
Destiny Love For Male Omega

Izekiel got into danger when he was trapped by someone from the past who told a young Alpha from clan number one, if Izekiel liked the young Alpha man. The young Alpha was Christopher William of the William Clan, the young Alpha was angry and shouted loudly at Izekiel a Beta who dared to like the Alpha. Izekiel's days became harder with that, he was also bullied by the young Alpha's fans, every day Izekiel would come home with bruises on his body because of the bullies he received at school. Izekiel always looked at the warmth of his family from afar, they were chatting without Izekiel, Izekiel's heart ached, Izekiel also did not want to be born as an omega male, but did he have to blame the god.

Agatharexa · LGBT+
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6 Chs

Birth of Male Omega

"Congratulations sir, your child is a boy." Said a doctor who handled his patient's delivery.

"Really, who is he?" Asked the father of the child with sparkling eyes, hoping that his youngest son was an Alpha.

"Male omega Your Majesty Alpha." The doctor replied timidly.

The twinkle in the Alpha's eyes dimmed, becoming a blazing glare.

Luna who heard that felt like a failure for giving birth to an omega let alone a male.

"Shut your mouth, if anyone asks what kind of son I have, just answer a Beta! You got it!" Pressing the Alpha, the doctor nodded timidly and left as soon as she finished everything.

The Alpha and Luna were silent and reluctant to soothe the omega male baby who kept crying for mother's milk.

"Allow me to give milk to Young Master Omega, Alpha, Luna." Politely said a maid who couldn't bear to see the baby crying from hunger.

"Yes, take care of him, I don't want to breastfeed him and take him away from here!" Banish the Luna.

The maid immediately took the innocent male omega baby away.


17 years passed,

"Stay close Ize!" called a Beta-type woman to the beautiful young man who was running to enjoy the green grass he was stepping on, it was warm and soft.

"Diana! Hurry up!" The young man's soft voice brought a smile to the Beta woman's face.

"Sit down and eat quietly, Izekiel." Diana said.

The beautiful young man named Izekiel obeyed, for him, Diana was everything. Because Diana was the one who took care of him when his parents and two brothers shunned him and even tortured him.

Diana looked at the beautiful face with faint bruises that began to fade on the face, her mind drifted to 17 years ago, where Alpha and Luna refused to see or even take care of the baby who had now grown beautiful in front of her.

While Diana knew, this beautiful young man in front of her assumed all the torment he received was because he made an unforgivable mistake. Even if Izekiel kept quiet, he would still be blamed and tortured for no reason.

"Why, Diana is suddenly crying?" asked Izekiel.

"Oh no, it's okay Ize. How's my cooking?" Diana asked, diverting her young master's question.

"It was delicious! Very good! As usual! Bone soup and bone stir fry are the best!" Izekiel said cheerfully, bringing a smile to Diana's face.

"How does high school feel, Diana? Why am I so beat up?" Asked Izekiel who looked down, he was afraid of being underestimated later, even though he excelled in subject knowledge.

"It's fun, we'll make friends." Diana said understandingly to the young omega.

"But, does anyone want to be friends with an omega male like me? I'm afraid to meet an Alpha." Izekiel whispered.

Diana was also afraid that her young master would be bullied by the Alpha later, even though Izekiel would also be in the same school as his two brothers, there was no chance that his two brothers would help Izekiel from the Alphas out there.

"Remember, Izekiel must confess as a Beta okay." Diana said softly,

"But Diana, the Alpha's aura is very scary." Izekiel said.

"Stay calm, don't be too scared, understand." Diana said, Izekiel nodded in the end, although Izekiel wanted not to leave the mansion, but what outsiders would say if the third son of the Albert family did not go to school would definitely get gossip.

"Let's go home, before my two brothers come home." Izekiel quickly got up, he had to make food for his two older brothers.

"Be careful, Izekiel!" Diana exclaimed as she ran after the young werewolf.

Arriving at the mansion, Izekiel immediately struggled with the amount of meat there. He would have to process it soon, as his siblings would be returning from meeting friends out there.

Diana could only smile bitterly at how excited Izekiel was to cook for his two brothers, even though Izekiel was often tortured, but Izekiel always put his family first.

Izekiel had arranged all the food on the table, he left immediately, however his parents were reluctant to see him, if he didn't leave immediately then punches and slaps would fly on Izekiel's face and body.

"Are you done?" Diana asked,

"Uhm!" Looking funny in Diana's eyes, they left immediately after telling the maid that the food was ready.

Izekiel never heard Diana's words, not to go out when the family was eating, Izekiel just watched silently, smiling bitterly, but that was normal during his life.

Albert's family was eating dinner now, there was the Alpha, Luna, and the two boys who were also Alphas. They ate quietly without knowing there was a heart that longed to be at the same table as them.

It wasn't the first time Cleo, the first son of Adam Albert, the leader of the Albert Clan, felt that someone was watching them. When he turned his head, he realized that Izekiel was staring at them, their eyes met, but Izekiel was more determined.

Cleo snorted, somehow he always felt a little guilty after hitting the unexpected youngest brother,

In the morning, Izekiel was already waiting for Diana who would take him to school, on foot, it was a routine, even back in the first school, Izekiel walked with Diana.

Izekiel wiped his wet lips because he was nervous all the time, he felt his brother's aura around him but these omegas were always afraid to look at the Alpha's bead, they would only look down.

Izekiel felt his two brothers pass by, his second brother deliberately nudged Izekiel's shoulder, making Izekiel stagger forward slightly.

Izekiel is used to the cold attitude of his two brothers towards him, Izekiel has never had a problem with it.

"Let's go, Ize!" Diana said as she took Izekiel's hand. Izekiel also linked his hands and immediately walked together with Diana,

They both didn't notice someone staring at them from afar with a helmet covering his head,

"Let's go brother!"