
Destiny (Namjin)

"I will always be the Moon of your world. And be by your side in every situation. I promise ". "I am not what you think. When you will know my secret, you won't love me like you used to. But, it's okay. I will always love you even if it is not reciprocated back. " I won't let you two be together until I am alive. I will make you hate each other to the extent that you won't even tolerate each other's presence ". A pure love between two, their love transcended life. But will the destiny let them have their way or will carve a new path for them? Will be together at the end of their path or will destiny make them apart? A bts fanfic. Namjoon - bottom Taehyung - bottom Hoseok- bottom Includes bts ships ( Namjin, Sope and Vminkook)

Beauty_Devil_4881 · Others
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59 Chs

Chapter 46

"But... but how? That means you knew the murderer? Or do you have a suspect in your mind?" RM asked with a furrowed brow, grappling with the revelation.

"Hyung, when are we going to see Kung Fu Panda? We also need to go to the park. Little Joon-wo wants to eat popcorn and play in the garden," Joon-wo whined, tugging at Jin's sleeve.

Seokjin took a moment to assess the situation. "Let's discuss it at home. Today is for enjoyment. I don't think we should ruin Joon-wo's mood," he declared, and the others nodded in agreement. Yoongi, noticing RM's reluctance, stepped in, persuading him to take the katana swords

"Why should I? It's not mine. Plus, I don't want to have a weapon that's responsible for your family's death," RM stated with a somber expression, his gaze fixed on the katana swords.

"Yahh!! You're not an outsider. Remember that. Always. It was also your family. Joon-wo adores and likes you very much. We all do. So, I'm telling you to take these swords," Yoongi asserted, his tone carrying a mix of insistence and concern. "You mentioned from the beginning that you knew katana swords. Perhaps practicing with them may help you revive your memory," he suggested, gesturing towards the swords as a potential key to unlocking RM's past.

RM gives a weak smile and then looks down while nodding a little. They all went back to their cars and drove to the cinema, where they had booked the entire theater. Joon-wo was a giggling whirlwind, jumping down the stairs, eagerly awaiting the start of the movie while munching on popcorn. He alternated between coming down for more popcorn and going up and down the stairs to pass the time.

RM, still immersed in his thoughts, suddenly noticed another group of men entering the theater room. He discreetly signaled Jungkook, who was sitting next to him, about the newcomers. Jungkook also peeked behind and exchanged a concerned glance with RM. Swiftly, he messaged RM personally, "Something seems off with those guys. Keep an eye out." The air in the cinema was now charged with both the excitement of the movie and an undercurrent of suspicion.

RM (privately): Assassins! Here?

Jungkook (privately): I think. Not sure.

RM (privately): Message everyone. Kookie hyung, don't act rashly.

Jungkook (privately): Okay.

Jungkook (group chat): Guys, keep an eye on those men who just entered the theater. Something feels off.

Seokjin (group chat): Don't take action first. I'll make little Joonie sit in the front seat. If they are assassins, eliminate without a single noise. Take them one on one. They are seven exactly. Stay vigilant.

An eerie atmosphere settled as the two groups waited for the other to make a move. The movie started, casting flickering shadows on the tense faces. Little Joonie, caught in the middle of the suspense, wanted to sit between his hyungs. After a brief argument, he settled ahead with Park Soo Hoon. Bangtan, anticipating potential trouble, considered Soo Hoon as a contingency plan to swiftly move Joon-wo if the situation escalated.

Simultaneously, the assassins bided their time, waiting for the cover of the loud movie to execute their mission discreetly amid the cinematic chaos. The air was thick with anticipation, both sides ready for whatever might unfold in the dimly lit theater.

Each member had their private weapons at all times: Seokjin, the enforcer armed with a shotgun adorned with a fearsome dragon engraving. Yoongi, the strategist with a sleek long revolver featuring a sinister snake design. Hoseok, the relentless gunslinger carrying two firearms, each marked with the regal symbol of a Phoenix. Jimin, the cunning blade dancer, brandishing daggers embellished with the mythical charm of a nine-tailed fox. Taehyung, the silent executioner armed with a long knife and a small shotgun, both bearing a white tiger's blazing blue-eyed stare. And Jungkook, the sharp-eyed enforcer, his revolver etched with an eagle, while brass knuckles grip his other hand.

RM, left with no other option, retrieved his katana swords from a guitar bag. Bangtan discreetly carried their weapons in instrument bags, such as guitar cases, violin cases, and piano bags. RM couldn't help but wonder why they had so many instrument bags. To his surprise, he discovered that it wasn't just bags; they had real instruments at home, along with a whole studio

Under the cover of darkness, the assassins struck, wielding revolvers silenced for discretion.However, Bangtan, the seasoned syndicate, proved to be elusive shadows in the dark. Unbeknownst to the assassins, Bangtan donned upgraded night vision glasses, a secret weapon crafted by their adept technician, Hoseok. The glasses bestowed upon them the ability to navigate the darkness with the same precision as if it were bathed in light.Now armed with this advantage, Bangtan seized control of the situation. Jimin and Taehyung, the agile enforcers, swiftly closed in on the assassins. With deft moves, they inflicted calculated cuts on their adversaries' hands, forcing them to relinquish their silenced revolvers.

Then, Yoongi and Hoseok skillfully eliminated two adversaries each with calculated shots. At the same time, Seokjin and Jungkook seamlessly coordinated to neutralize the remaining threats, their movements choreographed in a silent ballet of deadly precision. The narrow alley briefly echoed with the sounds of suppressed conflict before settling into an uneasy quiet.

Suddenly, the scene shifted as four mysterious figures emerged from the exit room, dangerously close to where Joon-wo and Soo Hoon were immersed in the world of Kung Fu Panda. RM, hyper-aware with his hybrid senses, reacted instantly. Drawing his Katana swords with a fluid motion, he swiftly and silently dispatched the intruders before they could pose a threat.

Meanwhile, amidst the laughter evoked by the animated movie, Joon-wo remained blissfully unaware of the covert struggle playing out just steps away – a stark contrast between the cinematic amusement and the harsh reality unfolding in the hidden corners of the Bangtan syndicate's world.

Observing RM swiftly handle the four intruders, Seokjin offered a reassuring thumbs-up, reciprocated by a nod from RM. As the immediate threat subsided, RM began inspecting the fallen assassins in search of any clues regarding their mysterious employer. Yet, to his frustration, the lifeless bodies yielded no trace or indication of the person who had sent them. The lack of leads left RM unsettled, adding another layer of complexity to the unfolding mystery that gripped the syndicate.

I know how to use Katana swords , Joon-wo's parents were killed by these swords, the diary says that i killed someone, but i don't remember who? If somehow someone can read my mind, that would be soo much of help!! Read my mind!! Yes!! Read my mind!! I think that method would work.

Thinking about something RM was excited and was messaging someone.

After the movie concluded, Joon-wo animatedly shared his thoughts, passionately recounting what he enjoyed and found amusing. His hyungs listened attentively, fully aware that a sulking Joon-wo was the last thing they wanted later when he inevitably inquired about their own preferences from the film. Each member engaged in the conversation, savoring the post-movie banter with the utmost attention, ensuring Joon-wo's enthusiasm remained undiminished.

"Hyung, I have some urgent work at home. I need to go. You can take Joon-wo to the park. I can go by taxi," RM expressed with a hint of urgency.

"Work? But there was none as far as I know? Besides, we never gave you much work as you are a newbie to our field," Seokjin inquired, suddenly concerned about the unexpected mention of work. Seokjin, who had a strict rule about avoiding work discussions during family time, frowned.

"I know, hyung. But if this work is completed successfully, most of our answers will be answered," RM explained, a sense of determination in his voice.

"But I want Big Joonie to play with Little Joonie. Why are you going home? I will tell Jin hyung not to scold you for the work. Play with little Joonie, please," Joon-wo pleaded, pouting with innocence.

RM, hearing this, couldn't resist. He scooped Joon-wo into his arms, feeling the warmth that always melted his heart. Joon-wo nestled into RM's neck, hugging tightly.

"I am sorry, little Prince. This work is urgent. I promise we will play tomorrow as long as you want and wherever you want to go. Please listen to me, little Prince," RM pleaded, planting light kisses on Joon-wo's cheeks.

Okay, but I will also go home. Joo feels sleepy," Joonie murmured in a low voice, snuggling even more in RM's arms, falling asleep almost immediately.

Two cars pulled up near them, leaving the others in surprise.

"How did you know we would go home? And how did you call the drivers in time?" Soo Hoon questioned, a curious expression on his face.

"Because I know my little ones very well. Kookie, Tae, and Minnie weren't too excited about the park; they were wary of potential threats with Joon-wo around. Yoongi, Hobi, and I have some work at home. We were just contemplating how to convince Joonie for another day when you mentioned he was sleepy. It was merely a coincidence," Seokjin explained with a knowing smile.

A clever move. You've made me the culprit in Joon-wo's eyes for not going to the park," RM remarked, Seokjin responding with a smile and a casual shrug of his shoulders. With that, they all departed, leaving behind the park plans and heading home.

As they arrived home, they were greeted by the unexpected presence of Hana, accompanied by her two imposing bodyguards.

"Why is she here? Did you call her, hyung?" Yoongi questioned Jin, a hint of suspicion in his tone.

"I called her. I needed her help in some matter," RM explained calmly, though the others wore expressions of confusion.

"What's the matter that she can help with, and WE can't?" Jungkook emphasized the 'WE,' his tone laced with a touch of jealousy

Something that none of you can. But why do I smell jealousy here? Are you serious, Kookie hyung?" RM retorted, picking up on the underlying tension.

"Jealous!! We are not only jealous but also angry. Why did you not tell us about this? Are we not important?" Taehyung's frustration was palpable, feeling possessive over Joon's reliance on someone else for help.

RM sighed deeply, shaking his head. "Not here, little one is asleep. We will talk inside," he declared, casting a meaningful glance at Taehyung, who demanded an explanation, setting the stage for an intense confrontation inside.

Once inside, Seokjin orders Soo Hoon to wait in the car with Joon-wo who was sleeping at the back seat on RM's jacket. After the seven wnet inside, the atmosphere was charged with unspoken tension. Taehyung couldn't hold back his frustration and confronted RM, "Why keep us in the dark? Aren't we important enough to know about this?"

RM, maintaining his composure, replied, "It's complicated, Tae. Hana has some unique expertise that might help us in a delicate situation."

Jungkook, still skeptical, chimed in, "But we've always faced challenges together. Why involve someone else?"

Seokjin, attempting to diffuse the tension, intervened, "Let's hear Joon out. Maybe there's a good reason for bringing Hana into the picture."

RM sighed, acknowledging the need for transparency. "I didn't want to worry you unnecessarily. There are layers to this situation, and Hana's involvement might help us navigate through them."

Yoongi, always the pragmatic one, spoke up, "Fine, let's hear the details. But next time, keep us in the loop. We're a team, after all."

After summoning the others, including Joon-wo whom RM personally fetched, the room was tense with unspoken questions.

RM's gaze settled on Soo Hoon, who felt an unusual scrutiny. "Can you take care of Joon-wo? We have some work, and he needs someone by his side while he sleeps. He won't wake up till morning," RM stated, leaving Soo Hoon bewildered by the sudden responsibility.

"You want me to take care of Joon-wo?" Soo Hoon questioned, the disbelief evident in his tone. RM, who had never trusted Soo Hoon, now entrusted him with Joon-wo, alone in his room.

Because I am not a fool. I know who you consider as family and who not," RM whispered into Soo Hoon's ears, causing him to scrutinize RM with a direct gaze, searching for something. Carrying Joon-wo in his arms, Soo Hoon ascended the stairs towards the second floor.

Taehyung, still harboring anger, questioned, "What is the matter?" RM's expression hardened. "Don't show your anger on me when you act all lovey-dovey in front of Soo Hoon," he declared, revealing a side that made Taehyung transform into a remorseful cuddly bear, his anger dissipating instantly. Jungkook and Jimin nodded in agreement with RM's stern stance.

Jin, sensing the need to redirect attention, inquired, "Why is Hana here? What are you up to?"

"I want my memories back, fully, and for that, I need Hana."

"Can she do that? How?" Yoongi asked, sensing an opportunity to unravel Namjoon's memories and potentially solve many mysteries.

"She is a fox hybrid, best known for manipulating minds. She can. Right?" RM questioned, directing his gaze towards Hana.

"Yes, I can form an orb of your memories. It doesn't matter if you remember them or not. The orb will contain all that. And then, we all can see whatever part of the memory we want," Hana explained.

"Then that's it. Don't waste time. Do it now," RM commanded, prompting Hana to nod and initiate the spell. Others nodded in agreement.

Hana began chanting, and a pink fog enveloped RM as her eyes glowed in a dark pink hue. The atmosphere grew tense as the fog thickened around RM. However, the scene took an unexpected turn when RM started coughing violently, struggling to breathe. His attempt to endure the pain became futile, and he dropped to one knee, clutching his head as if struck by an invisible hammer. The room filled with urgency and concern.

Seokjin rushed to RM's side, asking, "What happened?" The others joined, their worry evident.

This should not happen! This is a painless magic. The person shouldn't feel anything. How can this happen?" Hana exclaimed, visibly perplexed.

Despite Hana's confusion, she tried the spell again. This time, RM was on both knees, his agony intensifying. The pain seemed unbearable, prompting him to yell,


Hana immediately ceased the spell as RM began bleeding from his nose. Concerned, Jungkook swiftly fetched cotton while Seokjin gently cradled RM in his lap. After a brief moment, RM opened his eyes and sat up.

"What happened? Are you feeling pain anywhere?" Yoongi inquired.

RM shook his head, taking a few deep breaths. "Let's do it again," he whispered.

"Are you crazy? You're clearly in pain! We're not doing that again," Jimin declared firmly.

"We need to! We need to know everything. These questions haunt me every day," RM insisted, wincing occasionally from lingering pain.

If you're that persistent, then I have another way," Hana proposed, handing RM a pink, sparkly, oval-shaped capsule.

"This is Mnemosorb capsule. Dissolve it in water and drink it. It will automatically remove the memory orb, but it won't stop until you've fully formed it. Be warned, attempting to stop it might have unknown consequences," Hana explained.

"Give me the Mnemosorb capsule. I need to know my answers," RM declared in a determined yet low voice.


"Jin hyung, you also have many questions. You all have, and the answers might be in my memories. This is the only chance," RM insisted.

"No, we won't allow you to do this kind of thing. It's too dangerous for you. We can find another way," Yoongi objected.

RM stood up, flashing a determined smile at Yoongi. "What other way do you have? I'd like to listen," he challenged.


You don't have a way. You also know that this is the only way for now. And I am willing to do it, so why are you denying? Do you all care for me? It's a rare thing. Maybe you don't want someone to die in front of you and ruin your reputation, that you let one of your new team members get killed? Don't worry, just say that the new brat was incompetent and lost his life while being foolish," RM retorted, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Don't try to make us angry. We know that you're saying that on purpose just so that we won't stop you," Jimin retorted, his eyes narrowing with a mix of frustration and concern.

"I don't want to talk with you all," RM declared, his eyes glowing an intense blue. He moved his hands in a precise pattern, creating a barrier that enveloped both them and Joon-wo's room.

"Even if the spell backfired, nothing will happen to you and Joon-wo. Miss Hana, take care of yourself. Thank you for your help. I'll repay your kindness in the future if possible," RM expressed his gratitude to Hana with a genuine yet determined tone.

With those words, RM calmly placed the pill in a glass of water, lifting it to his lips. As he drank, a dense fog began to emanate from him, immediately enveloping the space. The contrast between the swift onset of pain and the gradual build-up from the earlier spell was evident. RM, unable to withstand the intensity, sank to his knees, blood trickling from his nose. His eyes were tightly shut, bearing the relentless hammering pain in his head.

In the midst of this dramatic scene, a small, transparent orb began forming near him. Silent and resolute, RM refrained from making any noise that might attract attention. The increasing pain threatened to elicit a scream, but he gritted his teeth, determined to protect Joon-wo and maintain the secrecy of this unfolding drama from the watchful eyes of the guards and his fellow members outside.

Jungkook's tears flowed freely, a silent testament to his agony. The pain of witnessing his family endure such suffering was an unbearable weight on his shoulders. He could endure physical challenges, fight battles, but the helplessness of not being able to ease their pain tore at his very core. His silent wish echoed in his sobs – a desire to shield his family from the anguish that gripped them.

Jimin trembled in fear, unable to shake the dread that clung to his heart. His fervent wish was simple yet profound: he didn't want any of his cherished family members to face loss, to have their world crumble before them. He harbored a deep-seated wish that they would all live long and full lives,and does not want anyone of his family to die before him. and the thought of losing any of them haunted him.

Hoseok, typically the beacon of joy and energy, became a tearful mess. His overwhelming emotions engulfed him, rendering him incapable of providing the comfort and support he so desperately wanted to offer. The inability to alleviate the pain of his loved ones only added to his misery.

Yoongi, often stoic and composed, resorted to silent prayers, a desperate plea to the universe to restore equilibrium. He clung to the belief that these moments of turmoil would be fleeting, that their Namjoon would emerge unscathed, cradled in the comforting embrace of sleep.

Seokjin, usually a pillar of strength, found himself in a state of profound vulnerability. His gaze, fixed on RM, mirrored the fear of losing what had become his sanctuary. His past had claimed away his loved ones, friends but now, with his small family, he couldn't bear the thought of another loss. The invisible barrier confined him, rendering him helpless – a spectator to the struggle of the one he held dear.

RM struggled to breathe, his chest constricting as he clutched his clothes tightly. A sensation in his mouth signaled a coming coughing fit, and as it erupted, he expelled blood, the severity of his condition becoming more evident. The pain in his head intensified, each moment stretching like an eternity, yet he clung to consciousness, determined not to let his efforts go in vain

The orb, resembling a small, delicate ball, neared completion, shimmering with the weight of memories yet to be unveiled. RM teetered on the brink of fainting, the agony pushing him to his limits, but he held on, driven by the resolve not to let this sacrifice be futile. As the orb finally formed, the pink fog dissipated, leaving RM unconscious and sprawled on the ground.

With RM's unconsciousness, the barrier that had held the boys captive dissipated, and they rushed to his side. Seokjin swiftly cradled him in his lap, a mixture of concern and relief etched on his face. Yoongi, in a moment of urgency, checked RM's pulse, the suspense hanging thick in the air as the group anxiously awaited signs of his well-being.

He is okay. He needs rest," Yoongi reassured the anxious group, his eyes reflecting both concern and relief. Jungkook, taking charge, gently lifted RM in bridal style and carefully laid him on the couch, ensuring his comfort.

Hana, holding the successfully formed memory orb, became the focal point of the group's anticipation. Taehyung, his eyes fixed on the orb, couldn't contain his curiosity. "Did it work?" he questioned, the room filled with a palpable eagerness.

Hana, taking a moment to scrutinize the orb, finally spoke, "The memory orb... it is... formed successfully!"

Yahh! Speak in one sentence. Don't pause like this," Hoseok chimed in with a playful admonishment, breaking the tension that had gripped the room. A collective sigh of relief filled the space, knowing that the culmination of their Namjoon's efforts had brought success.

With Hana's confirmation, the group braced themselves for the revelations about Namjoon's life, eager to unravel the enigma that had shrouded their little brother from his childhood.