
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site.

Mad_verse · Movies
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Ivan glanced at Jon, who was grinning, and remarked, "You're free to go. If you come across any good items in the future, remember to trade them here. I'll even offer you a discount."

Coming back to his senses, Jon earnestly thanked Ivan and turned to leave. Guided by the spherical robot, he passed through the door, gazing at it as it slowly vanished from the wall. Breaking into a cold sweat, Jon vowed never to return. He acknowledged his luck this time, realizing that the cross his sister had given him was a true treasure that had saved his life.

Clenching his fists, Jon felt the newfound power coursing through his body. A determined look flashed in his eyes. Escaping death this time had given him a new perspective on life. While much had changed, his unwavering love for his sister remained constant.

In the distance, a shout and the sound of blades slashing reached Jon's ears. With his heightened senses, he discerned that the black boss who had been chasing him before was among the pursuers. Immediately grabbing a stick from a nearby trash can, Jon headed in the direction of the commotion, aiming to use his newfound strength to confront these adversaries.

For Ivan, Jon's ordeal was a mere side note. He picked up the cross from the table, studying it closely. Ivan gently stroked the cross, revealing a silver glimmer that ordinary eyes couldn't perceive—the manifestation of the power of faith.

To Ivan, a cross capable of storing the power of faith was a magical item. Its previous owner had accumulated the believers' power of faith through preaching, storing it in the cross until the opportune moment to transfer the power to their Lord for absorption.

Considering this method of condensing the power of faith, Ivan mused about the potential for creating a god. If there were materials that could carry enough power of faith, perhaps it could ignite the fire, refine the power into reality, and crystallize into a real godhead.

However, Ivan recognized that to create a god, in addition to collecting materials for belief, a tangible object was required—a human figure that people genuinely worshiped. This could be a symbol known worldwide that evoked awe and admiration, making it easier to collect beliefs.

Thoughts of the Statue of Liberty crossed Ivan's mind. He resolved to find a way to store some power of faith and implement his plan using the Statue of Liberty.

Ivan's fleeting good mood was interrupted as the second customer arrived. A spherical robot ushered in a disheveled young man, pale and unsteady, exuding an air of deep distress.

Ivan observed the disheveled young man with a puzzled expression, unsure whether the individual was intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.

The young man, without hesitation, plopped down in front of Ivan and declared, "Are you the devil? I want to trade my soul. Take it. Just help me kill a pair of wretched scoundrels, and my soul is all yours. Aren't devils supposed to be the best at this?"

Ivan chuckled and gestured dismissively, "I'm afraid you've misunderstood. Look closely; I'm a balance devil. I emphasize equitable transactions. While I can't guarantee absolute fairness, I ensure the voluntary principle of transactions."

"Moreover, what I seek are magical items in this world. If your soul possesses any peculiarities, I might consider it, but your soul appears quite ordinary and lacks value for my collection."

"In addition, I don't provide assassination services here. If I were to kill someone, who's to say that the target doesn't possess other treasures or unique items? If you're asking me to kill on your behalf, can you guarantee that I won't miss something valuable?"

"I can't believe this! You're utterly incompetent as a devil. You won't even take a soul. No, you must help me take revenge on those scoundrels who framed me today, no matter the cost. I'm willing to pay any price."

Observing the young man's furious expression, Ivan understood that he likely believed he was being deceived. However, Ivan was not inclined to clarify the misunderstanding.

"As I mentioned before, I don't engage in killing people. Even if you provide exceptional items that satisfy me, all I can offer you is enhanced power. You'll have to carry out the act yourself. Can you manage that?"

The young man was left speechless by Ivan's words, lacking anything to offer as a sacrifice.

"Your appearance says it all. Now, you can leave. As a penalty for disturbing me, I will draw two years of your life force. I hope you remember this lesson."

"I won't leave. If you don't agree to my terms, I'll stay here forever. I'll make things difficult for you today." The young man attempted to play tough with Ivan.

Without hesitation, Ivan snapped his fingers, and two spherical robots swiftly approached, projecting beams to suspend the young man in mid-air. His mouth was sealed, rendering him mute. Ivan absorbed two years of the young man's life force.

Deprived of two years' vitality, the youth, already weakened, seemed to lose all strength, becoming limp and unable to resist any longer.

Ivan gave a simple command to the spherical robots, "Throw him out, block his access, and refuse any future transactions with him."

"Yes, Master!"

Ai Wen glanced at the time. It had been nearly 24 hours since the space door of the devil's hut opened. Despite the previous cross, no goods arrived. However, this marked the first opening. As word spread, more people would be drawn to trade, making it the real harvest season.

Ivan planned to open the Devil's Cabin for business every seven days, 24 hours each time. Since rarity equated to high value, Ivan intended to operate the Devil's Cabin using the hunger marketing method. This approach aimed to showcase the trade as rare and precious.

As the time approached for Ivan to close the doors, one door suddenly pushed open. A beautiful young woman in her twenties rushed in, cradling two small three- or four-year-old children—a pair of twins.

"Please, save my child!"

Ivan observed the woman who had hastily arrived. She was about 5.7 feet tall, with long black hair, a high nose bridge, and a Western face. Moreover, her figure adhered to the golden ratio, emanating a captivating aura.

With a touch of pity, Ivan shook his head. Such a perfect woman, unfortunately, was already a mother. His gaze shifted to the two children in her arms. They were abnormally red-faced, breathing rapidly, and already unconscious.

"Calm down, ma'am. While I'd like to help you, this isn't a charity organization. In this space, fair dealing rules must be followed, and rewards come with a price. Unless you have a sacrifice that satisfies me, I can't assist you. What price are you willing to pay?"

Despite Ivan's sympathy for the mother and children, certain things were not easily altered, especially within the confines of the Devil's Cabin.

"I'm sorry; I don't have money or anything valuable right now, but I will find a way. Please save my children first. As long as you save them, I'm willing to pay whatever the cost."

"I'm very sorry; I pay with one hand, and the other... No, I don't have a debt here. If you can't pay the price that touches my heart, I won't do it. Regarding money, what do you think? Will I be short of money?"

Tears flowed from Tina's eyes like a spring, and the despair in her gaze-evoked both physical and emotional pity.

Tina, a young mother, poured out her story. Her husband, a worker, and they grew up together, seemingly without turbulence. However, after marriage, her husband's health deteriorated daily. Hospital visits yielded no answers. After giving birth to twin girls, he had only a brief moment to see them before passing away.

It was Tina's dedication to her children that kept her going through this darkest period of her life.

Yet, her twin daughters, for reasons unknown to her, were frail from childhood, and prone to illness. Caught in the rain today, they developed a high fever, now in critical condition.

Living in a remote area with limited financial means, Tina couldn't afford transportation to the hospital. Desperation set in.

Then, on the road, Tina found the door of the Devil's Cabin and broke in, holding onto a glimmer of hope.

Initially skeptical about the Devil's Cabin, Tina believed in its existence upon seeing the inside. Such a peculiar space couldn't be accessed by mere human ability.

While others would be wary of the Devil, Tina was genuinely excited. It seemed like she had grasped the last straw, a chance to save her children.

Now, Tina focused solely on keeping her daughters alive. She cared little about her fate, showcasing the immense love of a mother.

Ivan felt a sense of unease, torn within. Saving lives wasn't an issue; if he and Tina left the Devil's Cabin, they wouldn't be bound by its trading rules.

Yet, breaking the rules set was something even he couldn't do. The Law of Trade wouldn't allow it to happen and he would face a severe backlash.