
Destiny Enchanted

When a millennial darkness is awakened, it's up to a playboy and his friends to stop darkness itself. But he's oblivious of his inevitable future! What could be written in his fate? What would be the outcome of challenging the AGELESS DANGER? ************* "In you lies the future". "What do you mean?". "You possess the seed of Godan and the extremities of Sizzetov. The power you choose most will become your being". ***************** "So literally, you are going to fight your elder brother?". "Yes, as the son of Hell" I replied. ************* "What have you done?". "It was a mistake, I swear". "That's gonna cost your world, pureblood". "You just released Vladimir, father of Dracula. Now you'll have to stop him from ripping the worlds apart". ***************** "So the US government knows about you people?". "Not just them, but some other governments. We stopped being their weapons since the World War II". *************** "How is my hard earned money being spent?". "Very well, sir!". "Is the prototype ready?". "Yes, Mr. President". .......................... "He shall be my weapon of ultimate destruction. Ragnarok 2.0; the end of all gods, heaven or earth!". **************** "Mr. President, we finally cracked the puzzle. We accessed the magical realm". "Good, let's send our old friends a new message". **************** "A masked vigilante goes around killing magical beings. He calls himself Ragnarok". ************* "Who are you then?" His answer made me to look up in shock. "I am Merlin!". *************** I couldn't believe my eyes. The sea of bodies everywhere; all in vain! Sizzetov won at last! *************** "Thank you for your sacrifice, my son. Now, Godan's next!". "You are just a psycho, Sizzetov!". I closed my eyes, succumbing to eternal rest. Discord link: https://discord.gg/A8NsYKrqhG

CommanderHugo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs



I woke up from a light sleep.

I got up and sat down on the bed. I rubbed my head lightly to relieve myself of the aching.

I looked at my body. The scratch wounds were healing very fast.

"You're awake, Ace".

I turned around to get a glimpse of the person. It was none other than Sarah, the chief's little sister.

"Yeah, I am".

I turned around fully to face her. I used the opportunity to look at her full-view.

She was clad in brown pants, a white shirt, and a denim vintage jacket.

She also slayed in a back sneakers to match.

"Looking good Sarah".

"Thanks Ace".

"I didn't know that vampires still go shopping too".

"We're part of the world too. Anyway, these are just part of my collections in the human world".


"Sis called for you. I came to deliver the message".

She turned around and walked away, giving me the chance to get dressed.

'Dressed? What was I saying? Like I packed clothes for a sleepover. I planned only a day with Jula, but it turned out to be three'.

I looked at the wardrobe. I found new clothings inside.

Seems like Sarah didn't just come to deliver a message.

I quickly dashed in and out of the bathroom. I wore the clothes as quick as I could.

{ Wait, I know just what you're thinking!

In a house? How?

Well, they've been around for thousands of years. Of course a decent accommodation is required!

And of a decent accommodation, what crossed your mind?

Thinking of epic tents outdoors?

Have a little conscience! }

As I walked down the stairs, just the memory of last night gave me cold shivers.

I swallowed a hard spittle.

I rubbed my neck, like it just returned from a faraway journey of no-return.

Of course, why won't I?


The pack parted for the new arrival. It was a big brown wolf. It looked at me intently.

It then looked to the sky.


All the pack members crouched down, ready to attack.

One jumped at me. I punched it hard. It flew and hit a tree. The tree had a sizable dent on it. The wolf whined and got up.

Then, the whole pack fixed their gaze on me.

{Seems like I pissed off the wrong pack}

They all rushed at me at once, barking ferociously. They leaped into the sky and landed on me.

They started scratching and biting me hard. In pain, I swung hefty blows in all directions as my impulse deemed fit.

It hit some targets, but it rushed back at me. I managed to get up and fight back.

One ran after me and dived at me. I landed hard on the ground. Surprisingly, it left me alone and returned.

I got up and stared at them, bewildered.

None came to attack me. They all snarled at me, brandishing their razor sharp teeth.

I went closer to take Jula, but as soon as I moved a few feet, they rushed at me again.

Out of shock, I staggered backwards a few steps. They all stopped abruptly and retreated.

I was surprised. It was like a boundary between us. I was thrilled at this knowledge but I wasn't pleased.

Jula was still on the wrong side of the demarcation.

Then, the new arrival who had not attacked came closer to Jula.

It looked back at me. It's eyes told a story; daring me to cross the border.

I looked at the thick line of defence facing me. I couldn't face them alone and save Jula in time.

It then saw my confusion and attempted to coax me. It then snarled at me. It dug it's claw into Jula's limbs and scratched it. Blood flowed from the wounds. Jula groaned in pain.

I then decided to throw all caution to the wind. I decided to risk an attack.

I was about to cross the boundary when a voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Let it go, Sam".

I turned my back to the person. It was the chief lady. Her fellow vampires started to surface from behind her.

"Let it go Sam. It's not yours".

She echoed it louder and more authoritatively than the former.

I was glad seeing that they chose to help me. I wanted to say a few words when I received the shock of my life.

"Oh, really?".

I turned back in horror to the direction of the rich masculine voice.

It was from the brown wolf!

It could talk!!!