
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site. 穿越反派之子

Mad_verse · Movies
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209 Chs


Authors Note-

You can read up to 20 chapters ahead on my Patreon - Mad_verse [ Your support will help me in continuing this fic]


On the surface, Loki appears unchanged, but there's a shift in the energy surrounding him, revealing the twists and turns of life on his once malevolent countenance.

"How's your fantastical journey? The gains were substantial, I hope. Let's purge redundant memories to prevent emotional amalgamation from distorting your identity. Cooperate and refrain from resistance. Retain your cultivation insights and combat experience."

Ivan extended *** to Loki's temples, initiating the deletion of redundant memories. Notions of a giant's offspring and a Laufi female slowly faded. Progress continued smoothly until memories of Loki's wife, Sigurn, and daughter, Hela, were targeted as they gazed at him affectionately, a resistance stirred within Loki. Sigurn and Hela's images froze his movements, leaving him visibly shocked, vehemently resisting.

"Don't resist. These memories are false and unnecessary. Failure to delete them may induce a chain reaction, altering your temperament. You risk becoming unrecognizable."

Ivan's words persisted while his actions intensified, aiming to eradicate the last vestiges of Loki's memories. Unexpectedly, Loki's resistance grew more robust, prompting Ivan to hesitate. Continuing posed the risk of impairing Loki's mental faculties.

With a sigh, Ivan withdrew his hand, surveying Loki with a sense of helplessness. "How did you manage that? The connection snapped at a crucial moment. Do you still cling to emotions? Ah, emotions are the most tormenting. You may find this challenge insurmountable without cooperation. I can't erase that part of your memory without your help; I hope you won't regret it."

Loki ignored Ivan, fixating his gaze forward without focus. "Was everything I went through just a fabrication? Why does my grief feel so genuine?"

"Who knows? It could be another experience from a parallel universe. Yet, for you, it remains a dream that shatters upon awakening."

"Only? Today, I discovered my true desire. It's not the throne, not power, not honor—it's recognition!" Loki's countenance betrayed confusion as thoughts of the person he once scorned yet envied surfaced. The burly man had always cherished his mother, Frigga, and his father, a figure rarely acknowledged.

"Alright, now that you've decided, don't regret it. Our transaction is official. Don't forget about my world branch."

Loki inhaled deeply, composed himself, and asserted, "Rest assured, I'll uphold my end of the bargain. I'll find a way to obtain the branches of the World Tree as soon as possible."

Asgard acknowledged Loki as one of its brightest minds. Despite strict security around the World Tree, Loki believed acquiring its branches posed no significant challenge.

"Don't fret about it; I won't need it for ten years. When the time comes, I'll collect it. Ensure you find a foolproof method without causing trouble for yourself."

Satisfied with their agreement, they returned to the table, toasting their newfound collaboration. After dinner, Ivan bid farewell.

Having grasped the situation, Ivan wouldn't wait for Asgard to evict him. While he understood the circumstances, it was less embarrassing to leave voluntarily.

In the following days, Ivan prepared for his departure. He utilized his watch and unique materials, incorporating light energy technology. Ivan upgraded the weak brain, integrating the computer with his body, allowing direct control through brain waves.

The remaining knowledge was stored in the optical brain. Ivan then visited Thor, bidding farewell and expressing his desire to explore the universe, with the first stop being the void.

Knowing his impending deep sleep, Odin faced the challenge of sending Ivan away. To his surprise, Ivan proposed leaving voluntarily. Odin agreed, providing a spaceship and guiding Ivan through the rainbow bridge.

Traveling 1000 kilometers per second, Ivan's spaceship ranked among the top in the universe. However, still 60 million kilometers from the void, reaching the destination would take approximately two and a half hours.

Expecting the rainbow bridge to transport him directly, Ivan learned that each faction had its jurisdiction. Asgard couldn't access others' territories, so Ivan first traveled to a designated planet and then utilized a specially prepared spaceship for a space jump before heading to the void.

Space jumping felt akin to a shape-shifting phantom for Ivan. Unaffected by physical discomfort due to his robust constitution, the journey proved mundane. Ivan used this time to rest and prepare to venture into the void.

Setting the spaceship to autopilot, Ivan stretched and instructed, "Red Queen, you'll take over the controls. I'm going to sleep; wake me when we reach our destination."

A holographic projection materialized the image of a red-haired girl as the Red Queen respectfully replied, "As you command, Dr. Ivan. It is my honor to serve you."

Ivan expressed satisfaction with the Red Queen's capabilities. Despite being a newly created entity, the light energy technology remodeled her, enhancing information processing capabilities. Driving the spaceship was a minor task, and Ivan felt reassured knowing she could handle any potential accidents efficiently.

The interior lights gradually dimmed as the spaceship sailed through the universe. The Red Queen's voice abruptly awakened Ivan, "Dr. Ivan, the spaceship is approaching its destination and is about to land. Please be prepared."

Awakening from his sleep, Ivan opened his eyes to witness a colossal head-shaped planet through the spaceship's glass.

Despite prior knowledge of the Celestial's massive head, Ivan was shocked by its sheer enormity.

Upon parking the spaceship, Ivan headed straight to the most thriving area in the Land. It was a bustling hub with diverse cosmic inhabitants, offering Ivan a captivating experience.

True to its name, Knowhere epitomized chaos and lawlessness, devoid of rules or structure. Criminals of all kinds, from wanted fugitives to interstellar predators, war criminals, and slave smugglers, roamed freely, unaffected by legal repercussions, acquiring supplies and contraband.

Curiosity gripped Ivan during his first visit, leading him to explore the diverse goods sold by cosmic vendors. As he found items of interest, he paused to scrutinize and make purchases when deemed beneficial.

Upon leaving Asgard, Odin generously compensated Ivan with one million universe coins. Ivan reciprocated by presenting Odin with small gifts of significant value. Consequently, Ivan found himself relatively wealthy and spared no expense during his expenditures. However, the Knowhere boasted the highest crime rate, where robbery and murder loomed at every corner. Here, strength dictated everything.

Ivan's extravagant spending soon attracted attention. Opportunistic individuals recognized him as a lucrative target, viewing him as a potential source of wealth to be exploited. The looming threat of someone acting soon hung in the air.

Unaware of being targeted, Ivan remained indifferent. The maestro was bold and confident in his strength, with few individuals capable of besting him across the universe.

While purchasing the skeleton of an unknown creature from a cosmic pirate or wanted criminal, a child's voice rang out behind him, "Sir, do you need a guide?"

Turning to the source, Ivan found a hopeful little boy. Sporting a kind smile, Ivan patted the child's head and replied, "Certainly, I need a guide to take me to Mr. Tivan, the Collector. I have some business transactions with him. Do you know the location?"

"Of course, sir. I'm very familiar with this place and can guide you. Please come with me."

The little boy led the way, and Ivan followed leisurely, wearing a meaningful smile. Despite the boy's attempt to appear composed, Ivan detected a trace of panic in his eyes. Utilizing his mental power, Ivan probed the child's thoughts, gaining insight into the situation.

Internally sighing, Ivan acknowledged the resilience of children surviving in Knowhere. In their quest for survival, they were willing to sacrifice everything, conscience long abandoned. Even the youngest among them couldn't escape this harsh reality.

Ivan harbored no resentment toward the children, recognizing that their actions were shaped by the harsh environment and the unforgiving rules that forced them into desperate measures for survival.

As Ivan and the little boy departed, a nearby red-skinned alien expressed disappointment, "Too bad Moro gave him a head start. I could make a fortune off that handsome spender. Moro's method of using children for deception is quite effective. Why not give it a try?"

An alien with scales retorted, "Don't even think about it! Do you know who Moro is? He'll turn you into meat sauce within minutes if you challenge him. I won't even bother collecting your corpse."

Startled, the red-skinned alien quickly backtracked, "I was just joking, kidding around. Let's not talk about this unfortunate matter. Let's go grab a drink."

The aliens dispersed, returning to normalcy. Meanwhile, the little boy led Ivan through the area. However, they soon found themselves on a grimy and disorderly sidewalk, blocked by armed aliens ahead and others closing in from behind. Previously leading the way, the little boy swiftly darted behind a two-meter-tall alien clad only in trousers with a torso covered in dense scars and rock-like skin.

Amused by the unfolding drama, Ivan noted the gangster-like scenario playing out. Today, it seemed the script had found its way to him. If someone aimed a muzzle at him, he wouldn't hesitate to respond.