
Destined to be Together: Meeting my Lover from a Past Life Again

Julie has accomplished everything in life she wanted. She lives her dream of living abroad and traveling all around the world and she prides herself for being strong and independent. The only thing that was missing in her life was a man. But she was never really interested in anyone and she already thought that she would end up being single forever. Then she met Gianni. From the moment she looked into his eyes she felt a strong pull towards him that she couldn’t explain. Soon it is revealed that she knows Gianni from a past life and that their love story ended tragically. The novel goes into detail about Julie’s past life story in the 19th century and how it is connected to her current life which also has its struggles. Julie has to deal with jealous exes and false friends to finally be with the man that her soul desires. Excerpt His lips moved skillfully against hers. It was like he knew exactly what she wanted. Julie never experienced a kiss like this. She didn’t know kissing could be that good. She felt a whirlwind of emotions as she could feel his immense love for her through the kiss he provided and a lone tear started to slip down her left cheek. Why was she crying now? Julie wasn’t sure. Was it because she was never kissed like this before? Or was it her yearning to be loved? No, it was so much more than this. Kissing him was like she finally found a piece of her soul that she didn’t know was missing and only now she became aware of the emptiness she carried in her heart.

White_Pearl24 · Urban
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Romantic Picnic

Since dating Julie, Pierre was a love-drunk man. Spending so much time with her filled his heart with joy and he could see that they are making progress. He noticed that Julie feels comfortable around him. She often initiates to hold his hand and she also doesn't mind when he puts his arm around her shoulder when they watch TV.

Pierre was proud of himself for having the idea to go with Julie to Lyon. Like this he had an entire week-end with her.

They even shared a suite. Sadly with different bedrooms but one at a time, he told himself. Pierre was hopeful that soon Julie will let him stay overnight at her apartment. Of course without expectations that they sleep with each other. He is fine with cuddles and holding her in his arms. For now at least. A woman like Julie is worth the wait.

He knows that she has no experience which makes her even more desirable for him. The thought of being Julie's first and maybe last filled him with an incredible feeling that he couldn't express in words. He wants to be her everything just like she is for him.

But he has to move at a slow pace. Julie is gradually warming up to him and he wouldn't risk to step over the line and make her feel uncomfortable.

The week-end they spent together was definitely a success. Julie had visibly a lot of fun and Pierre wanted to continue to spoil her, so he took the evening off from work to have a romantic date with Julie.

The weather was nice, so he planned a picnic in front of the Eiffel Tower. He already organized the basket with food and wine. He ordered that in a shop that is specialized in making those baskets for romantic dates. He just went to pick it up and is now driving through the city to surprise Julie with it.

The basket was decorated nicely with a white silk scarf wrapped around it and Pierre was sure that Julie will like the picnic idea.

She doesn't know that he planned to have a date. He just asked her in a text message for her location and is now on his way to pick her up at the house of her last student.

Pierre parked the car at the address that Julie gave him and two minutes later he saw her walking out of the house and smiling brightly at him as she entered his car.

He was happy that seeing him could make her smile. For a moment, Pierre felt overwhelmed by his feelings for her. When she sat down on the passenger seat, he wanted to greet her with a kiss like an actual boyfriend would do but he kept it together.

"Are you skipping work to pick me up?" Julie asked with amusement in her voice.

"I took the evening off, so that we can do something together," he responded.

Julie became curious. "What's on you mind?"

Pierre pointed at the basket in the backseat. "How about we sit down on the meadow in front of the Eiffel Tower?"

"That's sounds great." Julie really liked the idea but decided to tease him. "How long will it take until you get tired of surprising me and thinking of date ideas?"

"If only that keeps you with me, I will think of different date ideas for everyday for the next 50 years," he stated flirtatious.

Julie started to blush. She didn't expect his straight forward answer and didn't know what to counter. Pierre is so open with his feelings and Julie has to admit that she likes it. She is more a reserved type of person. That's why she finds people who can express their emotions very attractive.

"Ha ha…" Pierre laughed at her reaction and patted her head. To him she was too cute.

He ignored Julie's embarrassment and started the car to drive to the city center. It was hard to find a parking space but after driving some rounds in the area, he succeeded.

The couple walked hand in hand to the meadow in front of the Eiffel Tower. There were groups of young people who apparently had the same idea. Julie and Pierre looked for a spot that would give them some privacy and when they decided for one, Pierre spread a blanket for Julie to sit on. He opened the wine bottle and poured Julie a glass. He behaved like the perfect gentleman.

Julie was stunned when he unpacked the food. There was so much. Little sandwiches, prosciutto ham, different types of french cheese, fruits and tiramisú for dessert.

"Did you prepare all this?"

Pierre had to chuckle. "You are overestimating me. There is a shop where they prepare those baskets. But I picked out the food and wine."

"Oh right. How stupid of me to ask. You can't cook. That's why you always order take out."

Pierre was skilled in many things but cooking wasn't one of those. He never uses his kitchen and always orders food or eats out in restaurants.

"How about you teach me how to cook?" Pierre found the idea romantic. Cramped with Julie in her small kitchen could be really intimate and a chance to grow even closer together.

"Why not. I can teach you how to cook the best pasta on earth," Julie said confidently. She learned how to cook during her travels and she especially likes the italian kitchen. "We can do it this week-end unless you planned again to kidnap me," she laughed.

"No, let's have a peaceful week-end just the two of us." Pierre looked at her dreamily and Julie felt her stomach tightening.

Pierre was really in love with her. Julie could see that in his eyes. She never saw anyone look at her like that and Julie wished she could feel the same.

Julie remembered that she told herself to work harder on this relationship. Pierre does everything for her and she wanted to return some of his affection.

Julie put her wine glass down and started to scoop closer to him. She went on her knees facing him and slowly put her arms around his neck.

Pierre looked at her startled. He didn't expect Julie to initiate body contact. He looked deep into her eyes and caressed her left cheek. She was beautiful.

Julie could see all the admiration he had for her in his gaze that saw deep into her soul. His eyes that were full of emotions spurted her to do her next move.

Hesitantly she leaned forward and connected her lips with his and Pierre was quick to wrap his arms around her. He could swear that he was about to implode from happiness. 'Julie initiated a kiss with me', he chanted into his mind. He couldn't believe his luck.

She shyly moved her lips against his clearly not sure what to do. Pierre understood the situation and took over the lead.

He started to kiss her with all the passion that he could offer. Their lips performed a dance and Pierre's kiss was passionate yet so gentle like he was afraid that he would stifle her with all the need he felt.

He painted that moment a thousand times in his head and now that it was here, he didn't want it to stop any time soon. Too long he had to wait for this and he wanted to make up for all the times he wanted to kiss her but couldn't.

He gently held Julie's face in his hands and grazed his tongue over her lips to asked for deeper excess. He skillfully started to explore her mouth and as he caressed her tongue with his, Julie escaped a small moan.

Pierre has never heard anything so seductive in his life and he was immensely turned on. He wanted to push her down on the blanket and explore her body further but he knows that he can't act on his urges at this moment.

Pierre felt his body react to the sweet sound that Julie made but he didn't want to get a boner in public especially not in front of Julie, so he broke the kiss with a few small pecks on her lips before, he let go of her.

He smiled at Julie's cute reaction. She sat down next to him, shyly avoiding his eyes and blushing profusely. Pierre really liked that he can cause this kind of reaction within her. It was just a question of time until she falls in love with him.

Julie's mind on the other hand was stuttering. The kiss was good. Pierre really knows what he is doing but she can't help but compare it to the kiss she had in her dreams.

Of course, it is silly to compare it to something that didn't really happen but her heart was in a turmoil. She desperately wanted to recreate the feeling she had while kissing that stranger in her dream but now she was left disappointed.

Did she have too high expectations? Pierre did nothing wrong. He is a good kisser and Julie felt even flustered by the passion in his kiss and the way he held onto her. But it wasn't the same. Something was missing. She just can't put her finger on it.

Julie noticed that Pierre was looking at her and quickly forced a smile onto her lips. She didn't know what to do, so she took her wine glass and nipped at it. It was clear that she was nervous.

"I'm hungry. Let's not waste the food." Julie tried to direct the attention somewhere else. She didn't want to concern him with her conflicting emotions. Maybe if they kiss more often it will get better and the chaos in her mind will go away. At least she could hope so.

"It's all yours." Pierre started to unwrap some food for her. He was totally unaware about her feelings and saw Julie's reaction just as a sign of her shyness.

For Pierre the kiss was wonderful. It was everything he imagined and more. She tasted amazing, her lips felt so soft and when she moaned into his mouth she stirred something wild within him that he was eager to explore.

He can't wait for their next kiss and the things that will follow.