
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site.

Mad_verse · Movies
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Spiritual Water

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You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my Patreon - Mad_verse [ Your support will help me in continuing this fic]


Ivan didn't enter the temple immediately; instead, he stood outside, gazing at the surrounding mountains with their undulating beauty. His eyes flickered, and his brain raced at a high speed, secretly calculating something.

Just as Ivan was engrossed in his thoughts, a creaking sound suddenly emanated from behind him as the temple door swung open. Ivan turned around to see a Taoist priest in traditional robes emerging from the temple, moving gracefully, exuding a comforting aura.

Although the Taoist priest appeared unremarkable at first glance, he was elderly with white hair, Ivan dared not underestimate him. There was something different about him—a mysterious, seemingly calm yet extremely dangerous aura that belied his seemingly aged appearance.

Approaching Ivan, the Taoist priest extended his hand, saying, "Dr. Ivan, you have finally arrived. I've been waiting for quite some time."

As Ivan instinctively shook the offered hand, he paused and inquired, "Waiting for a long time? Did you know I was coming? Do you possess predictive abilities? Furthermore, as a Taoist priest, should you not adhere to traditional etiquette and avoid handshakes?"

The Taoist priest chuckled, "I'm no prophet, just greeting you in advance. I've heard about Dr. Ivan's contributions to our country. Though I'm an outsider, I'm truly grateful for your assistance. So, when I heard of your visit, I came ahead of time to extend my hospitality. As for handshakes, well, times are changing, and one must adapt."

It turned out the old Taoist had a modern flair. Ivan mused, "I see. I may have been overthinking it earlier. By the way, I haven't asked your name yet. I apologize for my rudeness."

The old Taoist waved off the apology, saying, "No need for formalities. I was engrossed in our conversation and forgot to introduce myself. My name is Yiming, given to me by my master."

While "Yiming" didn't sound like a typical Taoist name, Ivan didn't dwell on it. He asked, "May I ask, Taoist Yiming if someone from the government informed you of the purpose of my visit beforehand?"

"I already mentioned that you've come for the spiritual water in the Shenlong Temple. It's in the well in the backyard, available whenever you wish. However, Dr. Ivan, your visit is a rare occasion, so I wanted to greet you personally and extend my hospitality. Please have some tea."

Yiming led the way inside the temple, and Ivan, Red Devil, and Li Guang followed suit. They soon found themselves in an antique living room where a young Taoist priest appeared with four cups of tea.

Ivan had seldom consumed tea since arriving in this world, but he had been quite familiar with it in his previous life. He took a sip, and the tea's fragrance flooded his mouth, making him involuntarily shudder.

Red Devil and Li Guang also seemed entranced by the tea's exquisite taste after taking a sip, even though Red Devil wasn't a regular tea drinker.

"The flavor of this tea is unique. Even I, who know little about tea, can sense its magic. It must be quite valuable. Is this the so-called spiritual water?"

Yiming nodded and said, "Indeed, it's brewed with the spiritual water from the well. As for the tea, it's wild mountain tea, but the periodic infusion of spiritual water from the well gives it its distinct quality."

"It's remarkable. I'm becoming increasingly curious about this well and its water."

Pleased by Ivan's praise, Yiming's expression shifted to one of melancholy. "Although the well water is extraordinary, its potency has been waning. In truth, the effects of spiritual water have been diminishing gradually over time. In a few decades, it may be no different from ordinary water."

This revelation left Ivan startled, and he promptly inquired, "What's the reason? Can you elaborate?"

Yiming explained, "It's not something that can't be shared. There's a legend about this spiritual water. Centuries ago, a hunter lost his way in these mountains, unable to find his path no matter how he tried. One day, he witnessed a dragon soaring into the sky and vanishing. The hunter, terrified, remained prostrate on the ground for some time. When he finally dared to explore the area, he discovered that the land had turned black, as if scorched by lightning. In the center of this charred land, a spring gushed forth.

Thirsty and famished, the hunter drank from the spring and instantly felt reinvigorated. He was no longer hungry. Later, he found his way back home and shared his miraculous discovery with his family. Believing that the mountain was once the dwelling place of the dragon, the family moved to the mountain, gradually evolving into a village. The spring water endowed them with robust health, free from all ailments.

With time, the spring water began to diminish until it eventually stopped flowing. Its efficacy also started to dwindle. However, the villagers determined to preserve the miraculous water, and dug a well near the spring's origin, allowing it to persist, albeit with decreasing potency. In a few decades, it will likely become no different from regular well water."

Curious, Ivan inquired, "So, is Daoist Yiming the descendant of the original hunter now that you're in charge of the Shenlong Temple?"

Yiming shook his head, dispelling the notion. "No, that's not the case. My ancestor was a cultivator who stumbled upon this place. The undulating mountains here forms a massive natural formation, with the Shenlong Temple situated at its focal point, where spiritual energy gathers. Initially, he believed it was a sanctuary for cultivation, only to discover it was dedicated to the dragon. He decided to discuss the matter with the villagers and took up residence here. I now oversee the temple and conduct rituals for the villagers."

"Natural formation? Speaking of that, I've explored the terrain in this area, but I'm unfamiliar with formation techniques. I've read a bit about it, but it didn't seem pertinent to my research. However, I regret not paying more attention to the underground aspect. Can you enlighten me?"

Ivan paused briefly, rephrased his thoughts, and continued, "In my view, the surrounding mountains form a network of interconnecting nodes, creating a powerful magnetic field. This field gradually concentrates energy, with the central node being the Shenlong Temple. However, I'm uncertain about how the spiritual water is created. It appears to be a dynamic water, enriched with underground minerals beneficial to human health. It's likely linked to this energy field."

Yiming, despite the scientific jargon, grasped the essence of Ivan's explanation.

"I didn't expect such an interpretation. It's enlightening. As for the spiritual water, it's indeed unrelated to the formation technique. There's another mystical aspect to it. According to Feng Shui, this place aligns with the Golden Dragon's water-spouting tendency. Two Golden Dragons convene, causing underground water to surge and produce a spiritual spring."

"Golden Dragon Water Vein"

Now it was Ivan's turn to be astonished. Though he had perused numerous ancient texts and Feng Shui concepts, he hadn't delved deeply into them. In his research, he focused more on the surrounding mountains and the magnetic field rather than the underground dynamics, a decision he now regrets.

"Master Yiming, could you allow me to examine the well?" Ivan inquired.

"Certainly, you're welcome to have a look," Yiming Laodao replied. Ivan's request prompted a trip to the temple's backyard, with Li Guang and the Red Devil following closely.

The group soon arrived at a well constructed from blue bricks, its octagonal shape standing tall in the yard. Ivan used a nearby bucket to draw a sample of water and tasted it to confirm its nature as active water.

With his eyes closed, Ivan activated his extraordinary mental powers, probing the underground conditions within a radius of over ten miles. After a brief examination, a grin crept across his face.

"So that's how it is!"

Yiming expressed amazement at Ivan's insight and eagerly inquired, "Dr. Ivan, do you understand the situation now? Please, enlighten me, and I will do everything I can as your host, whatever you may require in the future."

Ivan waved off the idea, dismissing it as a minor matter. After ten minutes of writing and sketching, he handed the notebook back to the Red Devil.

"Excavate a well, each 1,200 meters deep, at these three locations," Ivan pointed out, marking specific spots on the sketch. "With China's current technology and equipment, this can be accomplished in just one month. Toss a grenade down each well, and upon detonation, the cracks will be sealed."

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