
Destiny: Aryon Legacy

Jesse Aryon is the last descendant of the family of Aryon. Aryon was the first mortal to combine Dragon Magic and Celestial powers. The end is nigh as an evil of a lost time is rising turning the wheels of fate in motion creating an uprising for the return for even greater evils that have threatened the void whilst crossing paths with jesse's journey of self discovery ...

RunicNero · Fantasy
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16 Chs


" It's been five years and four months since we defeated Shrae, the kingdoms of Balta and Paradie have begun making peace treaties thanks to the efforts of Anne Mêlfroth and Angsem De' Riela," says Katherine sitting in a bar with Ava as the bartender pours them a shot.

In the barracks.

Jesse and Lance walk in the commandant's office follow with a young darker haired man

" Sir, the permit letter has been  given to me and my new squad to go to the Dragon God and his representative Ereys within the next three days "

says Jesse spotting a mildly mature appearance as against five years ago when the dark lord resurfaced, the brown skin commandant takes the letter, squinting his eyes revealing his slightly Asian persona goes through the letter then replies

" Okay, you know what to do, take the Hovercart and the Railin Bikes,  the Baltan Deserts are extra hot this time of the year and so are the sandworms"

Jesse steps out of the building and head to meet Max, Lance, Kath and Zef, the new-gen of soldiers from this year's graduating class

" He agreed, Lance, Zef go bring the railin bikes and the Hovercart "

The roaring engines of the bikes attract all eyes in the camp as Zef and Max zoom across the tarmac, accompanied by Jesse and Lance as they head towards the border of paradie, where katherine is seen waving at them.

" so where are we heading?" ask Katherine as they come to a halt a few feet away from her.

" Balta but we might make a detour in Hale, thanks to Max and our R&D sector we can reduce the journey's time " says Jesse revving the bike.

"If we're heading to Balta, why the detour? " asks Katherine, climbing on Jesse's bike

" Max says there's been an anomaly in the country and it could be linked to where he came from " replies Lance as Zef scouts around trying to get weather frequencies.

" Yeah what Lance said " says Max as he grins spotting a steampunk headgear

" How's the sky looking Zef, we good to go or what? " ask Max.

" Yessir, we're good to leave " replies Zef as they saddle up and ride into the horizon.

Convergence Iok,

Domain of the Celestials

Arkaine, a six winged humanoid celestial with a pure white eyes wielding a staff, is seen fleeing as another celestial with ashy skin spotting two wings and a single horn protruding from the side of his face, shoot bolts of black lightning at him,

" Traitor, how dare you try to usurp the godhead, you will pay for you crimes and be sentenced to an eternity in the Abyss. "

He says, his voice roaring louder than the thunders.

" Let him go Dakonae, he will never return to this place, not after he sided with Faelh, the effects of Shrae's resurrection though a long time ago still lingers, our majority of our forces were forced into hiding or killed by Dante, who now has lost the necrotic abilities, the only remnants of the Celestials as you and I are the Grand Superion and they protect the Kraytur. " says a man draped in silky cream robes

In The Baltan Desert

Reyle Territory.

A large black dragon swooshes down above the group on their railing bikes that echo in the empty kyran desert, breathing out purple black flames down on them, Jesse, Katherine and Zef break apart from the others as two sorcerers drop down and the dragon disappears.

" Anybody got eyes on the dragon, Lance? Max? "

They both shake their heads,

" Fuck " jesse says underneath his breathe

as a ball of purple black flames come straight towards his group, a young man with dark hair and scales on the left side of his face, the other a blonde haired man rush towards Max and Lance, weaving hand signs as golden strings appear wrapping around Max as Lance pushes himself backward.

" Atra fir o etck * they're good* " says the dark haired one, his eyes slowly turning draconic

" Lahk Zyene !* focus Zyene* " says the blonde his hand twitching from holding on to Max tightly,

" Kei theerye Gozi * No worries Gozi * "

his shadow thickens as a clone of him erupts from it.

The Clone and Zyene dash towards Zef and Jesse, trading blows as fast as they can, one miss landing a hit.

While Gozi, spreads his strings thin so it cant be seen, as Lance as draws a sword exactly like Max's from five years ago, while wrapping his body in shadow magic,

" Eclispe Zone: Range "

A portal opens underneath Max, siphoning him from the strings to where Lance stands, he swings the sword as it peaks a neon pink glow.

" NeoCutter : 3 Sancti Slash "

He zooms across the gap between him and Gozi, slashing through central points on his neck, abdomen and calves, The mage is unfazed as his strings wrap around Lance cutting slowly into his skin.

Katherine staggers to her feet followed slowly by Zef, her fists clenched, her intention to beat the crap out of Zyene' Clone clear as the radiating sun

" Heat Cyclone "

Spiraling rings of flame create a buzz saw effect, she zooms off a bit slower than Lance, as Zef draws out his bow and arrows

" Enhance : Dual Rhinoceros Spear "

An arrow shoots right by Katherine, almost breaking the sound barrier in the desert, striking the clone Zyene and the original, giving Jesse and Katherine the advantage.

Katherine's attack, cuts deep in the clone' shoulder, spurring out blue blood while searing the exposed area with intense heat and pain, suddenly a tail protrudes from the clone, and hits Katherine away rolling in the desert sand.

" Hellfire Stream "

A jet stream of flame shoots directly at Zyene, burning away his clothes revealing the scales covers the right hand side of his body

" Weak " says Zyene as he takes a deep breathe

" Purgatory Wave " the purple black flames spread wide, turning the sand to glass, as Jesse jumps upward to avoid the flames

" Armament: Crystalline "

Zef launches another barrage of arrows, as the group tries to get itself together.

" Your elements aren't working against them, we have to swap places with them Lance! " says Max being squeezed by the strings

" Fine Jesse coming in hot! " shouts Lance as portals appear underneath their opponents.

" Eclipse Zone: Reversal "

Zyene and Gozi switch places.


In a city called Reagat aka City of Kings, deep in the Reagatan Market, a woman in purple hooded clothes runs through the market area, frantically pushing aside blocks, as members of the Baltan Royale follow in pursuit

" stop him, the man with the purple hood!" shouts a round man with freckles and brown bobbing hair followed by a slightly slimmer young man with coarse black hair who jumps across the rubble

" stop! "

The royales split up, following the side of the market, closing in on the woman as jumps and slides over wide length table,

The royales arrive at the market edge, searching for the thief, as she is seen soaring the skies on the back of a screeching valoryan purple dragon.

the dragon glides off as the sun begins to set on the horizon.

Baltan Desert,

Katherine evades a gush of black flames from Zyene's clone, as Zef draws another set of three arrows aimd at the clone.

Jesse and Gozi, standoff while the others fight, as Gozi flicks his finger his strings are cut in the blink of an eye

" i thought you knew a dragon' skin is impenetrable except when fighting other dragons or when its weak spots are revealed " says Jesse smirking

Gozi chuckles, his strings warp in to a golden blade.

" If we dont return with what we've discovered then reinforcements will be sent anyways and a few pages of Zerlar's book are scattered across the nation of Paradie "

Gozi sprints towards Jesse

" Be a good boy tell you friends to surrender "

" Puppet Domain! "

Gold strings wrap around Zef, Katherine and Lance while Max and Jesse drawback from their opponents, Zyene and his clone merge and morph back to the black dragon

" Well Jesse quite the shit puddle we've been put in and to think you've been fighting without your abilities " say Max popping his knuckles

" Your point Max? " asks Jesse his focus on Gozi and Zyene

" Get serious while I save your friends, I have a feeling that someone from my world just arrived here " says Max as he taps the side of his bag.

The sound of compressed air being released fills the empty desert, as Max grabs a gizmo from within,

" The NeoCutter was amazing but this ring is better sorry Lance " says Max grinning at his opponents as Jesse' skin hardens,

" Celestial Supernovae "

A massive heatwave spread across the battlefield, as Jesse appears in front of Gozi with fist lunged at him, knocking him a few kilometres away, appearing above Zyene's dragon form, drop kicking his head down.

Max rushes towards the others, placing his hands on their restraints, the golden strings disperse.

" What did you do? "

" See that only a few of my weapons work here, for the last five years I and the advance team have been working on creating a mana mediator "

" Huh? "

" No time to explain, you know what to do, Zef go to the Railin Bikes, Lance provide backup for Jesse, he pretty much doesnt need it but we dont know what they have up their sleeves, Katherine you and I will kill a dragon ".

In Hale,

A town called Aryses.

A deformed demonic Belis and walks into the street market, holding a page with scribbling and symbols from a grimoire, ink clouds oozes from his body as a hooded man dark brown appears, he is approached by an elf eared man with snow white hair and silver blue eyes, draped in chrome like silver armour with an infinite loop dragon encrusted on to it

Yule , the dragon hunter.

Belis growls at Yule, his piercing scowl on. Yule's entire body.

" Neyeota! will conquer all.. will you help him kill a dragon god? " asks Belis pointing his finger at Yule

" You cannot kill, what can not die "