
Destiny Unbound [Marvel X DCU]

In a cosmic anomaly. Ivan, an ordinary comic book enthusiast, dies and is reborn into this merged reality with vivid memories of his past life. Now possessing unique abilities and knowledge of the fictional universe. Guided by his unwavering love for these fictional worlds, he embarks on a thrilling quest to unite iconic characters from both Marvel and DC, forging unlikely alliances to face an unprecedented threat. How will ivan's newfound existence affect the multiverse? *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Mad_verse. This is where I read it- Qidian so you can support the original author on a Chinese site. 穿越反派之子

Mad_verse · Movies
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208 Chs

3 Small Shots

Authors Note-

You can read up to 20 chapters ahead on my Patreon - Mad_verse [ Your support will help me in continuing this fic]


The collision of the two barriers created a violent spacial fluctuation, forming a storm. Ultimately, Red Devil's shield was slightly inferior and was smashed by Apocalypse.

Despite this, Red Devil's mastery of space was deeper. Before Apocalypse's shield reached him, a space wormhole appeared below his feet, swallowing him.

The sudden disappearance left Apocalypse stunned. Moments later, he sensed a hint of danger from above. He saw Red devil descending from the sky, a short black knife slashing through the barrier. The power of space exploded, cutting the shield open and striking at the neck.

Apocalypse raised his left arm, and yellow sand condensed into an armed guard to meet the black knife. With a "bang," the black knife broke the arm guard, leaving a wound on Apocalypse's arm. Although Apocalypse's recovery ability was not as immediate as before, he quickly retaliated by slapping away Red Devil.

Red Devil teleported to dodge, changed direction and slashed again with his knife. To onlookers, the Azazel seemed to appear and disappear, leaving wounds on Apocalypse.

Little did they know about Red Devil's internal struggle. He knew that continuing this way would lead to inevitable defeat, as his attacks had minimal impact on Apocalypse. Meanwhile, he had to exert maximum power constantly, leaving himself vulnerable to Apocalypse's touch. How long could he sustain this cognitive fighting style?

While the Red Devil and Apocalypse clashed, Chris and the others discussed countermeasures. Kyle expressed concern about the Red Devil's endurance against the fierce Apocalypse. Chris suggested seeking help from Professor X, who Apocalypse took. They were still connected, and Chris planned to rescue him in the spiritual world.

Chris used apparated as they spoke to reach Professor X's hiding place. He was in a semi-conscious state, with Moira taking care of him.

Chris's sudden appearance alarmed Moira, who pointed a pistol at her. Realizing her disguised appearance, Chris quickly revealed her true face and explained. Moira recognized her son and expressed concern about the danger.

Ignoring his mother's questions, Chris approached Professor X and used a jade pendant with exorcism properties to wake him. The jade pendant, crafted by Ivan, could deal with supernatural entities, making it helpful in this situation.

"Roar!" Simultaneously with Chris's action, the professor, hanging in the mental space by a giant Apocalypse, felt a violent vibration. A dazzling golden dragon appeared in the air, roaring as it swooped down. It bit Apocalypse's shoulder and coiled around him, continuously shrinking its body.

"Ah!" Apocalypse gave a shrill scream, struggling in vain to free himself from the dragon's entanglement. 

Professor X slowly opened his eyes, greeted by the sight of a strange young man taking something from his forehead. A surprised voice echoed in his ear, "Charles, you're awake; it's great."

Turning his head, Professor X saw his old lover, Moira, with a smile full of affection. Chris, standing on the side, felt highly embarrassed, considering Moira's past abuse by men. Chris decided to tactfully step back and give them some space or risk being an unwanted third party.

"Okay, now is not the time for personal matters. There's still a crisis outside. If we don't devise a solution quickly, the X-Men will all die," Chris interjected.

"Uh!" Moira, recalling her previous performance, blushed at her son's reminder.

"Who are you?" Now more composed, Professor X remembered Chris's presence and asked.

Moira promptly explained, "Charles, this is my son, he's a mutant. I just found out that he was the one who saved you before."

"Okay, let's focus on the task at hand. Azazel is buying us time. We need a solution soon because he can't last much longer," Chris urged.

"I need to assess the situation first. Apocalypse's strength is formidable. We can only defeat him by consolidating the strength of all of us. If that doesn't work, we may have to resort to Qin..." Professor X halted mid-sentence, alluding to the power of the phoenix. He was reluctant to use this trump card unless necessary, as it posed a more significant threat than Apocalypse, capable of world destruction.

Chris carried Professor X on his back, with Moira following behind. They witnessed the intense battle unfolding in the field when they emerged outside. The Red Devil exerted all efforts to hold on, teetering on the brink of defeat. Onlookers, including Mystique, Blue Devil, Quicksilver, and Beast, appeared anxious but powerless to intervene. The protective shield of Apocalypse was impenetrable to them.

Upon Professor X's appearance, Beast, Qin, Darwin, and others immediately noticed, their faces lighting up joyfully. Although Chris's presence was somewhat strange, they refrained from questioning the current situation. Gathering around, Beast took charge of Professor X, considering Chris an outsider.

Apocalypse, too, welcomed Professor X's arrival. Apocalypse, realizing the disconnection of the mental link, had expected Professor X to escape. However, to his surprise, Professor X appeared willingly. This time, he was determined to capture the Professor alive.

Apocalypse, disregarding the ongoing battle with the Red Devil, struggled to break free and approached Professor X, reaching out to grab him.

Reacting swiftly, Chris pushed Professor X away with his left hand and unleashed magic with his right hand.

Apocalypse, feeling no imminent threat, dismissed Chris's attack. However, he miscalculated, and he was sent flying like a meteor.

Chris's magic wasn't lethal but had a unique effect – bouncing the enemy away. Apocalypse flew directly toward Kyle, Clark, and others.


With Kyle's loud command, Clark, resembling a giant, the sturdy general, and the large dog Simba burst out of hiding simultaneously. Clark's eyes emitted hot rays, targeting Apocalypse's head, while the powerful punch of the General struck his abdomen. Simba joined in, biting his leg from three directions.

Apocalypse sensed a sudden surge of danger as two red beams of light approached from the corner of his eyes. Swiftly, he raised his right hand to block the incoming attack, and the light beams scorched his arm intensely. Despite the searing pain, Apocalypse's super recovery ability kicked in, gradually healing the damage.

Unfortunately, Clark, despite his formidable strength, was still relatively young. Despite Ivan's training, his power fell short compared to the original Superman. In the ongoing battle, he found himself losing ground to Tianqi.

Enduring the pain in his arm, Apocalypse knew the crisis was far from over. A massive fist descended with thunderous momentum, striking Apocalypse's abdomen. The impact caused him to double over, nearly vomiting.

The onslaught continued. Although Apocalypse was initially sent flying backward, he experienced sudden pain in his left foot. Something caught him, and his body was tossed circularly before being thrown again. He crashed heavily into the pyramid he had created, breaking through multiple layers of walls and falling inside.

A distant cheer erupted from Cyclops, Blue Devil, Qin, and other young mutants as they witnessed Apocalypse seemingly crushed. However, their joy turned to concern when they noticed that those who had just dealt the blows to Apocalypse wore expressions devoid of victory. Even Professor X stared solemnly at the gaping hole in the pyramid.

Qin, quick to sense the abnormality, used her abilities to investigate and was immediately shocked. She discovered a rapidly escalating energy field within the pyramid.


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