
Destiny: Aryon Legacy

Jesse Aryon is the last descendant of the family of Aryon. Aryon was the first mortal to combine Dragon Magic and Celestial powers. The end is nigh as an evil of a lost time is rising turning the wheels of fate in motion creating an uprising for the return for even greater evils that have threatened the void whilst crossing paths with jesse's journey of self discovery ...

RunicNero · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Others

After the battle in dragonskeep, most of the scouts were thought dead.

Jesse who from his tutoring under Eryis arrives at Hale and stumbles upon a stranger at an oasis.

The stranger drank the crystal clear water as though he had been thirsty for weeks, Jesse walks slowly to his side his skin hardens.

Max pulls out a weapon shooting a projectile at Jesse, it explodes.

The smoke clears and Max rushes after him with a dagger, Jesse takes a stance tackling max and tossing him to the floor. Placing his knee on the max's neck.

" Who are you?! " says Jesse twisting Max's arm

" I'll ask again. Who are you?! What kingdom do you hail from?! Who is your king?!. "

" No reply, huh! I guess I should just kill you then.."

  Max grunts on the floor, with his head sideways he sights a shadow-like figure approaching them, he struggles to break free whilst trying to alert Jesse to the impending danger.

Jesse's eyes pupils become reptilian-like, as reflecting scales cover the side of his face, the figure approaching them stops as Jesse searches around for the figure, he appears right in front of him, kicking him in the face, Jesse rolls away freeing max.

" Ryan! " shouts Max trying to stand as Ryan places his feet on top him

" Aah! The bounty! Sorry I meant my bounty. The money on your head heh! Is five times the friggin amount before you split dimensions and got here. You must feel accomplished. Now be a dear and stay still as I carve out your..."

Blood splashes on Max's face, his dagger covered in blood, Ryan's left shoulder cut deep and still pouring out blood.

" Tch! I missed "

   Max rolls away towards Jesse, standing up to his feet staring the enemy down.

" You might want to leave now, 'cause it's pretty obvious by now that I'm not from around here." says max as he draws out another dagger.

Ryan smirks removing his fur coat, revealing a small tomahawk axe.

" Care to dance!..."

" Please?! "

     Ryan draws the axe, it makes a swooshing sound as it elongates into a  black scythe.

He snaps his index finger, then dashes towards Jesse and Max in full swing, the scythe releasing a flash of blue energy, brazing Max on his left shoulder whilst Jesse's scale armour takes the damage from the blast, and it breaks apart gradually,

"Tch! Well isn't that neat, no one's ever taken a blast from my Ragnar and survived. What are you made of?!"

" Celestial Dragon blood, " Jesse says as he puts on a brave smile with the feeling of having the advantage..

"Say what now?!.." says Max as he looks at Jesse with confusion written all over his face " but then again that would explain the scales."

" Dragon Wrath: Intensity "

Jesse's body lights up burning dim red, an intense heatwave spreads through the battleground, Jesse moves at the sudden speed as he appears in front of Ryan punching his midsection leaving a burnt wound.

Ryan curves his scythe at Jesse but it melts and becomes blunt due to the heat coming off Jesse.

    Ryan draws back splitting the scythe in two, the handle sharpens. Max attacks Ryan head-on aiming his projectile blaster at him, Ryan cuts it leaving an opening for Max to stab him in the chest, Ryan drops the scythe. Jesse rushes once again punching Ryan again but this time he grips Jesse's fist, a shard on his shoulder sparks then explodes releasing a drawback of energy and evil intent, the explosion dislodges his arm. Ryan suddenly becomes delusional as though he has become inflicted with madness he staggers to his feet looking at Jesse and Max as blood drips from his midsection.

" Screw it! Screw this! No one's taking my bounty! Screw you both! I'll fucking kill you all. " screams Ryan as he falls back picking up his fur coat bringing out a container.

" Shit! Shit! Hey, Dragon guy, we gotta run like right now "

" Why should I?! I have him where I want him "

" That's a bomb "

" What's a bomb?! "

" Are you!?.... Are you joking right now?! That's a photonic de-molecule. In case you don't understand its gonna burn out everything with flesh in a mile radius"

" Too slow losers!"

Ryan twists the cap of the container it lets out a white light that forms a dome spreading out after a massive shockwave spreads through...

    Belis at the outskirts of Reiks feels the shockwave he smiles...

" Looks like I'm a bit late to the party "