remained resolute, rendering persuasion futile. Examining Mystique's flight ticket, the professor and the doctor determined her next destination and hurried to the White House in Washington.

Meanwhile, Magneto, opting for violence, aimed to impart a lesson to all humans, targeting the first generation of sentinel robots on display at the White House. The White House became a focal point of conflicting interests, and tensions escalated.

While others were engrossed in their pursuits, Ivan focused on time and space analysis. Theoretically, there was a method to shuttle between parallel dimensions, though it remained untested. Using it now might result in becoming lost in the turbulent flow of time and space.

Ivan concluded his prolonged work, delegating the finishing touches to others. After a satisfying dinner, a refreshing bath, and a good night's sleep, Ivan woke up on time the next day. After changing clothes, he employed an apparated to the White House, concealing himself with magic.

The impending battle at the White House, orchestrated by Magneto, promised to be intense. Magneto would wield his power, raising an entire football field to surround the White House. While this spectacle excited many, Ivan's true interest lay in Logan. As Logan's consciousness returned to the future, Ivan planned to explore whether he could locate another parallel space and its time-space coordinates.

As the crowd gathered at the White House Square, Ivan's formidable mental power located Mystique, disguised as a security guard, carrying a concealed gun, navigating the crowd in search of the elusive Trask.

Simultaneously, the professor, having regained his telepathic abilities despite his paralyzed legs, sat in a wheelchair, entering the arena pushed by Logan and the Beast.

Ivan suddenly lifted his head, his eyes fixated on the distance. Under his perception, a potent magnetic field was approaching. It seemed that Magneto had initiated his move, likely using his power to bring the football field in their direction. With most of the actors in place, the drama was about to unfold.

As President Nixon prepared to give a speech praising the first generation of sentinel robots, Trask, the inventor of the sentinel robot, was pushed forward. Mystique moved in, intending to draw her gun, but the professor intervened once again. The two clashed, each unable to sway the other.

Before the dispute over right and wrong could escalate, the sentry robots manipulated by Magneto ran amok, causing chaos in the audience. Magneto then raised the football field with great gusto, creating a protective barrier around the White House and preparing to confront Nixon.

Magneto, using his power to control the situation, broadcasted the spectacle worldwide through cameras, delivering a forceful speech aimed at deterring mankind and asserting mutant strength.

Ivan observed from a distance, entertained but with no intention of intervening. To him, this was merely a theatrical performance, and his role was to enjoy the show.

Magneto's actions were broadcast globally, reaching the mutant base where Shaw was located. Enraged, Shaw slammed the table, glaring at the TV screen.

He cursed, "Eric, this bastard, why is he acting like this? Doesn't he realize the consequences of his actions? This can't be allowed to continue. Azazel, Emma..."

"Boss, your orders" White Queen, Red Devil, Angel, and Riptide responded in unison upon hearing Shaw's name.

"All of you, head to the White House immediately. Retrieve that troublesome Eric... Forget it, it's too late to halt this directly. Hide in the shadows for now. If Eric is truly set on harming Nixon, stop him. If Eric is in danger, find a way to save him."

The four comprehended Shaw's instructions, teleporting away hand in hand.


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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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