
Destined to fall in love with, my Enemy

Whatever is meant for you will come to you. It always finds it ways...and that is called destiny. You cannot run from it.

Hina_Saeed · Fantasy
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33 Chs

An Unsual Wedding Tale....

"Once in a while, right in the middle of a life long journey...life gives us Fairytale."

And who knows Amber and Aaron's fairytale journey will begin now?

As sun was setting, the valley was looking beautiful in that pinkish orange sun rays.

All the kings and queens were invited of nearby kingdoms to attend the wedding of the two enemies.

"Queen Amber are you ready"said Brenton while entering Amber's tent. "Oh..my you are looking beautiful my dear. Both the wedding gown and your slippers really look beautiful on you"said Brenton.

"Thank you Brenton. May I ask why are you here?"asked Amber.

"Actually Aaron asked me to walk you down the aisle. So I am here to take you with me...Amber I have gift for you"said Brenton.

"King Aaron asked you that..and what gift Brenton"asked Amber.

"I will give you power to hide your wings..they will become invisible to others only you can feel them. They will become visible when you want to fly with them. I am only doing this so that you can actually adjust between humans. You know humans don't have wings and I don't want you to stand out among them"explained Brenton.

"Yes I know and I understand that. Ok I am ready for your gift"said Amber.

Then Brenton blew fire on her wings and her wings became invisible. Strangely Amber could not feel heat in his fire.

After making Amber's wings invisible. Both Amber and Brenton came out of her tent and walked towards the wedding hall which was only few steps away.

When Amber entered the wedding hall with a beautiful bouquet of rare flowers in her hands, walking beside Brenton, everyone was looking at Amber in surprise.

She was looking extremely beautiful in that white wedding gown. Her curves perfectly fits in that gown. When she walking her crystal slippers were getting visible. All the queens were trying hard to look one more time at those unsual but beautiful slippers.

Queen Amber was the only queen at that time to walk beside a dragon..an immortal dragon on top of that.

King Aaron was standing on the stage decorated with red flowers. He was looking extraordinary handsome in black suit with a silver sword and sheild brochure on his jacket's pocket.

At that moment no man could be of his competition. He was just looking perfect.

All the kings and queens were looking towards Amber and Aaron enviously. All the kings were having desire to marry Amber and on the other hand all the queens were felling head over heels for Aaron.

They both were just perfect for each other. One is extremely handsome and the other is extraordinary beatiful.

As Amber was going to step up on the stage Aaron reached out his hand. Amber gave Aaron her hand while thinking that he is indeed a gentleman.

After stepping up on the stage, they both stood infront of Brenton. "Now the wedding will begin"said Brenton.

"Do you take King Aaron of Eternal flames as your lawful husband and do you promise to love him, protect him and be loyal to him all your life?"asked Brenton to Amber.

"Yes..I do"said Amber.

"And now do you take Queen Amber of Cloud nine as your lawful wife and do you promise to love her, protect her and be loyal to her all your life?"askes Brenton to Aaron.

"Yes..I do"said Aaron.

"Now both of you please exchange wedding rings"said Brenton.

As soon as Brenton said that he took out two perfect gold rings in which it was graved "You are only mine for the lifetime". The wedding rings were actually gift from Brenton.

Both Amber and Aaron exchanged their wedding rings and were pronounced husband and wife by Brenton.

Now the wedding ceremony was completed. All the royal guests went to the other side of the hall to have delicious meals.

After having meal, all the guests went to their kingdoms wishing the new couple happy life.

After everyone have left there was a complete silence in the wedding hall. Only the new wedded couple were left. There was a strange atmosphere between those two.

Amber was feeling extremely shy from Aaron and Aaron on the other hand does'nt know how to end this awkwardness between them.

"Now your highnesses I will ask for my leave. I bless you two to have a beautiful and happy married life."said Brenton. Then he disappeared in a red smoke.

"My queen I am also thinking that we should leave for the kingdom. It will take quiet some time to reach there"said Aaron while looking at Amber.

"Yes..we should"said Amber.

Both of them walked from the wedding hall and saw a pair of white flying unicorns were standing with a carriage at their back.

Aaron was used to fly on his dragon but he knew Amber would feel uncomfortable on sitting dragon's hard and warm back. So he prepared carriage for them.

"Please have a seat my queen"said Aaron.

After both of them have seated inside the carriage, the carriage flew with other carriages behind them with other royal staff in them. While all the soldiers were riding on their dragons and guarding the carriages from both the sides.

After spending awkward time with each other in the carriage, they soon reached the kimgdom of Eternal flames. Amber's new home.