
Destiny Enchanted

When a millennial darkness is awakened, it's up to a playboy and his friends to stop darkness itself. But he's oblivious of his inevitable future! What could be written in his fate? What would be the outcome of challenging the AGELESS DANGER? ************* "In you lies the future". "What do you mean?". "You possess the seed of Godan and the extremities of Sizzetov. The power you choose most will become your being". ***************** "So literally, you are going to fight your elder brother?". "Yes, as the son of Hell" I replied. ************* "What have you done?". "It was a mistake, I swear". "That's gonna cost your world, pureblood". "You just released Vladimir, father of Dracula. Now you'll have to stop him from ripping the worlds apart". ***************** "So the US government knows about you people?". "Not just them, but some other governments. We stopped being their weapons since the World War II". *************** "How is my hard earned money being spent?". "Very well, sir!". "Is the prototype ready?". "Yes, Mr. President". .......................... "He shall be my weapon of ultimate destruction. Ragnarok 2.0; the end of all gods, heaven or earth!". **************** "Mr. President, we finally cracked the puzzle. We accessed the magical realm". "Good, let's send our old friends a new message". **************** "A masked vigilante goes around killing magical beings. He calls himself Ragnarok". ************* "Who are you then?" His answer made me to look up in shock. "I am Merlin!". *************** I couldn't believe my eyes. The sea of bodies everywhere; all in vain! Sizzetov won at last! *************** "Thank you for your sacrifice, my son. Now, Godan's next!". "You are just a psycho, Sizzetov!". I closed my eyes, succumbing to eternal rest. Discord link: https://discord.gg/A8NsYKrqhG

CommanderHugo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs




The pack parted for the new arrival. It was a brown wolf. It looked intently at me with it's glowing eyes.

It looked to the sky.


The other pack-members crouched down, ready to attack.


It was the fifth lesson at the Academy.

Lucas got better, thanks to Aunt Aggie's 8th world wonder called hands.

We resumed classes as usual, but this time, under strict surveillance from the authorities of the Academy.

Every time I remembered, it broke my heart that Ace was missing for 3 weeks.

The gang got closer but things wasn't just the same without him.

The ads on the streets of the city didn't seem to help at all.

"Jane, would you like to give it a try?".


I was cruelly jolted out of my reverie but Lucas' request.

Everyone looked at me with rapt attention, making me very nervous.

'Wait! NERVOUS?!!! I literally don't know what was taught in class for the past 8 days, let alone now!!!'.

"Ehnmm, uhmm, I..., um" I stammered pointlessly.

"Seems someone has been found" whispered someone.

It was none other than the jerk, Zen.

The other kids giggled lightly.

"Jane, please step forward".

I shakily put out my right foot in front of the left. I moved forward with all the foreboding in the world, probably.

"Perform the Incurse".

I nervously rubbed my palms against each other at my back.


'Why was I playing dumb all of a sudden? It was dumb, even to me'.

"Perform the Incurse act".

I shakily put forth my hands together.

'What was I about to do?' I screamed at myself.

I rubbed my palms together again. Heaving a sigh of heavy perspiration, I decided to attempt what I don't know.


I covered my ears tightly. I felt like my eardrums were about to burst. The sound was so loud in my consciousness that I lost my balance for a few.

Soon, as abruptly as it began, it stopped.

"Jane, what's wrong?". It was Drekov.

I was freaking out but I managed to get my act together.

"Nothing, nothing. I'm fine".

I took my 'classic nerd' pose. I rubbed my hands together again.


The noise was louder than before. I clutched my ears tightly in pain.

I fell down on the floor. My friends rallied round me.

All their words seemed to be faint.

"Jane, Jane, are you alright?".

Just then, a voice rang into my sub-consciousness.

"Jane, save me".

Just then, everything ended as soon as it started.

My eyes popped out in horror. I'll recognize that voice even in a coma!

I popped up from where I lay.

It was ACE!!!

"Jane, Jane. What's going on?".

"It was Ace. He reached out to me".


"He couldn't possibly be the one".

"How could you be possibly sure? I didn't hear anything".

"Me too".

"I'm sure. I could bet my life on it. It was Ace!".

"What did he say?".

"He said that I should save him".

I burst into fresh tears. I looked at my surroundings again.

I was at my granny's.

"Weren't we at the Academy?".

"You blacked out yesterday".

"How is that possible? I was..., I w...".

"It's okay".

"We have to save him".

"How? We don't know his whereabouts!".

"Not the slightest idea at all".

Just then, a flame appeared in front of me. A papyrus of some sort, came out as the flames extinguished.

"What is it?".

"It's a note of sort".

"What does it say?".

I opened the note as fast as I could.

It read "Help me, Jane. Only you can save me!".

I staggered backwards. Xiao looked at me. He immediately grabbed the note and read it aloud.

"It's from Ace" I confirmed.

"Do you believe me now?".

"That aside. How do you intend to save him?".

"Anyhow, anyway I can".


A lady sat on a chair, facing the chimney.

Everywhere is dark, so her face is not visible.

Suddenly, the fire from the chimney raged higher.

"Yes, Rachel. You better have good news".

"Delivered as ordered".

"What's the response?".

"As expected, ma'am".

"Good news indeed. You shall be greatly rewarded".

"Thank you, my Queen".

"Inform the others, we strike soon, while the iron is hot. Tell them to be prepared".

"Yes, ma'am".

The fire returned to its original state.

She poured herself a drink from the skull-jug.

"I will finally be avenged. Merlin, I will make sure I wreck havoc on your successor".

Who is this Queen?

Why is she after the pure-blood?

What's her greviance with Merlin?

Read more to find out.

Please, the views are not too encouraging.

Though you guys have been awesome, I still need more publicity.


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