
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site. 穿越反派之子

Mad_verse · Movies
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Testing New Abilities

As more space energy was injected, the strange runes on the red devil's body became brighter and brighter, almost dyeing the Red devil's entire body blue. The severe pain caused the red devil to twist his body involuntarily, but he gritted his teeth.

Finally, when the energy reached a certain limit, the blue light first rose, then slowly contracted, and returned to the red devil's body. The red devil's original painful appearance disappeared, and it turned into an expression of enjoyment, and Ivan was relieved. In one breath, it seemed to be a success.

Although there were some twists and turns, it finally went smoothly. At this time, the seven space energy crystals on the table had completely exhausted their energy and disappeared. Although it was not a pity. Anyway, as long as there is a Tesseract, there will be as many as you want.

At this time, several researchers stepped forward, opened the culture cabin, and helped the red devil get out of the tank. At this time, the red devil did not seem to have changed much except for a blue light deep in his eyes. But Ivan had a feeling that compared to before, the Red Devil had been reborn.

After the Azazel was taken out, he seemed a little unresponsive, his eyes were strange, and he inexplicably stretched out his hand to stroke him back and forth, as if there was something in front of him that interested him.

Ivan came to the Red Devil at this time, and after looking at it carefully, the rune that Ivan was most interested in had changed from its original appearance, just tattoos. Now it seems to give people a sense of mystery, probably because it has just absorbed a lot of space energy, and occasionally you can see wisps of blue light.

At this time, Ivan suddenly thought that in the X-Men, there seems to be a blue devil in the future, who also has space ability, and now the red devil also has a trend of changing from red to blue, so blue is space ability color, it seems that the universe Rubik's cube is also blue.

Ivan shook his head and put the inexplicable thoughts in his head behind him, "Azazel, what are you doing? Feeling your hands out of thin air, did the excess energy make you stupid?"

"Uh" The red devil came back to his senses and said: "Sorry, I don't know what's going on, my eyes are now able to see some strange things, and there seem to be countless ripples in front of me, densely packed. , just like…."

The Red Devil tried his best to tell the scene in front of him, but because of the lack of language, he didn't know how to describe it. After a few back and forth, he couldn't express his meaning, and he was so anxious that his hands kept gesturing.

"Ripple?" Ivan  seemed to understand something and hurriedly said: "Try to slide your hands along those ripples to see if you can separate them."

"Oh! I'll try." The red devil suddenly stretched out his hands, like pulling a curtain to the left and right, and then a strange scene appeared in front of everyone. The invisible space was separated from left to right, and a space corridor appeared. Through the hole, you could see the sea under the night, with countless stars above and sea waves shining below.

Kerry, the housekeeper, has been following Ivan, seeing the opposite scene through the hole, and suddenly pointed to a lighthouse and said, "This is a lighthouse built on a small island not far from us. I surveyed the surrounding area before. I went there once when I was in the environment."

"So that's the case, Azazel, it seems that your ability has advanced, you can directly tear the space apart, but you already have teleportation, this ability to tear space seems to overlap a bit, and it's not very useful, you Try again to see if you have any other abilities."

The Red Devil was a little embarrassed, "Is it possible to develop the ability overnight? It takes a long time to experiment, but I can feel that my teleportation has also been enhanced, not only the number of times increased, but also the more I can carry when moving, In the past, I could only teleport with a dozen people at most, but now it's no problem to bring a hundred people."

"This can't be done. I've worked so hard to help you strengthen your abilities. If it's only useful, wouldn't it be a big loss? Now do as I say."

Ivan decided to help the Red Devil find other ways to use his spatial abilities. As a later generation, with the knowledge obtained on the Internet and his imagination, Ivan has absolute confidence.

First of all, Ivan thought that it was naturally Obito's use of space ability in Naruto, "Azazel, since you can see the space ripples, then surround yourself with the ripples according to the rules to form a unique dimensional space to protect yourself. ."

Under the guidance of Ivan, the red devil began to mobilize the surrounding space ripples to surround his body. Because he was using it for the first time, he was very unskilled, and he finally managed to do it.

At this time, Ivan suddenly grabbed an apple from the package he was carrying and threw it over. The red devil instinctively reached out to pick it up, but a strange thing happened. The apple fell through the red devil's palm and fell to the ground.

Red Devil, didn't react for a while and stayed there, but Ivan was excited, shouted "It really works", and then grabbed a bunch of things and threw them over, what chairs, tables, water glasses...even There was also a knife, but in the end, it wasn't enough. He didn't know where he got a submachine gun from and started shooting.

It startled the red devil at first, but soon the red devil discovered that these attacks could not hurt him at all, and no matter what hit him, he would pass through it, as if he was a phantom at all, non-existent, and had no effect at all. Red Devil knew for the first time that spatial abilities could play like this.

The results of the experiment made Ivan  very satisfied, "Very good, with this trick, in the future, as long as you are not unlucky enough to meet some people who can restrain you, you can be invincible position, but it is not enough, lets ahead and see what other abilities can be developed?"

The Red Devil also tasted the sweetness. Naturally, he would not refuse Ivan's proposal. The two began to experiment again and again. After that, with the help of Ivan, the Red Devil opened up a storage space of his own, with three football fields. The size of the field, and then was instructed by the excited Ivan to put all the equipment in, but unfortunately, that space cannot store living things, otherwise, Ivan wanted to live in it for two days.

In addition, Ivan also helped the Red Devil develop a long-range attack, called the Dimensional Blade, which could directly cut the space and cut the enemy into two pieces. Of course, it can also directly shatter the space to kill the enemy in a large area, but this attack method consumes If it is too big, the red devil will be exhausted even if it is used, so it should not be used lightly until it is necessary.

As for the use of other spatial abilities, although Ivan still has a lot of ideas, after trying it, he failed. Maybe it will be possible to display it after the Red Devil is upgraded again.

"Fortunately, Kerry, you're going to gather everyone now, it's time for us to go." Today's experiment ended successfully, the harvest was not small, and it was time to leave.

"Let's go? Now? But what about this base? Did you just give up?" Butler Kerry was confused about it, not knowing what Ivan's idea was.

"That's right, leave immediately, we don't want this base anymore, and directly activate the self-destruct function later to blow up everything here."

"Why? Although this base is nothing to us, it takes a lot of thought. It's a pity to give up like this." Kerry's eyes flashed with a trace of reluctance.

Ivan naturally understood Kerry's thoughts, but he also had a reason to give up, persuading: "This world is very mysterious, there are many magical powers, our experiment broke out strong spatial fluctuations, ordinary people can't sense anything, but there must be some people with special abilities.

Who knows if they will find out? To be honest, I originally planned to let the Red Devil take us all away first. It is taken in, which reduces the loss, and other things are of little value, so they are directly blown up without leaving any clues."

Kerry, although Ivan was too careful since Ivan had already made a decision, did not object and soon gathered everyone together. The red devil has teleported away in an instant.

Not long after Ivan and the others left, there was a rumbling explosion from the base and a base that took a lot of hard work and money to build was razed to the ground. Money is willful.

Ivan didn't know how correct his decision was. When Ivan was doing experiments, the fluctuation of space energy attracted the attention of some mysterious beings.

The bald woman in the Himalayas raised her head and looked in the direction of the island where Ivan's experiment was going. After thinking about it, she invited a subordinate to explain a few words and asked him to investigate the source of the space energy.

Kunlun, China, a Taoist priest with a crane-haired face and dressed as a Taoist also raised his head, with an inexplicable look in his eyes, he was about to get up and go out, but after walking a few steps back, he murmured: "Forget it, now it is the most critical period for developing new power. No need to make extra efforts."

In a mysterious place in the UK, there is a peculiar magic academy, an old man with a beard turned into a shape-shifting phantom disappearing in place, chasing after the fluctuation of space energy.

On an island shrouded by a barrier, the woman wearing the crown felt in her heart and glanced in one direction, but it soon returned to normal, and someone noticed her change at this moment.

There is a unique space in the depths of the sea, but there is a city, and a Queen holding a Sea Trident.

In addition, some mysterious beings sensed this space energy, but most of them did not do anything for various reasons. Seeing a base that was destroyed, nothing else was found, and in the end, had to let it go.

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