
Destiny : Bring Us Together

DESTINY : Bring us together Synopsis   " Sometimes All you need is a second chance , Because Time wasn't ready for the first time ". --------- What will happen when a Single father of twins and a heartbroken doctor are forced into an arranged marriage ? Ethan Smith,  a well known retired army officer and the CEO of Smith Industries was a Single father of 5 year old  twins. He never loved another woman after his wife died in a Car accident 3 years ago. After the death of his wife he turned into a robot, always busy at work , he only made time for his children and family. He never thought of getting married again in this lifetime but destiny has another plan for him, because of the sudden absence of Emmy ( his late wife ) his children , Maria Smith and Louis Smith became the naughtiest Children and he was also not able to give the mother love to them. After seeing this situation Grandpa Smith sets an arranged marriage for his grandson and the grand-daughter of his best friend. ----------------------------- Edith Wood , a well known doctor and the Owner of Wood's Hospital was famous for her high IQ and successful surgeries at a very young age. She had a cheerful personality , obsessed with dogs. She always believed in giving love to these pets rather than wasting it on worthless people. For her , love , marriage and boyfriend are the worst things that exist in this world. After the heartbreak she experienced at a very young age she was determined not to love and get married in her life. But just one incident changed her whole life , and suddenly she had to marry a Single father and now she was the mother of two cute and naughty children. What was the reason behind her sudden agreement to this arrange marriage when she herself once said she will never marry anyone? [ NOTE : There are many secrets about Ethan and Edith past and different love stories of other characters]. ================= Destiny Trope.. Book 1 Destiny : Bring Us Together Book 2 Destined To Meet Again Complicated Trope.. Book 1 Complicated In Silence Book 2 Heaven To My Hell Author Note : Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine. Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love,  rainbow_salt_57.

rainbow_salt_57 · Urban
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24 Chs

Ch-18 Phoenix Condo. 

Meanwhile In New York, 

Inside a huge Villa, 

A young man around 28 yrs old in a night suit with messy wet black hair and well maintained body was sitting inside his study while his right arm was covered in tattoos giving him a bad boy vibe, and was reading something when a knock interrupted the silence. 


"Mr. Harrignton, can I come in," came a male voice from the other side. 

" Hmm," the guy said without looking up the book. After getting the confirmation a young man opened the door and entered the room and looked at his boss and said," Boss, there is a call for you,". 

" Who is it?," The guy said as he looked at his assistant with a frown between his brows with deep black eyes. He had a charming face with fair skin and long nose and thin lips. 

His assistant Arlo said," It's the Young Miss of Davies's, Miss Casssie Davies, I asked her why she called at this time but she said it's personal and important,". 

The guy's eyes widened as he asked," Cassie ?,". 

Arlo nodded and said with a weird expression," Yes boss, she was threatening me, that if I didn't inform you right now she would shoot me from her snipper that's why I disturb you at this time,''. 

The frown disappeared from the guy's face as he took the phone from Arlo and said," You did good, or else she would have really killed you, you can go now,". 

Arlo frowned but still turned around and left the room, while the guy stood up from his seat and walked towards window and put the phone in his ear and said while looking outside," Cass, I still have the same number as before, you could just give a call to me rather than to my assistant and threatening his poor soul". 

From the other side Cassie said," Cut the crap Max, don't get emotional it doesn't suit you, by the way how are you? It's been a long time,". 

Max chuckled a little and said," Yeah a long time, but you are still as feisty as you were earlier, I'm good, how are you?,". 

Cassie replied with a scoff," Yeah yeah, I'm also good, by the way Congrats Max, I heard about the birth of your daughter, how is she? Did you name her? How is Kate?,". 

Max smiled at her words and said," Slow down Cass, everything is fine, Kate is also fine just a little tired and weak after giving the birth, my princess is also fine, but what a irony even you came to know about her birth from the news, even after living in the same city," while saying that his voice got sore. 

Cassie said rudely," You deserve this, don't make me lecture you Max, I called you because we used to be friends, we all are very happy about your child's birth,". 

Max took a deep breath and said," Hm right, I deserve this, fine leave it, how is my champ?,''.

Cassie replied," Mike is wonderful and ready to join the school next month,". 

Max smiled and said," Can I talk to him? I really missed him,". 

Cassie replied," He is sleeping,". 

Max's smile faded as he said," Oh ok, how is Flex?Tell him I miss my best-friend, and I want my daughter to meet him at least once,". 

Cassie looked at her brother who was staring at her while listening to their talk, she signed and said," He is better and currently spying on us, I think he miss you too, but we can't meet you as we are leaving tomorrow for a vacation, and we moving back to London next month,". 

Max's eyes widened and said," You are also moving?I'm also moving back next month, Flex at least let me meet champ, it's been 3 yrs I have not seen him,".

Flex's voice responded this time," Whatever, we didn't call to chat Mr. Harrington, we have something important to tell you,". 

Max felt a pain in his heart when he heard Flex's rude words and thought," Flex you really hate me," but he composed himself and said," Tell me then,". 

But Flex just ignored his words and looked at Cassie to continue and she rolled her eyes at him and said to Max," Someone hacked into one of the system from our base, and Edith think they know about us so she decided that we all should leave the city for safety purpose, so we think you should also leave for 1 week with your family, your daughter is very small and we don't wanna risk anyone's life, we still don't know the motive behind this, this person this after Edith for 3 yrs but now they came to know about us and..," her words were interrupted by Max's words. 

Max's heart skipped a beat when he heard her say ' Edith ' but soon he got shocked when he heard her words and said in anger," What? Someone is after Edith for 3 yrs and you didn't even tell me, how is she? Is she fine?

I think she needs the protection more than anyone else,keep Mike safe, I don't need to go anywhere as you all removed me from the group but still if you need any help feel free to call, make sure that Edith is not alone,". 

Flex  frowned at his words and said angrily," You don't need to act like you care about her because if you did then you would have never done what you did and thanks to your betrayal she doesn't need anyone else to protect her she is enough for herself, she is strong enough to handle these things and knows how to protect herself , we called you today just because of your daughter's safety, so just do what we told you to do Mr. Harrington and stop lecturing us," after that he ended the call. 

While on the other side Max froze on this place when he heard Flex words and then he stared at the blank screen after the call and a few flashbacks started to come in front of him from his teenage years. 


" I don't know how and when but I fell for you, I love you Max," said a 16 yr old Edith with a shy expression, her long brown hairs were tied in a ponytail and her bangs were on her forehead making her look more charming especially in basketball dress.

A young Max who was just 19 at that time hugged her suddenly and said excitedly," I love you 2 Edie, I fell for you the day I saw you, I was just waiting for a right time," After that he released her and kissed her forehead and asked," Edith Woods will you be my girlfriend?,". 

Edith jumped on him and hugged him again and nodded many times and said," Yes, ofcourse, promise me you won't leave me,". 

Max giggled and hugged her tightly and said while rubbing her head," Never ever,".

*Flashback Ended*

Max took a deep breath and walked towards his desk and pulled out a photo frame and stare at it and stroke it, it was the photo of him, Edith, Paris, Flex and Cassie when they were just teenagers and were playing basketball , he stare at Edith small face and said," I'm sorry, I know you hate me now, he is right I deserve this, Edie I can't make things right for you but I wish you could forgive me," after that he put the frame back and walked out of the study towards his room, his  wife and daughter were still in hospital and he was here to take some rest.


Next Morning, 

Phoenix Condo. 

5:00 a.m. 

On the 37th floor inside a condo no. 706, Ethan wake up and closed his alarm, yesterday after coming from Woods Villa, he came back to his penthouse with his kids and Ace, his kids were already asleep when he reached the condo, so he just carried them up and put them on the bed,h he settle down the Ace and then got a hot shower to calm down his running thoughts and a headache, he took a sleeping pill and fall asleep as he cannot take this headache next day. 

After waking up, he opened the balcony door and walked out to take some fresh air, just as he walked out he looked around and his eyes got stuck on the neighbours balcony as there were some unpacked boxes indicating that someone occupied condo no. 707. He looked at the boxes for a few minutes then turned around, he walked back inside and freshened up, he washed his face and got changed into a gym suit. He checked on Maria and Louis who were still sleeping, as it was saturday and school was off he didn't wake them up and walked towards the Ace who was already awake and just lying down lazily.

Ethan decided to go on a walk with Ace and so he did, he set up the baby cam inside Maria and Louis room and walked out from the penthouse and locked it and just as he turned around he saw more unpacked and big boxes outside the  condo no. 707, he frowned as he didn't see these boxes yesterday when he came but a realisation hit  when he remembered that he was so busy when he came back that he didn't notice these boxes. He looked at it for a few seconds and walked towards the elevator and left the corridor. 

Meanwhile at the same time,

In Condo no. 707. 

The penthouse was a mess as so many boxes and things were gathered around and furniture was also not settled, everything was brand-new, where on one of the white sofa Edith was sleeping in a weird position while hugging Coco, where Alfie and Oscar were also sleeping beside her legs as their heads were resting on her thighs 

Last night when she came here, she was so sad and exhausted that she forget that her penthouse was still not ready as things were still unpacked but she just ignored everything and slept on the white sofa with her dogs, before she drift of in a deep slumber she had cried alot and poured her all the pain in that starry night. 

Edith's eyes opened when her phone rang, she hung up the call in annoyance as her head was throbbing in pain, she hugged Coco more closely to her chest and closed her again but again her phone rang. 


"Ugh!," she said in irritation as she sat straight and looked at her phone with lazy eyes and saw ' Flex' calling her, she picked it up and said," Flex, you really know how to interrupt my sleep, and why the hell did you call me at 5 in the morning,".

From the other side Flex replied with a worried voice," Where the hell are you Edie? Dad called me last night and told me everything that happened yesterday? How are you?,". 

Edith sat properly and said," I'm fine Flex, don't worry, I'm in my penthouse,". 

Flex frowned and said," What? But your penthouse is still not ready,". 

Edith around the mess said," Yeah, but now I'll do it myself, I really need to distract my mind, by the way take Mike with you. I'm not going to Chicago, I'm not in the mood to travel now,".

Flex replied," Fine, but Edie if you wanna talk..," before he could say anything Edith interrupted him.

Edith said lazily," I know I can call you anytime Flex, don't worry,". 

Flex chuckled and said," Better, you can sleep now, bye,". 

Edith stared at Coco and rubbed his head and said in a hoarse voice," Flex?,"

Flex stopped and said," Hmm,"

Edith said," Come back soon, I miss you all,". 

Flex chuckled and said," Aww, I missed you to babe, I promise I will come back soon,". 

Edith smiled at his teasing and said," Fuck off Flex," after that she hung up and yawned lazily. She stood up and stretched her hands and legs for a while and looked around and said," Let's do this,". 

After that she walked towards her room and washed her face then changed into gym clothes and walked out from the condo with Coco, Alfie and Oscar for a walk. As she left the condo she saw big boxes outside her penthouse and signed and thought," I really can't move these alone, Ugh! I will need help, Flex come back fast,".

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