
Destined To Love Only You

Having met Anisha more than a decade ago, Dylan never had a chance to express his feelings to her; and due to hidden acts by a person close to him, Dylan lost the girl. He tries in vain to find her; until one day, under unfavourable conditions, they meet again. While they are both fighting for their lives, without knowing whether or not they will see the light of the next day, they also try to get to know each other well, as their hearts fall in love. Coming from totally different worlds, the two have to fight all the obstacles that come their way. When Dylan is forced from all angles to leave the woman of his dreams, he finds himself caught in a corner between pleasing the people that he loves dearly, and keeping the love of his heart. He almost loses her again more than once, but sometimes destiny has an answer to the battles of the heart.

Ethel_Manyeruke · Urban
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199 Chs



Considering that our son was back with us, Roderick and I decided it was proper for us to resume the preparations of the hospital handover ceremony. There was Pete's wedding coming in a few weeks, and the last thing we wanted was for the two events to clash, or to be too crammed around the same dates. I sat next to my husband and started updating him on how the handover ceremony was progressing; just as the events planner had updated me.

"We're having it exactly two weeks before Pete's wedding," I informed him.

"Two weeks, isn't that too close to the wedding?", he frowned.

"I think it's ok," I assured him. "The events planner is way ahead of schedule, I am impressed. So we're having a very formal program at the de Milo Children's Hospital. The minister of health is invited."

"Of course, of course." Roderick nodded his head.

"It must run for about two hours. 10AM until midday should do it. And that one is more open, we're not too strict on who attends."

"I see." He nodded his head again.

"In the evening we will have a dinner. The events planner had suggested one of the fancy hotels. Of course we can easily make a reservation by just a call to Keith Octavia. But then, I think I prefer it to be here at Clear Opal. At the rooftop."

"What does Dylan want?" Roderick asked calmly.

"He said anything goes. I choose the rooftop. But that one, my darling, will be very strict. It's not for everyone. It will be strictly by invitation. I will station some bodyguards who will be checking and making sure that each and every person who comes is on the guest list."

"Oh I see".

I was feeling tired. Although Roderick had told me a thousand times to leave everything in the hands of the event planners, I still needed to be involved. Reclining on my seat, I closed my eyes and from nowhere the image of Anisha flashed in my mind. She was the reason why I intended for the dinner to be strictly by invitation, because I did not want her at that function at all.

Why on earth did she just re-appear? I lazily stood up and walked around the seat, stood behind Roderick and then I hugged him from behind.

"My darling, do you think in this day and age it's proper to arrange a marriage.?" I asked him.

"To arrange a marriage? For who?"

"Umm, I have never been a believer of arranged marriages, but I'm starting to think we might need to look into that. There're beautiful girls around. Keith and Honour Octavia are very prosperous and they have that beautiful daughter …."

"But our daughter Ciera is already dating Keith Junior Octavia. Will it be proper for Dylan to also marry into the same family?"

"Does it matter? Anyway, I'm just giving examples. There are many decent families around, it's not just the Octavias. Do you remember Harper? Until now, I don't understand why Dylan broke up with such a lovely girl. A decent girl who comes from a very decent family."

"Harper and Dylan broke up a long time ago," Roderick stated it as a matter of fact.

"I know. I'm only saying she would have made a good wife."

"Why are you suddenly so worried about getting a wife for Dylan?"

"He's not getting any younger. In a few weeks, Pete will be getting married. And our son Dylan does not even have a girlfriend! What's wrong with our son?"

"There's nothing wrong with him. Give him some time. Let's not rush him. One day he will introduce us to the love of his heart." Roderick yawned.

"What? You think there is someone already? Do you think he already has someone?" I asked eagerly. I was fishing for information, trying to find out if Dylan had mentioned anything to his dad, or if Roderick himself had noticed something between our son and Anisha.

"He hasn't mentioned anything. I'm only saying if he does find someone, he surely will let us know."

"How about we look around and help lead him in the right direction. I really like the Octavias' daughter."

"The Octavias' daughter…umm, I don't know. Ciera and Keith Junior have been dating for so long. Who knows, maybe they will be announcing their marriage soon. I don't know. Besides…does Dylan love the girl?"

"They will grow to love each other." I stated.

"Umm, I am not too sure about that. Let's give him more time. I want to trust him to make the best choice for himself" Roderick shrugged as he stood up from his seat and came around to hug me.

"You're very stressed about him. Don't worry. Getting a girlfriend is the last thing on his mind now." he said.

"What do you mean? Did he say anything?"

"No he did not. I mean, right now he's probably thinking about the handover ceremony, and then there is Pete and Raelynn getting married. And there's that girl in hospital. He seems to care a lot about her."

OK. Did Roderick have to mention that girl? Seriously?

"Which girl?" I pretended to be lost.

"Anisha, the girl that is still in hospital. Dylan seems to care a lot about her."

"Everyone would. They were kidnapped together, and its normal for him to want to know about her. It doesn't mean he cares for her." I stated, struggling hard to suppress my anger.

"Shimmer, when he woke up, the first person he wanted to see was that girl…"

"Yes because they had been locked up together for a month. It's natural. What he did was completely natural."

"Why do you sound so upset and defensive, my dear wife?"

"I am not upset. I'm just saying its extremely ridiculous that you think our son likes that girl."

"I didn't say he likes her. I only said he can't be thinking of a girlfriend now. He has too much on his plate."

"The handover ceremony and Pete's wedding, yes. But that girl; no way! Our son is too important to spend his time thinking about a girl that he hardly knows." I was becoming very agitated.

"Calm down my dear wife. It's best that we don't talk about this subject any longer. You're visibly upset and there really is nothing to worry about. When the time comes, Dylan will surely find a suitable girl for himself."