
Destiny Love For Male Omega

Izekiel got into danger when he was trapped by someone from the past who told a young Alpha from clan number one, if Izekiel liked the young Alpha man. The young Alpha was Christopher William of the William Clan, the young Alpha was angry and shouted loudly at Izekiel a Beta who dared to like the Alpha. Izekiel's days became harder with that, he was also bullied by the young Alpha's fans, every day Izekiel would come home with bruises on his body because of the bullies he received at school. Izekiel always looked at the warmth of his family from afar, they were chatting without Izekiel, Izekiel's heart ached, Izekiel also did not want to be born as an omega male, but did he have to blame the god.

Agatharexa · LGBT+
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6 Chs

Little accident with alpha

Little accident with alpha

Bab 2

Izekiel's mouth opened wide when he almost reached the special school for nobles, the only children of the lower level who could enter there were those with a high level of intelligence.

"Diana, I'm scared, there are so many Alphas." Izekiel said with a slight tremble. Diana's eyes also trembled, although the school was very good, but unexpectedly there was a den of Alphas.

"But this is a recommendation from your own father Ize." Diana explained, Diana was actually worried about Izekiel's safety right now, but what else could she do.

While the two were busy thinking, a soft voice came from behind.

"Hello, why are you staying here?" Hearing that question, they turned around, Diana sensed that the girl in front of her was an omega.

"Oh hi, I'm just taking my employer's son to school, maybe my young master is hesitant to enter because he's a Beta." Diana's explanation made the girl turn to Izekiel, then assess Izekiel's physique. Izekiel who was stared at like that lowered his head.

"Ah sorry, introduce me Viviane Roselinda, an omega, nice to meet you guys, would this Beta Male like to go in there with me?" The question received stares from the two people in front of the omega girl named Viviane.

Izekiel and Diana looked at each other before Diana finally nodded to Izekiel,

"Uhm, let's go in together." Izekiel invited.

Izekiel and Viviane went in there, while Diana was grateful that her young master had made a friend, Diana went home immediately.


When they went inside, it turned out that there were so many omegas, Jezekiel and Viviane sat in the school garden while waiting for the new student admission ceremony.

"What's wrong? Like it's uncomfortable?" Viviane asked Izekiel.

"Ah, don't you feel that many Alphas are watching us?" Izekiel was indeed very sensitive to Alphas, the danger alarm was always playing in his brain.

Viviane looked around then nodded in agreement with Izekiel's words,

"Maybe it's because I'm sitting with a beautiful omega like Viviane." Jezekiel joked, but he wasn't lying, Viviane was indeed very beautiful. Viviane also blushed, even so Viviane did not think of falling in love with Izekiel, because the moon goddess had given her a soul mate, an Alpha Woman from another school.

"You could have, but Ize, you're too pretty for a Beta." Viviane's words made Izekiel smile bitterly,

"Haha, never mind." After Viviane's words, some of their senior Alphas came over to the two.

"Two beautiful omegas huh." Said one of them, Izekiel trembled but he tried not to be affected, after all he had to act nicely as a Beta.

"Sorry seniors, but he's a guy and a Beta." Viviane explained making her three seniors stare at each other.

One of them came forward and gripped Izekiel's chin tightly, Izekiel winced in pain.

"Is he really a Beta? He's like an omega." Obviously the Alpha was slightly suppressing his aura, making Viviane stutter, Izekiel was also already a little tight but he was trying to be ordinary.

Seeing Izekiel so calm, made the three seniors believe that this beautiful young man in front of them was a Beta. They left Izekiel and Viviane's presence.

Both of them could breathe a sigh of relief,


A group of young men were gathering in the school hall, then came three Alphas who were also part of them.

"Where's Ric from?" Nathan asked,

"The usual, seeing the new kids, oh yeah I met a pretty boy but unfortunately he's Beta." Eric said,

"Hooh, a little strange, because he's too beautiful for a Beta," replied Kevin.

"So what if he's an omega?" Cleo asked,

"I want to be a slave lah" Eric's lighthearted words made Nathan and Cleo stand still, for some reason in both of their minds, the face of their youngest brother passed by. Nathan hurriedly dismissed the thought, while Cleo was very afraid that her youngest would be found out. Cleo began to feel a little compassion.

"What do you think Christ," Eric asked their gang leader,

"Beta is still Beta, it can't be used as easily and deliciously as omega." Christ said, which was rewarded with laughter by the others except Cleo who remained silent,


After getting a class, at this time Izekiel and Viviane had made new friends again, named Roy a Beta and Salsa an omega, both of them were from the middle caste, Viviane was also from the middle caste, only Izekiel was silent when asked about caste, but from the clothes Izekiel was wearing, the three new friends of Izekiel judged that Izekiel was from the middle class.

"What do you want to order?" Viviane thought,

"Does anyone like bone soup?" Asked Salsa, the twinkle in Izekiel's eyes made Roy, Viviane and Salsa anxious,

"Izekiel seems to really like it, doesn't he?" Roy asked, Izekiel nodded like a puppy, Roy and his three friends held back annoyance at Izekiel's behavior, they felt they were dealing with a cute dog.

"Yes, Salsa ordered it! What do the others want?" Salsa asked Roy and Viviane,

"Anything," said Viviane and Roy,

After waiting for a long time, Salsa finally arrived, because of the hassle, Izekiel got up, wanting to help Viviane, but when he got up he accidentally nudged a hot bowl of soup to someone,

"Got you" said someone with a grin,

Izekiel turned his head and how surprised he was that the one he nudged was an Alpha, Izekiel looked down in fear while Viviane, Roy and Salsa were silent on the spot.

Meanwhile, the Alpha stared intently at the young man in front of him. The Alpha grabbed Izekiel's chin to make Izekiel look at him, but someone stopped him, namely Cleo,

"That's enough Christ, it only hit your hand not your clothes" After saying that, Cleo released Christ's grip on Izekiel.

"Go away" pressed Cleo without her Alpha aura,

"S-sorry" said Izekiel who then ran out of the cafeteria followed by his three friends,

Meanwhile, the person who trapped Izekiel earlier clenched his hand,
