
Destiny : Bring Us Together

DESTINY : Bring us together Synopsis   " Sometimes All you need is a second chance , Because Time wasn't ready for the first time ". --------- What will happen when a Single father of twins and a heartbroken doctor are forced into an arranged marriage ? Ethan Smith,  a well known retired army officer and the CEO of Smith Industries was a Single father of 5 year old  twins. He never loved another woman after his wife died in a Car accident 3 years ago. After the death of his wife he turned into a robot, always busy at work , he only made time for his children and family. He never thought of getting married again in this lifetime but destiny has another plan for him, because of the sudden absence of Emmy ( his late wife ) his children , Maria Smith and Louis Smith became the naughtiest Children and he was also not able to give the mother love to them. After seeing this situation Grandpa Smith sets an arranged marriage for his grandson and the grand-daughter of his best friend. ----------------------------- Edith Wood , a well known doctor and the Owner of Wood's Hospital was famous for her high IQ and successful surgeries at a very young age. She had a cheerful personality , obsessed with dogs. She always believed in giving love to these pets rather than wasting it on worthless people. For her , love , marriage and boyfriend are the worst things that exist in this world. After the heartbreak she experienced at a very young age she was determined not to love and get married in her life. But just one incident changed her whole life , and suddenly she had to marry a Single father and now she was the mother of two cute and naughty children. What was the reason behind her sudden agreement to this arrange marriage when she herself once said she will never marry anyone? [ NOTE : There are many secrets about Ethan and Edith past and different love stories of other characters]. ================= Destiny Trope.. Book 1 Destiny : Bring Us Together Book 2 Destined To Meet Again Complicated Trope.. Book 1 Complicated In Silence Book 2 Heaven To My Hell Author Note : Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine. Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love,  rainbow_salt_57.

rainbow_salt_57 · Urban
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24 Chs

Ch-17 Get Together ( 5 ) Hurtful Past..

Grandpa William stared at her and said," Think about it Edith, because if you deny then you have to leave this house and family forever, you don't need money but you can't lose us,".


Everyone's eyes widened in shock when they heard this, even Ethan who was staring at Lucas from the time he said those words he was looking for a right moment and words to speak but the argument between Edith and William started, he looked at William in shock because he didn't expect such consequences for such a stupid suggestion. While on the other hand Edith was staring at William in shock, her patience was already over when he said that. She stood up angrily and said," What the hell Grandpa, you will remove me from the family just because I don't want to get married, how could you do that,". 

After that she turned towards Robin and said," Dad? Why are you silent? Huh?," but to her dismay Robin looked down and didn't say anything, she got frustrated and looked at Suzie," Mom?," still no response after that she chuckled sarcastically and said," Oh so this is the reason you all were pressuring me to come back as soon as possible, Grandma Rachel's health was just a treat for me or else why would The Smith not come to U.S. and request me to come here they are not poor who cannot afford a flight ticket, you just fooled me,". 

And then she turned toward Leo and asked," Leo?," Leo got nervous and said in a hurry," Ed, I'm sorry, I didn't lie I really missed you," 

Edith's eyes were already red and she said in a heavy voice," You too, like seriously Leo, you really started to hide thing from me, first your girlfriend's identity and then this,  just because I left you for 3 years you removed me from your life, so if its like that then do whatever you want to do but don't talk to me ever again and stop interfering in my life, you are young enough to live your life without me, and Grandpa if that's what you all want then fine I'll leave the family right at this moment, like wow you all just wanted to bring me back and get rid of me by getting me married and if not like that then you will remove me from the family, in any way only I have to suffer, then fine,". After that she started to walk away but Grandpa William's word stopped her.

Leo was in shock when Edith's anger burst on him, he didn't know that Edith would get angry on him and on top of that she would leave him and tell him to never talk to her again, he was so confused that he didn't know what to say. Meanwhile, Grandpa William stood up in anger when saw her leaving after saying those hurtful words to him. He stopped her and said angrily," Stop right there Edith, if you leave today then what will you do huh? Live your whole life alone without anyone and wait for that Max Harrington  to come again so that you can finally have your happily ever after, if yes then forget it he will never come back, he is married and toady his daughter is also born I think you already knew that from the news, he has his own family now, and you only have us and now you wanna leave us, I want you to get married so that you can have your own family, your husband and kids, you can't destroy his life just because you loved him, you both broke up 3 years ago and it's time to move on,". 

 Robin, Suzie and Leo stood up in shock when they heard him bringing Edith's past and said in unison," Dad, Grandpa," while others were staring at them with wide eyes. 

James looked at everyone and mumbled," Max Harrington, does he mean by Dr. Max Harrington?,".

Grandpa Lucas glared at him and nodded, then said," Yes, we will talk about this later, for now don't speak,". James nodded and looked at Ethan who had a deep frown on his  face. 

Edith who heard this was frozen in her spot and her hands were shaking while tears were already coming out from her eyes, she didn't expect that her Grandpa would bring her hurtful past like that in front of everyone, she turned around and said in a hoarse voice," You didn't have to say that Grandpa, you know I will never destroy his life just in order to get him back, I just don't wanna get married and destroy my husband's and my life, you know very well I can't love anyone else and even if I do still I can't make my husband happy, you know the reason right," after that her expression changed as if something stuck her and she said," Oh I get it now, you want me to marry Mr. Smith because he has kids? Right? Because I can see he doesn't want to get married again, you want me to be a stepmother for those innocent kids and you think I will be happy like that, Grandpa don't forget I can't get pregnant and feel the real motherly love, you think I can give that love to them but no I can't because I don't know how to nor will I ever know, so just leave me alone, I can't get hurt again, he left me just because I can't give birth and his mother hated me for that, you think any men would be loyal to a worthless women like me who can't even give him a proper family, no he won't and I would not gamble with my emotions again,'' after that she turned around to leave but Leo stopped her. 

Leo walked towards her with a worried face and said," Ed please li..,'' before he could say anything Edith turned towards him and said," Stay right there," after that ran towards her room. 

Leo turned towards Grandpa William said," This was not right, I told you if she cries this time I will not tolerate that and she just didn't cry you also reopened her old wounds Grandpa, this was not planned," after that he also walked away in anger. 

Suzie and Robin looked at each other in worry, they had never seen Edith and Grandpa arguing like this and hurting each other like that, they all knew Edith was very sensitive when it comes to her ex-boyfriend, marriage and kids. 

Suzie looked at Grandpa William and saw him staring towards the stairs where Edith ran away, she said," Dad?,'' . 

Grandpa William turned towards her with moist eyes and said in regret," I really hurt her by bringing her past. I was so blind in anger that I said the most hurtful thing, ``What if she hates me now?What if she really leaves us and never comes back? I really did hurt my own Granddaughter.". 

Suzie's eyes were also moist but she held back her tears and said," No, that's not gonna happen dad, I won't let it happen, first take a seat and drink some water and don't take stress or else you will get sick and Edith will really get angry at you,". 

Grandpa William looked at her helplessly and nodded then sat back on his chair and drank water then looked at Ethan and said," Ethan, I hope you understand us, we just want good for both of you specially Maria and Louis, you saw how good she was with them and  they really liked her, Ed has been through alot from her childhood and lost many people, her mother, grandmother and her sister like best friend and then she lost the person she loved from her teenage years just because she can't get pregnant, yes that's true nothing is hidden from your family, you family had seen the way Ed suffered when she came to know about her condition especially Joyce, she has  been obsessed with kids from her childhood after Leo was born she had been a second mother for him and she always wanted a family of her own with her long time boyfriend Max Harrington, but after her engagement with him she got to know about her condition and she was devastated and when she told him and his mother, his mother broke their engagement and that young men didn't do anything, but after that she started  to think herself as a curse and worthless person who can't do anything for hearself..," he was interrupted by Ethan's shocked voice.

" A what? Curse? Worthless person" Ethan was so shocked to hear this he never would have believed that a cheerful person like Edith could think like that about herself and especially not after he himself heard her say ' because I'm the best'.

Grandpa William looked at him and said," Yes, she really was that traumatised, she started to hate herself but little Mike become her strength, she took therapy for months and left the country with Flex, Mike and Cassie that year was very bad for her even for all of us, you also lost your wife, Flex lost Paris that's the reason they left the country to take some time, Ed started to find happiness in Mike and then Flex and Cassie bought Alfie and Oscar for her and from then Ed created her safe zone around dogs and kids, but my Ed closed her heart for love, first we thought Flex, Edith and Mike could create a actual family but that never happened and we know that will  never happen because Paris was Ed's best friend and Max was FLex's best friend, and I don't want my Ed to feel alone and always regret having life, and I also want Flex to move on and find someone who can take care of him and Mike and he will not do that until Edith will stay with them as a support system, Emmy is gone and  I think you should also move on now,". 

Grandpa Lucas also said," I don't want to pressurise you Ethan,  you are old enough to think about your's and kids goods , and I have seen Edith from her childhood and I can say she will never hurt you or the kids, Ethan love can rise after a marriage, think about it,". 

Ethan stared at him blankly and asked," Why me? I'm not good enough for her, I can't love her and she deserve to be loved and after what happened to her in the past she deserve the best and I'm not her best, maybe she can give the best life to my kids and maybe to me but I can't, I can't remove Emmy from my life,". 

Joyce looked at her son and said,'' You don't have to remove Emmy from your life Ethan you just have to add Edith in your and kids life, you still remember the promise you gave to your auntJane, Right?,''. 

Ethan frowned and said," Mom, I was 5 then,''. 

Joyce smiled and said," Promise is a Promise, at least think about it,". 

Ethan signed helplessly and stood up while saying," Fine I'll think about it, I'm heading back to my penthouse with kids and Ace, will drop them back tomorrow, thanks for the dinner Grandpa," he said while looking at Grandpa William. 

Just as he started to walk he saw Edith and stopped immediately because Edith was with two huge suitcases and was coming downstairs in her same night dress, others saw him staring at the stairs and turned around and their eyes widened in shock, Everyone stood up shock, Lana looked at Edith and said to Alice," Is she really leaving?,". 

Alice nodded and said," I think so,".

Edith came downstairs and stare at her family, her eyes were still red but she was not crying she had already washed her face, she looked at Grandpa William and said," Grandpa I'm sorry for the way I talked earlier," after that she looked at Suzie and Robin and said," I'll inform when I reached the penthouse, I'm taking Oscar, Alfie and Coco with me, and don't be worried, bye love you Mom, love you dad," after that she stare at Ethan and said," Mr. Smith please transfer Grandma Rachel to the hospital tomorrow, I wish what happened today will not affect her treatment and our professional relation,".

Ethan nodded and said," Of Course not, but are you sure you wanna leave?,".

Edith smiled at him and said," It's better I leave now but it doesn't change the fact I'm still the member of this family," After that she turned around and saw Leo standing near the door but she ignored him and said to Grandpa William while walking towards the door," Take your medicine on time Old man, I'm still your doctor," after that she walked out of the door but a hand grabbed her from behind tightly. 

Leo hugged Edith from behind and said in a hoarse voice," I'm sorry Ed, I know I broke our bro-sis code, I didn't mean to hurt you, don't leave,". 

Edith eyes again filled with tears but she controlled herself and said," Take care of Grandpa, Mom and Dad," after that she break free from his hug and started to walk but she stopped after taking two steps and said," Take care Leo, I know you are dating Chloe Harrington, and you didn't have to hide that from me, my past has nothing to do with your present young man,". 

After that she walked away without waiting for a second while Leo was shocked when he heard her, he didn't know when Edith came to know about him dating Max's adoptive sister Chloe. 

Edith left the Villa with her three dogs in her car, she bid goodbye to Maria , Louis and Ace when she was entering her car. 

She left towards her Penthouse which was in the Phoenix Condo.

Few minutes later Ethan also left the Villa with Maria, Louis and Ace towards his penthouse which was also in Phoenix Condo.

Phoenix Condo was one of the best and most expensive buildings in London, famous for its interior, society, facilities and security. Most high profile figures had their property in this building…