
Destiny (Namjin)

"I will always be the Moon of your world. And be by your side in every situation. I promise ". "I am not what you think. When you will know my secret, you won't love me like you used to. But, it's okay. I will always love you even if it is not reciprocated back. " I won't let you two be together until I am alive. I will make you hate each other to the extent that you won't even tolerate each other's presence ". A pure love between two, their love transcended life. But will the destiny let them have their way or will carve a new path for them? Will be together at the end of their path or will destiny make them apart? A bts fanfic. Namjoon - bottom Taehyung - bottom Hoseok- bottom Includes bts ships ( Namjin, Sope and Vminkook)

Beauty_Devil_4881 · Others
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59 Chs

Chapter 47

The moon hung low, its ethereal glow cascading over the majestic mansion. RM lay unconscious, a somber expression etched on his face, as Hana, the fox hybrid, desperately attempted to unlock the memories sealed within an enigmatic orb. The orb resisted, surrounded by a haunting red thread when forced.

In shock, Hana revealed, "I am unable to read the memories! Namjoon is not experiencing memory loss but is ensnared in a spell, prohibiting him from recalling anything of the past."

Yoongi questioned, "So, someone has control over Namjoon's memories? Manipulating them at will?"

Hana nodded gravely, "Indeed, it's possible. The person behind the spell could make Namjoon remember or forget as they please."

Concern etched Seokjin's face as he sought clarity, "Does this mean they can even fabricate false memories?"

Hana hesitated, "Yes, intentional manipulation is possible. I've never encountered such a spell before, so I can't be certain."

Jungkook tried to uplift the heavy atmosphere, "Let's focus on finding the person responsible. Once we do, Namjoon won't blame himself anymore. We'll ensure he regains control over his own memories".

"I wish I knew how to break this spell," Hana lamented, her eyes reflecting the weight of her inability to help RM. Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook gathered around RM, a sense of shared concern etched on their faces. Seokjin, with his calming presence, spoke, "We'll find a way to break this spell and unlock RM's memories. We're a family, and we'll face this challenge together."

RM, driven by a desire to recover his lost memories, had poured his heart into creating a memory orb, only to face failure. They all were also upset that they still came to a dead end.

RM opened his eyes to a blurry ceiling, confusion etching his features. As he sat up, his hyungs surrounded him, their faces filled with concern.

Excitement tinged RM's voice, "What happened? Do you know about my past?"

Yoongi spoke cautiously, "It's not that you've forgotten, Joon. You're under a spell, forced not to remember anything from your past."

Impatiently, RM pressed for clarity, "What do you mean, hyung?"

Seokjin explained, "There's a spell preventing you from recalling your past. Trying to break it backfires, causing headaches and nosebleeds."

Frustration and upset filled RM as he sighed deeply, burying his head in his hands. "I finally thought I could learn about my past, and now this."

Yoongi reassured him, "Don't stress, Joonie. We'll find a way together. Stressing won't bring your memories back, so take it easy, okay?"

RM nods his head while still looking down.

"Come one let's sleep. Namjoonie who do you want to sleep with today? " Asked Seokjin anticipating that he would be the one to sleep with him as whenever Namjoon was troubled he would choose him.

RM, wearing a stoic expression, glanced at everyone before swiftly lifting Jimin in a bridal style, making Jimin squeak.Without a word, RM headed to his room.

As soon as RM went to his room, he put Jimin down while closing the door. Jimin smiles and shakes his head knowing what's next. They both were in T-shirt and pyjamas. Jimin removes his shirt and RM also removed his and threw it on the ground and within 5 seconds, he again lifted Jimin in his arms now their bare bodies touching . He laid Jimin on the bed softly and slowly like he is some fragile thing. He then hovers over Jimin and starts kisisng him deeply. Jimin knew this would happen as they did this before when RM had a fight with others. And Jimin feels proud as he was the one RM approached. Because Namjoon would always cling to Seokjin when in stress, Namie likes to be with Jungkook so when RM choosed Jimin the jealousy that was their disspated. Now it was not like RM did not liked the other three, but whenever you are stressed their is someone specific you like to share your worries or be with. And as all three characters of Namjoon were different so were their persons. The other three also respect and understand his concerns and choices.

RM was more of a dominant type and Jimin likes to be dominated by him as he never felt being the bottom for anyone else, but him. But RM never crossed the limit till now. He would just kiss or give hickeys but never more that that.

Jimin was moaning while RM was giving feel purple hickeys on his chest, neck. RM would never be aggresive and be gentle like treating a baby and Jimin liked it very much. After a fifteen minutes of kissing and hickey session RM laid beside Jimin and pulled Jimin in his arms. Jimin also cuddled tightly. But RM was laying his head on Jimin's chest. Whenever he was worried or sad he would become the little spoon while hugging Jimin even though their was height difference he would like it that way.

"Feeling better? " Asked Jimin in a low voice.

"Thank you hyung. " Said RM in his deep sleepy voice.

"Sleep tight. Don't worry. We all are in this together. " Said Jimin while slowly playing with RM's hair lulling RM to sleep which always worked. Jimin smiles Afterwards in sleep he knew RM would held him in his arms like he is a teddy bear as he always found himself being the little spoon when he would wake up in the morning.

The following day dawned with silent atmosphere. And Joon-wo, was the was first to break the silence as he approached RM with innocence in his eyes. "Hyung, can we go to the park today?" he asked, his tiny hand clutching onto RM's.

Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and RM exchanged glances.Whatever might be the situation they won't ruin their little Prince's mood.

"Of course, little Joon-wo. We promised, and we'll keep our promise, but not now. Hyungs have some urgent work. How about in the evening." Seokjin assured with a reassuring smile. Joon-wo's laughter echoed with tiny clapping of hands ,momentarily easing the confused,worried minds of the seven members due to yesterday's event. However, RM's mind remained clouded with the shadows of his lost memories but he never showed it on his face. After breakfast, they all had gathered in the playroom. RM was confused as Seokjin said that they have work but now they are headed to the playstation room.

"Is this the urgent work you had?" RM inquired with a furrowed brow, sensing an air of secrecy.

"Sit down. You will see the real work soon," Hoseok urged, lightly pushing RM onto the plush cushion. The others gathered around, and Seokjin, the final entrant, firmly closed the door. Joon-wo, engrossed in a new cartoon movie downloaded by Yoongi, remained oblivious in the bean bag.

The expansive Android TV prompted for a password, swiftly entered by Jimin. The screen unveiled a clandestine trove of files, videos, and documents, cleverly concealed as a gaming setup but serving as their covert meeting room.

"We discussed some crucial details we need to uncover about Byung-ho. It involved Namie. Remember?" Yoongi questioned, glancing at RM.

"Yeah, about his flower supply that brews poison, income sources, and the criteria for hiring assassins," RM affirmed.

"Exactly. Now, here's the intel on the dealers," Yoongi revealed, presenting a compelling slide.

"Too many," Taehyung remarked, tallying up the list, a network of shadowy figures intertwined in a web of illicit dealings, reaching a count beyond 30.

"And he deals on a monthly basis. His income source hovers around 10 to 20 million dollars in two months," Yoongi divulged, his eyes narrowing as he analyzed the figures.

Taehyung, with a sly grin, remarked, "Less than ours, but still a problem for us." Jimin couldn't help but scoff, a tangible sense of pride radiating through the room. They were the undisputed mafia Kings, and the audacity of Byung-ho challenging them only fueled their determination.

"We need to appeal and make the dealers break their deals or sign with us," Seokjin proposed, his gaze reflecting a strategic mindset.

"Yes, but it takes a lot of time. And we get too busy to look after Joon-wo," Hoseok voiced a practical concern, acknowledging the delicate balance between their underworld dealings and personal responsibilities.

"I can stay behind," RM offered, showing a willingness to take on the responsibility.

Seokjin, however, challenged him, "You're a member of this team! Do you always want to sit behind? Don't you want to work in the mafia?"

"I want to, too. But not at the risk of leaving Joon-wo alone with your Soo Hoon hyung," RM responded pointedly, the tension momentarily escalating.

"I knew that's why I've arranged everything. We'll start dealing with these dealers one week from now," Seokjin declared with a sense of authority, diffusing the tension.

"Why one week later? And what is the arrangement?" RM inquired, seeking clarity.

"Because our other team needs one week to arrive," Yoongi explained, opening a window into a broader network that extended beyond their immediate circle.

"Other team?"

Seokjin elaborated, "Yeah, Namjoonie, do you think we seven are the only main ones in our whole gang? Joon-wo was in England for studying, living with them. They had some issues in their team, so they didn't come till now. But it was urgent, so I told them to come."

"What are their names?"

"Cinq Punch – the mafia team name. There are five members, as it goes by their team name – cinq (five). They are agile fighters and trustworthy to take care of Joon-wo when we'll be busy," Seokjin revealed, painting a picture of a broader network of skilled individuals.

Okay, let's meet this team of yours and then decide what to do next," RM suggested.

As evening fell, Joon-wo clung to RM, requesting a bedtime story. RM, despite his internal struggles, obliged, weaving a tale of magical realms and heroes from a book. The way RM was speaking made the other six be captivated by his sexy, deep voice. They were listening to the fairy tale like it was an important, top secret mafia information on which many lives depend. Joo -wo slept so RM stopped reading but the other six started whining like kids as to why RM stopped reading. RM scoffed and the three younger ones pouted while the older three just moved away from RM. RM chuckles seeing them behaving like this and then took Joon-wo and Jungkook along with him to sleep. The two cuddled Joon-wo in between them and slept. Seokjin,Taehyung in one and Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok in the other room. All of them have seperate rooms but they all like to sleep together.

The next day started with Joon-wo and SeokJin screaming together for their lazy members to get up. Especially Yoongi! Oh boy! That is a tough task. And that dangerous task will be accomplished by the fearless warrior Joon-wo who was not afraid of a sleeping lion but is afraid of small cockroaches. Eww! Who likes them anyways!.

Yoongi was up all thanks to Joon-wo while the others were also almost ready.They all sat in the car. Soo Hoon also tagged along with them. Seokjin sat on the driving seat as they ot was family picnic. Lunch was already prepared by their chefs. Songs were blasting in the car along with the members singing the lyrics. RM was impressed that his members can sing very well and he praised them.

They reached the park and little Joon-wo giggled with delight as he chased a mischievous butterfly while holding the bubble machine. His seven hyungs, sitting on the porch, watched with amused smiles. Suddenly, Joon-wo tripped over his own tiny feet, sending a cascade of bubbles flying from the soapy solution he had been playing with.

All seven erupted into laughter as Joon-wo, covered in a frothy bubble beard, blinked up at them in surprise. "Hyungs, look! I'm a bubble wizard!" he declared with glee, waving his bubble wand like a magic wand.

His hyungs, now thoroughly entertained, joined in the fun. Each of them started blowing bubbles in different shapes, turning the gardeinto a whimsical bubble wonderland. Joon-wo, caught in the midst of the bubbly chaos, couldn't contain his laughter. Their were no other people as they rented the whole park for their Prince Joon-wo.

As the seven members continued their bubbly escapade, Joon-wo seized the opportunity and, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, grabbed a water hose nearby. With a triumphant grin, he sprayed his hyungs,drenching them in a surprise water attackThe memberss, now soaked and bubbling with laughter, couldn't help but admire Joon-wo's innocent mischief. "Our little bubble wizard has become a water warrior!" Jimin exclaimed, prompting another round of laughter.

Amidst the bubbles and splashes, Joon-wo's infectious laughter echoed through the garden. The members with fond smiles, realized that moments like these made their mischievous baby the undisputed champion of cute and innocent fun.In the quiet afternoon, Joon-wo played innocently in the garden oblivious to the tension building around him. Suddenly, the air grew heavy as several men in black suits emerged, casting a shadow over the scene. Joon-wo's hyungs, sensing the shift, exchanged wary glances.

Joon-wo, sensing the change in atmosphere, paused his play, his innocent eyes wide with curiosity and perhaps a hint of fear. Everyone now on high alert, nodded solemnly, absorbing the weight of the impending threat.The garden once filled with the laughter of innocence, now echoed with a palpable sense of foreboding. Joon-wo, still unsure of the gravity of the situation, looked up at his hyungs, who exchanged silent nods, their expressions hardened by the imminent challenge they faced.

Yoongi looked at others and whispered. "Listen up," he warned, his words cutting through the air like a chilling breeze. "Trouble's brewing. A rival gang is moving in, and it's not going to be a friendly visit. Get your guards up, stay alert."

Others also nitced it snd nodded their heads trying to be oblivious of the surrounding.

And the attack started...

In the dimly lit garden,with no soul around the seven mafia members faced off against a group of relentless assassins. The air crackled with tension as the clash of blades and grunts were heard in the garden.

Seokjin, a seasoned leader, barked orders, coordinating their movements. Yoongi's precise shots and Hoseok's agile maneuvers kept the assassins at bay. Jimin's swift strikes and Taehyung's strategic moves added to the group's resilience.

Amidst the chaos, RM couldn't shake the weight of responsibility. His mind raced between the ongoing battle and the safety of Joon-wo and who was under Soo-Hoon's protection. This internal struggle left him vulnerable, a lapse that the cunning assassins exploited.

In the midst of the skirmish, a man with a mask different from others, emerged from the darkness, launching a surprise attack on Jungkook. However, Jungkook, fueled by a surge of adrenaline, fought back with ferocious determination. His every move was a symphony of aggression, countering the assailants with a relentless onslaught

Despite being outnumbered, Jungkook's combat skills were a force to be reckoned with. He delivered powerful blows, evading their strikes with acrobatic finesse. The garden transformed into a battlefield where Jungkook showcased his prowess, each clash resonating with sheer aggression.

Yet, unbeknownst to Jungkook, a silent threat lingered. One of the assassins managed to inject him with a potent drug during the heated struggle. Slowly, the effects took hold, sapping his strength and clouding his senses. The once ferocious fighter now found himself battling against an invisible force.

As the drug took its toll, Jungkook's movements grew sluggish. The assassins seized this opportunity, overpowering him with calculated precision. His attempts to break free became feeble, his once fiery resistance reduced to a desperate struggle against the encroaching numbness.

In a cruel twist, the van doors slammed shut, cutting short Jungkook's valiant fight. The last image he saw before succumbing to the drug-induced haze was RM, a silent cry for help lingering in his eyes. The van accelerated away, leaving behind a haunting silence in the garden.The remaining members, now fully aware of the vicious tactics employed, channeled their anger into a renewed determination to rescue their fallen comrade. Meanwhile, RM, haunted by the aggressive echoes of Jungkook's resistance, sprinted after the disappearing vehicle, fueled by a burning need to rectify his lapse and retrieve their brother.

The journey ahead held not only the promise of danger but also the potential unraveling of the shadows concealing his past