
Destined To Love Only You

Having met Anisha more than a decade ago, Dylan never had a chance to express his feelings to her; and due to hidden acts by a person close to him, Dylan lost the girl. He tries in vain to find her; until one day, under unfavourable conditions, they meet again. While they are both fighting for their lives, without knowing whether or not they will see the light of the next day, they also try to get to know each other well, as their hearts fall in love. Coming from totally different worlds, the two have to fight all the obstacles that come their way. When Dylan is forced from all angles to leave the woman of his dreams, he finds himself caught in a corner between pleasing the people that he loves dearly, and keeping the love of his heart. He almost loses her again more than once, but sometimes destiny has an answer to the battles of the heart.

Ethel_Manyeruke · Urban
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199 Chs



Soon after Liam was taken away from me, I was discharged from the hospital. Valentina was there for me; she assisted me with collecting my medications from the pharmacy, and she supported me in all possible ways. Of course I was a huge emotional mess, I felt deserted and all I wanted was to curl up inside blankets and cry my heart out. At the moment that I needed her the most, Valentina stood up for me.

Our old house, which we used to share together with Eden, was no longer available. Valentina had just informed me, and I was shocked to hear that. The owner had cancelled our contract during the period that I was on the run and Valentina was arrested when they suspected that she was an accomplice in the kidnapping of Liam.

"So where are you staying now? Do you still have your babysitting job?" I asked her.

"I lost the job," she forced a smile. "I had saved up some money and also, there is a promising job at the pet shop. I went for an interview recently."

"When are they getting back to you?"

"They did not give a specific day, but it should be this week. How I wish they could call now! I am so desperate!", she faced down and two large tears fell down on her feet.

"Valentina!! Oh I am so sorry! I wasn't aware that I caused you this much pain and suffering!! I shouldn't have called you on that day!!"

"You didn't know", again she forced a smile.

"Where are you staying?"

Facing down and playing with her fingers, Valentina did not respond. Instead, more tears started rolling again.

"Tell me, Val! Where are you staying!"

"I...I have a room at Olga Children's Home"

I remained rooted to my spot and felt something stabbing me in the chest. It was pain. Deep pain.

I reached out and using my palms, I wiped off her tears. Staring briefly at me, she smiled and said, "the place is deserted, I mean no-one cares about it much. Homeless people find refuge there. I stay in one of the rooms. You remember the block where we used to stay in just before the home was closed? It's not too bad!"

"Valentina!! Oh my goodness!! And do you have food to eat?"

"I am surviving. I don't need much", she wiped off her tears.

"What if something happens to you! What if someone rapes you, or even kills you? Valentina!!"

"What should I have done, Anisha? Where else should I have gone? I was in prison cells, and I came out to find out that I had been kicked out of my apartment, and I was out of a job. And besides, I am not the only one staying at Olga."

"What do you mean? Are there more people there with you?" I was shocked to hear her say that.

"I see some homeless people there. A few people. But I always avoid them. I fear what you have just said. To get raped or something like that."

It took us a long time walking and talking until we arrived at Olga Children's home. The gate was closed but it was not locked. We walked in and when I saw the hall in front of me, the image of Dylan immediately came into my mind. I met him for the first time in the same hall.

We walked in silence until we reached the place. Valentina pulled out a key and unlocked a huge padlock which was on the old door.

"You have a lock", I commented.

"Yes, I just found it in one of the offices, one day when I was just walking around"

"Do we have lights here?"

"No lights. We use candles. But it's not too bad", she smiled.

"How about for cooking?"

"Remember we had our little gas plate back at the house where we stayed. And as for charging my phone, I always visit the mall, there are numerous clients' charging points there." She smiled.

I sat on the corner of the small bed and it creaked so loud that I almost jumped up in fear.

Watching her peeling two small potatoes, somehow my mind just wandered and decided to settle on Dylan. Of all the places and persons it could have settled on, it decided on him.

I remembered the first day I saw him, at that same place. I remembered how my friends and I would chat and giggle, right in that same room. I recalled how we spoke about him, how he was our all-time crush, and how we always ended up reminding each other that he was way out of our league. But I had never thought that he was that arrogant. I thought he was nice and sweet. I saw a gentleman in him, until I saw his letter. I hated myself for ever believing that Dylan could have liked me. Of course I had never thought of him as a boyfriend, although I would have loved that; but I just wanted him as a friend.

"You're crying!" Valentina spoke out.

"Oh, I didn't realize", I wiped off the tears. She stood up and came closer to me, wiped off my tears and said to me, "tell me, Anisha. Is it because of that note which Dylan wrote?"

"I…it's nothing. It's that note yes, and also the kidnapping traumatized me."

Valentina remained silent for a while. She held my hand and said, "I know you Anisha. There is more to what you are telling me. Is it this place? Is it that bad? I think its decent. We can survive. Until we manage to get jobs. Maybe we can finally get the chance to go to college, and finish off our education. One day we will be CEOs, Anisha. One day….."

Her speech was disrupted by a loud noise, as if something, or rather someone, was running in the ceiling. I screamed out loud and grabbed Valentina's phone to use the torch. She laughed.

"You're laughing?"

"It's a rat. Just rats. There're big fat rats in the ceiling. Once in a while one may run across the room."

"What!!" I screamed in fear, making Valentina laugh even more.

"I'm kidding. I haven't seen any rat running in the room, but there are plenty of them in the ceiling."

She stood up and went back to the pot of boiling potatoes. "They're done," she smiled at me.

Carefully she tilted the pot and poured out the water, then used a fork to take out the potatoes. "Oh no! we don't have salt! I forgot to buy it!" Valentina said.

"Don't worry let's just eat them like that."

She cut the two small potatoes into even smaller pieces, divided them into two plates and handed one to me. I totally appreciated her care, love and support.

"Does Ms Meyerton know that we're now back at Olga Children's Home?" I asked.

"She doesn't, and she shouldn't. I speak to her often, but this is one thing I will never mention.", she smiled.

I nibbled on the potatoes and without realizing, my mind wandered off to Dylan again. Oh Dylan, you fool! You fooled me! You made me believe that you are a nice person, and you made it seem like you valued me a lot.

I remembered his words; how soft and gentle he was. And the way he always used to give me hope when we were kidnapped. His kind words to me and Liam, and to pastor Everdeen. Everything played in my mind like a movie, and the more the movie played, the more I felt hurt. I felt like it was a curse to be poor. I started to think about the story that Ms Meyerton had told me countless times; that she picked me at the gate of the orphanage. And although I had always viewed Ms Meyerton as my own mother; at that moment I detested my biological mother. I wished if only she had aborted me! Or killed me soon after giving birth to me! I hated her! I hated her! I hated her a million times!

Without realizing it, I clenched my fists in great anger, and I shouted "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! everyone hates me! Dylan lied to me! They took Liam away from me!! And you! You left me! You left me at the gate of the children's home! Did you take time to think! To think what would become of me! Did you even care? Why didn't you just kill me? You could have aborted me! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you a million times! I never want to see you! I will never look for you!! You're not worthy to be called a mother! You are not a mother! You are not my mother!! You are a monster!! A bad monster! All of you are monsters! Dylan, you are the worst of them all! You lied to me!! You made me think that I was of great value to you! You made me believe in lies! …and they took Liam away from me…!"

Valentina put her plate aside and hugged me silently. I hugged her back and sobbed bitterly, "they took Liam! They took Liam away from me! They took Liam, Val, they took Liam! Val, Liam was the only one who genuinely loved me, and they took him away!"

"Shh, I am here, Anisha. And I love you."

"They took Liam! They took Liam...Liam…Liam…Liam…."