
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site.

Mad_verse · Movies
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Ivan deliberately wore an anxious expression as his palms gently caressed Natalia's back, moving down to her buttocks. The future Black Widow nestled against Ivan's body, unaware that Ivan had been reading her thoughts for some time.

In the movie "Lucy," Lucy also possessed this ability after her brain developed. After extensive exploration, Ivan developed various psychic abilities, surpassing even Lucy in strength and perfection.

Through Natalia's memories, Ivan swiftly pieced together the events leading to the appearance of the future Black Widow. It turned out that the Soviet Union had been working on Super soldier serum, a task assigned to the renowned spy agency Red House. However, their situation differed from that of the United States, as they lacked a volunteer like Dr. Erskine. Instead, they aimed to infiltrate Hydra.

Hydra's selection process was incredibly rigorous, making it extremely challenging to gain entry. After much consideration, they resorted to a beauty scheme, with Natalia emerging as the standout candidate after passing numerous tests. Originally, Red House agents were to be sterilized, but they made a special exception due to Ivan's presence. This decision was made after stringent physical examinations revealed that sterilization could expose them to detection.

Additionally, Ivan discovered in Natalia's memories a mission from the Soviet Union related to himself. It involved monitoring Ivan's whereabouts and, if the opportunity arose, capturing Ivan and sending him to the Soviet Union to assist in weapon development. Ivan was a renowned scientist in multiple fields, particularly in weapons research. The hope was slim, so they also instructed Natalia to eliminate Ivan if capture proved impossible.

Ivan had not anticipated that his mere presence would alter the Black Widow's fate. In her previous life, he had admired the heroic widow.

He escorted Natalia to his bedroom, kicked the door close, and gently laid her on the bed. Natalia seemed hesitant, her reluctance evident, but a fire burned within Ivan. He resisted the urge to tear off her clothes and embrace her passionately, choosing to exercise restraint.

Ivan reached out to lift Natalia's chin, but her eyes remained downcast. Ivan tenderly kissed her soft lips and playfully inquired, "Is something amiss? Am I intimidating you? You can't even look at me."

"No, I just don't know..." Natalia's voice trembled, and Ivan silently chuckled. She truly deserved to be the future Black Widow, a natural actress. While she might not be as skilled as S.H.I.E.L.D. agents or other superheroes, she displayed the potential of a super-agent.

"Alright, don't be nervous. We can start by chatting. Tell me, how did you end up here? Where is your family?"

"I...I no longer have any family. They all perished in the war. It was horrific—my father, mother, and..." Natalia's voice faltered, tears welling up.

Natalia's vulnerability stirred a protective instinct in Ivan's heart, even though he knew she was acting. Ivan found himself pitying her despite his earlier awareness.

Ivan's heart raced. Had he not known the truth and been prepared, he might have fallen for her act and been at a loss for words.

"Don't be sad. I'll protect you from now on. As long as you're with me, no one can harm you."

As Ivan spoke, his hand ventured beneath Natalia's shirt, finding her firm breasts and gently massaging them. Natalia couldn't help but emit a moan, her face flushing. Even the strongest woman would succumb to such circumstances.

Ivan, experienced in such affairs, knew exactly what to do. He gradually unbuttoned their clothing, and soon they lay on the bed, naked, lost in a passionate embrace. The room echoed with their love, a symphony of desire and fulfillment.

Their encounter lasted over an hour. Although Ivan's physique was not Super soldier like those of other warriors, his enhanced physical qualities allowed him to outlast ordinary people, leaving Natalia begging for mercy. Eventually, they succumbed to exhaustion, falling asleep together.

When Ivan awoke the next morning, he saw a teardrop in the corner of Natalia's eye. She must have been exhausted. Ivan felt a tenderness in his heart, savoring the moment. Yet, he couldn't help but lament that his pillow companion was a secret agent and spy, foretelling an uncertain future.

As Ivan pulled back the covers, he noticed a pool of blood on the bed, a revelation that stunned him. He hadn't anticipated that Natalia was a virgin; her mission from the Red Room had not permitted her to engage in sexual activities before her first mission.

Nevertheless, Ivan chuckled. Regardless of the revelation, he felt content with the outcome. He turned his attention back to the sleeping beauty beside him, his desire rekindling as he caressed her.

Natalia, tormented by Ivan's advances, opened her eyes quickly. She blushed upon seeing Ivan's actions, shooting him a sidelong glance.

This time, Ivan grew even more excited, his desire overpowering him. He pressed Natalia beneath him, and their passion resumed.

After their passionate encounter, Natalia lay weakly on the bed. Ivan, now reenergized, got dressed.

"You must be exhausted. Let's rest for a while," he suggested.

Natalia, by her mission, feigned exhaustion. She needed to contact her superiors to clarify the priorities of her conflicting tasks: stealing the Super soldier serum and kidnapping Ivan.

Although Ivan suspected Natalia's intentions, he remained unperturbed. In his eyes, Natalia had no way out of his control.

In the following days, Ivan's life remained tranquil. He spent his days discussing physics with Dr. Zola and his nights with Natalia.

It wasn't until half a month later that Ivan's life took a turn. The construction of the laboratory was complete, all the necessary equipment was in place, and it was time to resume the research on the Super soldier serum.


Author's note

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