
Destined to fall in love with, my Enemy

Whatever is meant for you will come to you. It always finds it ways...and that is called destiny. You cannot run from it.

Hina_Saeed · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Welcome..Queen Amber of Eternal flames

As the kingdom was not very far away from the valley where their wedding took place. It was only few miles away but the silence between Amber and Aaron made the journey seemed very long.

When the royal carriage landed in the front yard of the devil's cave, a footman opened the door of the carriage.

Aaron stepped outside the carriage on the red carpet and he took out his hand so that Amber could easily get off. Because Amber was still wearing her wedding gown which was not easy to carry.

As soon as, Amber stepped outside the carriage with her one hand tightly holding Aaron's and in the other hand she was holding her bouquet.

She saw all the people were waiting anticipately for their new Queen but she was wrong. They were waiting to see who is so dumb enough to marry their devil king.

"So she is the one our Devil king has chose"

"She is beautiful"

"She must have caught our king's sight"

"I feel so bad for her"

"She is same age as my daughter"

"Thank goodness the king is now married otherwise he would have been married to one of our daughters"

"I am glad he is married now otherwise we have to sacrifice our daughters"

This was all said by the people who were standing their watching Amber and Aaron making way through the palace.

But it was all heard by Amber..she was a fairy and she has good ears to hear from even far away.

After listening to all this she was getting weird ideas about Aaron. She again started doubting her decision. Her heart beat became fast and she was getting nervous with every step.

After a while both of them reached palace's balcony. Their was a royal preist already standing and there were two beautiful crowns placed on red cushions.

It was their tradition, that a king was not allowed to wear his crown to a battlefield.

Both Amber and Aaron stood in their palace's balcony. Then the royal preist after welcoming his king back from the battlefield safe and sound he placed crowned on his head.

All the people cheered loudly for their king's victory.

Then royal preist welcomed Amber as their new queen and asked Aaron to make her wear the crown as it was allowed only to the king to touch the queen's crown. Aaron picked the crown carefully and placed it on her head. And then Aaron kissed Amber's forehead lightly as a welcome gift.

After the kiss Amber frozed like ice. She was not expecting this from Aaron.

Then Aaron whispered in her ears while both were waving to the crowd.

" Welcome..Queen Amber to your new home. I hope you will now takecare of my kingdom as your's. You are my Queen and this palace is now your responsibility including me. I have high expectations from you...my wife"while making Amber's cheeks all blushed up.