
Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation

[Warning: Mature Content, R18] ~~~~~~~~ Dai Tao is the martial arts expert in Beijing, and after he died, his soul got Transmigrated in 13 years old young boy Named Xu Fang's body (Single son of the Emperor). Then his new Journey on different planet started. ~~~~~~~ "I didn't die?" The realization struck him, and a cascade of questions flooded his mind. "Oh wait, the big question is where am I?" "What?" "What the f**k." A burst of laughter escaped him as he beheld his reflection, realizing that the old man had metamorphosed into a 13-year-old child. ~~~~~~~ "Where am I?" I said in a low voice. A few minutes later when I sleep, I feel something is not right and open my eyes then look around, and see a boundless blue sea with nothing in my surroundings. "This is a dream?" "Hello, how are you?" I heard a sweet tone of female. "Who?" I asked back when I heard that voice. "Who are you?" "My name is Yuan Shuren and you already know me as the Goddess of Light and Wisdom." ~~~~~~~ The narrative takes a profound turn as Dual Cultivation becomes the cornerstone of his journey, marked by glimpses into realms both serene and tempestuous. The pivotal moment arrives when he inherits the legacy of the Supreme God of Flames, bestowing upon him control over all Heavenly Fires. ~~~~~~~~ "Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation" is a saga that transcends worlds, where the essence of Qi binds reality, and the Xu Fang's evolution is intertwined with the cosmic forces. Join this odyssey of self-discovery, where the Heavenly Flames of destiny burn bright, and the path of Dual Cultivation leads to realms unseen. ~~~~~~~~ Note: Art is not mine. Source: Generated by AI and Edit and Title added by me. ~~~~~~~~

Master_AD · Eastern
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88 Chs

82- Information about Xu Fang's Father

A few minutes later, I entered the mansion and made my way to the family room. Long Xiu, Shen Yin, Lie Ning, and Zheng Yu were seated on the couch, chatting happily with each other.

"Sorry for being late. How are you all doing?" I greeted them with a smile as I entered the family room.

"Husband." Long Xiu, Shen Yin, Lie Ning, and Zheng Yu turned their heads toward me, expressing happiness.

"What were you all talking about?" I inquired with a smile while walking toward the couch where they were seated.

"Nothing, just some lady's talk," Zheng Yu replied with a smile.

"Oh, so you didn't want to tell me?" I teased them with a smile, and they shook their heads.

I walked in front of Long Xiu, pulled her up, and sat down on her seat. Then, I pulled her back into my embrace, and now Long Xiu was sitting on my lap, with my arms wrapped around her waist.

"Xiu Er, now tell me, what were you all talking about?" I asked her with a sweet tone.

"Husband, we're reminiscing about our first times, sharing our experiences," Long Xiu confessed, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Sister Xiu?" Shen Yin, Lie Ning, and Zheng Yu chimed in, their voices tinged with surprise.

"What's wrong? Wouldn't you guys do the same if you were in my shoes?" Long Xiu retorted, a bashful smile playing on her lips as she turned her face away and nestled against my chest.

"Come on, you three, quit teasing my Xiu Er," I interjected with a grin, pulling Long Xiu closer into a hug.

"Sister Xiu, acting all shy like a little girl, cheeks as red as tomatoes," Zheng Yu teased, a playful smirk on his face.

'I recalled something, Xiu Er, did you share with them about your virginity too?' I inquired of Long Xiu in her thoughts.

'No, I've been wanting to, but I'm not sure how,' Long Xiu responded, tilting her head as she replied to me.

"Yu Er, Yin Er, Ning Er, I have something to share with you, but before I do, I need to understand more about my father and your relationships with him, right from the beginning," I addressed Zheng Yu, Shen Yin, and Lie Ning with a serious demeanor.

"You're interested in knowing about your father?" Zheng Yu inquired with curiosity, to which I nodded in affirmation.

"Alright, let me start from the beginning. Your father, Xu Wang, was a prodigy in the Ledal Empire, driven by an insatiable thirst for power and strength. People often refer to him as a cultivation fanatic. Similar to you, he was an only child, like you, he didn't have any brothers, only he had two sisters.

This lack of siblings made his path to becoming Emperor of the Ledal Empire relatively smooth after your grandfather retired from the throne, leaving behind the burdens of ruling.

I was married to your father when he was 30 years old, and I was 26. Our union was arranged because he was destined to be the next Emperor, and my family, the Zheng, one of the most influential families after the Xu's, saw an opportunity to solidify their position by forging strong ties with the future ruler.

A year later, Shen's family proposed a marriage alliance with your father for Shen Yin, followed shortly by a proposal from the Lie family for Lie Ning.

To shed light on the truth about your father's relationships during that period, from the time of our marriage to your birth, we only engaged in intimacy three to four times over those three years. By the time your father ascended to the throne of the Ledal Empire at the age of 34, you were merely a year old, and his cultivation prowess had reached the Ethereal Fusion Realm (Stage 9).

Six years into his reign as Emperor, the Long family proposed a marriage arrangement for Long Xiu. Not long after their union, your father suffered a severe injury.

For many years, our empire had been locked in conflict with the Harean Empire. On the day your father and his guards returned from the coronation ceremony of the new Emperor of the Stateadel Empire, they were ambushed by the forces of the Harean Emperor and his elite warriors. At the time, your father was 44 years old, and his cultivation had reached the Celestial Integration Realm (Stage 7). Despite his formidable abilities, he sustained grave injuries in the confrontation.

Our empire's guards received a timely signal and managed to rescue them, bringing them back to safety, but the injuries were severe. Despite my abilities with the healing power of the light element, the damage to your father's meridians proved too extensive to fully repair.

My healing efforts persisted for a prolonged period, but unfortunately, they were insufficient to restore your father's health completely. Everyone made earnest attempts to aid in his recovery; even Sister Yin sought out the heavenly fire, but by the time she refined its essence, your father had already passed away." Zheng Yu recounted the tale of your father's ordeal from beginning to end.

"Yu Er, it seems your relationship wasn't as harmonious as that of husband and wife. Yin Er, what about you?" I turned to Zheng Yu and then directed my question to Shen Yin.

"My relationship with your father mirrors that of Elder Sister Yu; we were intimate only once," Shen Yin disclosed to me with a solemn expression.

'In that case, Yin Er, why didn't you tighten from down there like Yu Er?' I inquired within Shen Yin's mind.

'Husband, I'll be honest with you, but please keep it between us. I was engaging in self-stimulation for relaxation, and I couldn't control myself,' Shen Yin confided to me in my mind.

'Yin Er, it's likely due to your Yin Body Constitution; that's why you didn't have that control,' I responded to Shen Yin's thoughts.

'Is it because of my Yin Body Constitution? Husband, do you have any more information about it? My family and I have been in the dark about this body constitution,' Shen Yin inquired in my mind.

'I'll explain it to you later. And don't worry, from now on, I'll be here for you. Just let me know when you want.' I reassured her in her thoughts.

"Husband, same here as well," Lie Ning chimed in before I could inquire.

"It seems none of you had the chance to live your lives as you deserved. Now, I promise you all, I won't repeat the mistakes my father made. From this point forward, let me know when you want to engage in Dual Cultivation, and don't hesitate due to shyness," I assured them with a smile.

"Husband, I love you," Zheng Yu, Shen Yin, and Lie Ning expressed with big smiles.

"I love you too, my wives," I replied with a smile.

"Husband, why didn't you ask about Sister Xiu's relationship with your father?" Shen Yin inquired with curiosity, and the other two nodded in agreement.

"Because Xiu Er has already shared everything with me, which left me quite astonished. That's why I inquired about your relationships," I answered Shen Yin with a smile and then turned to Long Xiu for her input.

"Xiu Er, now that you know they share similar experiences, do you feel comfortable sharing your relationship with my father, or would you like me to help?" My unexpected statement left the three of them surprised.

"Husband, you tell them," Long Xiu said to me, her cheeks blushing as she rested her head on my chest.

"Alright, then listen closely. I'm about to reveal a truth that Xiu Er has kept hidden from everyone. I am Xiu Er's first love, the one who took her virginity," I disclosed with a smile.

"What?" All three of them were taken aback, and I nodded in confirmation.

"But I sense a mature aura around Sister Xiu," Zheng Yu remarked with a curious tone.

"That's because my Xiu Er has been using an artifact to project a false mature aura," I explained to Zheng Yu with a smile.

"So, does that mean Sister Xiu didn't have any involvement with your father?" Shen Yin inquired with curiosity, and I nodded in affirmation.

"Sister Xiu, we're upset that you kept this from us," Lie Ning expressed with a serious tone directed at Long Xiu.

"Sister Xiu, even if you had told us, we would still consider you as our sister," Shen Yin reassured Long Xiu earnestly.

"Exactly, we're family, there's no need for secrets," Zheng Yu chimed in with a smile directed at Long Xiu.

"See? I told you they wouldn't mind, even if they already knew," I remarked to Long Xiu with a tender tone.

"I love you, Husband. Thank you for helping me release this burden from my heart," Long Xiu expressed with a smile, embracing me even tighter.

"I love you too, Wife," I replied with a smile, returning the embrace.

"Husband, tomorrow morning after breakfast, would you mind coming to my room before you leave for your trip?" Lie Ning asked me with a smile.

"Why? If there's something you want to discuss, you can tell me now," I replied with a smile.

"Husband, it's not me who wants to talk, but Zhi Er, has something she wants to say to you," Lie Ning explained with a smile.

"Ah, just as I suspected, you're following in Yin Er's footsteps with your daughter. Xiu Er, could you stand up? I need to punish this Naughty lady," I said to Long Xiu, gesturing for her to stand up from my lap.

"Husband, I haven't done anything wrong. Zhi Er already has feelings for you, and I simply helped her realize that hiding her feelings in her heart would only lead to regret in the future," Lie Ning explained with a serious expression.

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