
Destiny : Bring Us Together

DESTINY : Bring us together Synopsis   " Sometimes All you need is a second chance , Because Time wasn't ready for the first time ". --------- What will happen when a Single father of twins and a heartbroken doctor are forced into an arranged marriage ? Ethan Smith,  a well known retired army officer and the CEO of Smith Industries was a Single father of 5 year old  twins. He never loved another woman after his wife died in a Car accident 3 years ago. After the death of his wife he turned into a robot, always busy at work , he only made time for his children and family. He never thought of getting married again in this lifetime but destiny has another plan for him, because of the sudden absence of Emmy ( his late wife ) his children , Maria Smith and Louis Smith became the naughtiest Children and he was also not able to give the mother love to them. After seeing this situation Grandpa Smith sets an arranged marriage for his grandson and the grand-daughter of his best friend. ----------------------------- Edith Wood , a well known doctor and the Owner of Wood's Hospital was famous for her high IQ and successful surgeries at a very young age. She had a cheerful personality , obsessed with dogs. She always believed in giving love to these pets rather than wasting it on worthless people. For her , love , marriage and boyfriend are the worst things that exist in this world. After the heartbreak she experienced at a very young age she was determined not to love and get married in her life. But just one incident changed her whole life , and suddenly she had to marry a Single father and now she was the mother of two cute and naughty children. What was the reason behind her sudden agreement to this arrange marriage when she herself once said she will never marry anyone? [ NOTE : There are many secrets about Ethan and Edith past and different love stories of other characters]. ================= Destiny Trope.. Book 1 Destiny : Bring Us Together Book 2 Destined To Meet Again Complicated Trope.. Book 1 Complicated In Silence Book 2 Heaven To My Hell Author Note : Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine. Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love,  rainbow_salt_57.

rainbow_salt_57 · Urban
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24 Chs

Ch-13 Get Together ( 1 ) Edith and Ace...

Grandma Rachel was also observing their expression and behaviour and was grinning from ear to ear when she saw how Ethan was trying his best to start a conversation and how he was looking at Edith and Edith was ignoring him as if he was a mosquito.

After 45 mins of awkward and silent ride, Edith stopped the car outside the Woods Villa, Guard opens the door for her and she entered the residence , during the drive Edith just spoke once and that's just for asking If Ethan wants to go Smith Villa or directly to Wood's Villa , Ethan told that his family is already at her house so he will also go there only.

Edith parked her car at the parking area and came out from it and heard the laughs of different people coming from the garden , finally she smiled and saw Ethan was already out and was helping Grandma Rachel to settle on her wheelchair.

Grandma Rachel smiled while looking towards the garden and said," Everyone is already here,".

Edith smiled and said," Yeah I think so,". After saying that she turned around and saw a brand-new sports car Bugatti La Voiture Noire standing there luxuriously, her smile widened and she walked towards the car, she took 3 rounds, looking keenly at every each and said," Perfect, He will love this, good job Caleb,".

Ethan saw her taking a round of a sports car like this with sparkling eyes and found her cute. Grandma Rachel also saw this and said with a smile," Girl stop drooling over your own Car,".

Edith chuckled and said," It's not my car Grandma, I have the exact same car but in white, I'm more into white color, my all the cars are still in the U.S. it will be here in a few weeks, after I saw this one, I miss mine,".

Grandma Rachel smiled and said,'' Hmm, let's go then,".

Edith nodded and walked towards the garden with Ethan and Grandma Rachel, as soon as she stepped near the garden, she saw a husky running towards them, she was so surprised that she didn't took a step forward and a big smile plastered on her face, her eyes were sparkling like she had just found a hidden diamond, but to her dismay, the cute husky didn't even look at her and ran past her. Her smile faded and with frowned brows she turned around and saw that the dog was licking Grandma Rachel's cheek, her hands were literally itching to touch that dog, Dogs and Kids were the only things that can bring Edith on her knees, they were her weakness. The reason she has 3 dogs was just that she was obsessed with animals and especially dogs. Her obsession for animals was so big that she even opened Animal shelters in the U.S. and London so that she can help as many animals as she can.

Ethan saw her helplessness and found it adorable. He was sure that Edith loves Dogs or else why would anyone have 3 dogs? Edith was not able to control herself, so she just gave in and walked towards Grandma Rachel and asked," Is this your dog Grandma?'' after that she gently rubbed Ace's head.

Ace turned towards her and barked as if saying ' Yes I'm her baby ', Edith giggled and said," I get it buddy, what's his name?, ". Ace now turned towards Ethan as if saying ' Tell her my name daddy '.

Ethan replied," Ace,". Ace again turned towards Edith as if saying, ' Now you know my name,'.

Edith kneeled down and hugged Ace and rubbed her cheek on his face and said," Hello Ace , my name is Edith , well you be my friends, Ahh! You are so cute and fluffy just like my babies,''. Ace snuggled into Edith's arm as if saying,' You are also very cute,''.

Ethan stood there dumbfounded, he was so shocked that Ace didn't even look at him properly , at first he played with Grandma and then now he was playing with Edith, his dog never behaved like this , after the death of Emmy , Ace was very sad and just used to sit in one corner for weeks but slowly he started to play with family member but he used to scare every stranger who used to touch him but now he was behaving like a obedient kid playing with his Mom. Ethan mumbled," Traitor,".

Ethan was about to say something when he saw Leo and Suzie coming towards them with a smile on their face, Leo came towards his sister and directly asked," Ed, you bought a new sports car, but you already have this one then why did you buy it again,''.

Edith left Ace and Ace ran back inside the garden where he was playing with his new friends, Edith stood straight and said lazily," You should have asked how was my day ? but all you care about is the car,".

Leo chuckled and said," You are standing here to annoy me so why would I ask such useless things ," after that he turned toward Grandma Rachel and said,'' Welcome Grandma, how are you ?,''

Edith glared at him and punched him in the back while Grandma Rachel said," I'm good Leo, I'm glad that you and Lana came back from camp,''.

Leo nodded while rubbing his back and glared at Edith,'' Ed, I will kill you one day for sure,".

Edith smiled and said ,'' Dream on baby brother ," after that she threw a car key towards him and said," That's not mine, It's yours so just stay away from my car when it arrives,". Everyone stood there speechlessly , they didn't expect this from her.

Leo was in shock after what he just heard, he looked at the keys in his hand and then at Edith and suddenly he hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek 3 times and said," Ahh! Ed finally you did something great , Now I will not kill you, my dear Ed you deserve to live, I love you, you knew I was about to get my hands on this one,''.

Edith was speechless when she heard him and said with an annoyed face,'' But I hate you, stay away idiot and Ahh! Don't kiss me like that, it's scary , you were drooling over my car from the time you saw it on video call,''.

Leo didn't get affected by her words and kissed her again and said," I hate you 2 , now I'm going to check my brand new car," after that he ran away with a big smile .

Suzie , Ethan and Grandma Rachel chuckled when they saw their cute banter. Ethan was happy that Edith finally smiled because he was so tired to see that same poker expression on her face. He remembered something and looked at Suzie and asked,'' Maria and Louis are in the garden ?,''.

Edith looked towards him with interest when she heard him asking about his kids, Suzie smiled and said,'' Yes they are in the garden with everyone , you can go Maria was asking for you non stop from Lana and Louis was busy with Leo, Edith take him to the garden with you, I will come with Aunt Rachel,".

Edith nodded and started walking towards the garden without saying a word to Ethan. Ethan smiled at Suzie and said," I see ,'' after that he also walked behind Edith. Suzie pushed Grandma Rachel's wheelchair and started to walk towards the garden,

As soon as Edith and Ethan came to the garden , everyone turned to them with a smile. Everyone was sitting near the swimming pool where a big round wooden table was kept with bamboo designed stools.

Edith and Ethan smiled at everyone and spotted his kids sitting with Lana and eating something, they were so busy that they didn't even notice him and Edith. Edith's eyes were also stuck on two cute kids who were eating something. The little girl was wearing a denim jumpsuit paired with white top, her hairs were tied in two French braids, and she was wearing a white shoe and the little boy was also wearing blue denim jeans and white t-shirt paired with white sneaker his hair were a little messy which add an extra charm on his cute face.

While she was looking at two cute buns, she didn't notice someone standing beside her, a hand tapped on her shoulder and she turned around only to find a handsome middle-aged man with white hair, and well-built body. That man smiled at Edith and hugged her tightly and said," Ahh! I missed you Edie, at least you came back, I was so lonely without you all, how are you? You didn't even come to meet me,".

Edith also hugged him and said,'' I missed you too Uncle Stefan, I was really busy that's why I was not able to come and meet you,''.

Hearing the sudden noise both the kids looked up and saw Ethan and another woman who was hugging their Grandpa Stefan, Maria and Louis smiled brightly and immediately ran towards their father.

" Daddy,'' Maria said while running towards him with Louis, Ethan bent down on his knees and Maria hugged him by his neck, almost choking him. Stefan released Edith from a hug and Edith immediately turned around when she heard Maria's sweet voice. She saw Ethan on his knees while hugging Maria, Maria was literally clinging on him like a Koala, Edith's eyes softened when she witnessed such a heartwarming scene, when Edith was small, she used to also cling onto her father especially after her mother's death. Ethan was so engrossed in Maria that he didn't notice Louis was also coming towards him.

While Louis was running towards Ethan, he saw Edith's face who was already looking at him with a smile and he lost his balance while staring at her.

" Ahh! Dad, " Louis screamed in fear.

" Louis," came Ethan's and others panicked voices in unison. Louis fell with force and the floor was also hard, so it was obvious that he might get hurt very badly.

As soon as Louis fell on his head , he didn't feel any pain on his head rather he felt a soft hand covering his head and a soothing voice of a lady saying,'' Careful baby, come stand up,'' then that lady held his shoulder and helped him to stand straight, after standing up Louis looked at the lady who helped him , and saw the same lady who he was staring while running and fell, he saw her smiling at him.

Edith, who helped Louis, looked at him and saw dust on his hair so she gently brushed the dirt from his hair and said," Did you get hurt somewhere Louis?''. While she was doing this, Ethan walked towards them with Maria on his arm and asked worriedly," Are you hurt Louis? ,".

Maria also looked at Louis, but she didn't know what to say, so she just looked at him and that sweet lady who helped her brother, while looking she saw the beautiful lady's face and her eyes widened when she saw her face. She mumbled," So beautiful and Sweet lady just like my mom,".

Everyone there was staring at Louis for the answer, Leo was also back after looking at his new car and he saw this scene as soon as he came back, he saw Louis falling and Edith helping him.

Louis stared at Edith with his watery hazel brown eyes and then at his surroundings and saw everyone looking at him and he panicked, he pursed his lips to stop himself from crying and looked down and shook his head as if telling them he didn't get hurt.

Everyone took a breath of relief and settle down back to their seats, but Edith frowned when she saw his reaction, she knew something was wrong, she had been living with Mike from the time he was born and knew what exactly this reaction meant so she suddenly picked Louis in her arms and stood up, and walked towards the table everyone was sitting, Louis subconsciously grabbed her neck when she picked him up and looked at her then at his father in confusion, Ethan also frowned when he saw this, he knew Louis didn't like anyone hugging him if it's not him or any family member, so he also followed behind her with Maria. Suzie and Grandma Rachel also came along.

Edith put Louis on the table and took a bamboo stool to sit in front of him, everyone looked at her in confusion and Grandpa William said," What happened Ed?, You didn't even greet anyone properly,".

Edith smiled at everyone and said," Nothing just wanna talk to this little guy," after saying that she looked at Leo and said," Go bring a first Aid kit,".

Leo nodded and walked inside, Ethan also sat on one of the bamboo stools with Maria on his lap, James and Alice looked at each other and then at Edith and Louis who were just looking at each other. Lana also looked at them and then at everyone in confusion. Just as Ethan was about to say something to Edith, he heard her talking to Louis.

" Louis, you know you are very cute and handsome, but you don't know how to lie,''.