
Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation

[Warning: Mature Content, R18] ~~~~~~~~ Dai Tao is the martial arts expert in Beijing, and after he died, his soul got Transmigrated in 13 years old young boy Named Xu Fang's body (Single son of the Emperor). Then his new Journey on different planet started. ~~~~~~~ "I didn't die?" The realization struck him, and a cascade of questions flooded his mind. "Oh wait, the big question is where am I?" "What?" "What the f**k." A burst of laughter escaped him as he beheld his reflection, realizing that the old man had metamorphosed into a 13-year-old child. ~~~~~~~ "Where am I?" I said in a low voice. A few minutes later when I sleep, I feel something is not right and open my eyes then look around, and see a boundless blue sea with nothing in my surroundings. "This is a dream?" "Hello, how are you?" I heard a sweet tone of female. "Who?" I asked back when I heard that voice. "Who are you?" "My name is Yuan Shuren and you already know me as the Goddess of Light and Wisdom." ~~~~~~~ The narrative takes a profound turn as Dual Cultivation becomes the cornerstone of his journey, marked by glimpses into realms both serene and tempestuous. The pivotal moment arrives when he inherits the legacy of the Supreme God of Flames, bestowing upon him control over all Heavenly Fires. ~~~~~~~~ "Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation" is a saga that transcends worlds, where the essence of Qi binds reality, and the Xu Fang's evolution is intertwined with the cosmic forces. Join this odyssey of self-discovery, where the Heavenly Flames of destiny burn bright, and the path of Dual Cultivation leads to realms unseen. ~~~~~~~~ Note: Art is not mine. Source: Generated by AI and Edit and Title added by me. ~~~~~~~~

Master_AD · Eastern
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88 Chs

81- Family Complete

Inside the luxurious room that belonged to me in the Ledal Emperor's Castle, I stood near the door. In front of me was Xu Zhi, who had come to talk with me. Outside the room, Xu Min, Xu Ling, and Xu Jing also stood to give alone time to me and Xu Zhi to talk.

"Yes, you are now my wife, and you can meet them. Come in, all three of you," I nodded, calling Xu Min, Xu Ling, and Xu Jing to join us outside the room.

"Xu Fang, are you saying that Elder Sister Min, Sister Ling, and Sister Jing are your wives?" Xu Zhi asked me, sounding surprised.

"Why, is there a problem if we're Xu Fang's wives?" Xu Ling responded to Xu Zhi with a smile as she entered the room, followed by Xu Min, who locked the door behind her.

"No, no, I didn't mean that. I'm just surprised," Xu Zhi replied to Xu Ling with a smile.


"Sister Zhi, if you're surprised by just seeing us, what will you do when you meet the other sisters?" Xu Min asked Xu Zhi with a smile.

"Elder Sister Min, do you know the other sisters?" Xu Jing asked Xu Min, curious.

"I only know one more, but the Husband will tell you himself," Xu Min replied to Xu Jing with a smile.

"I'll explain everything, but let's go somewhere first," I said to them with a smile. Xu Min wasted no time and took hold of my left hand.

"What are you waiting for? Come closer and connect with our husband, and close your eyes," Xu Min instructed the others, who looked at her with puzzled expressions.

Xu Ling stepped forward and took hold of my right hand. Seeing this, Xu Zhi approached and hugged me. The others hesitated but remained silent. Xu Jing came behind me and embraced me from behind.

"Close your eyes," I instructed them gently. Once they complied, I did the same and focused on entering the LOG treasure. In an instant, we vanished from my room and reappeared in the garden within the LOG treasure.

'Ding' 'Ding' Ding' Ding'

"Now, open your eyes," I said to them sweetly.

"Wow..." "Beautiful..." "Beautiful..."

"Xu Ling, Xu Jing, and Xu Zhi looked around after opening their eyes and commented on the view they were witnessing.

"Before you ask any questions, let me inform you that we are inside the treasure. Min Er, it's your turn to share everything you know about me and this treasure," I said with a smile.

"Husband, you don't need to worry. I've told them everything. But before that, you need to tell them and me about your other wives," Xu Min said with a smile, and the others nodded.

"Alright, I'll share the names of my wives. Keep in mind that they're not just my wives but also partners. So, accept them without question, even if some are older than me by a significant margin. Remember, age doesn't matter for cultivators," I explained with a serious tone and posed a question.

"Do you all understand how the realms of our cultivation system affect ages and appearances?"

"I've read a bit about that in the library, but Husband, could you clarify it for all of us?" Xu Min replied to me with a serious expression, and the others nodded in agreement.

"Then listen carefully. As cultivators, our age and appearance aren't affected until we break through to the 'Qi Harmonization Realm' (Qi Warlord). However, once we reach this realm, our ages continue to increase as before, but our appearances gradually change. This change becomes more pronounced with each subsequent realm we achieve until we reach the 'Transcendent Mastery Realm' (Qi Ancestor)," I explained, detailing the relationship between cultivation realms and age and appearance.

"When a cultivator reaches the Transcendent Mastery Realm (Qi Ancestor), their appearance no longer ages, only their age increases. For instance, if someone reaches this realm at the age of 60 with an appearance of 45, their appearance will remain the same even if they live for another hundred years," I clarified regarding the appearance and age factors of cultivators.

"Does this mean you wouldn't have any issues if someone wanted to be your wife, even if she were significantly older than you?" Xu Zhi asked me with a curious tone.

"Right, but why are you asking? You're only one year older than me," I said to Xu Zhi with a smile.

"I'm not asking for myself, but for someone else," Xu Zhi replied with a slightly hesitant tone.

"Zhi Er, you're my wife. You don't need to hesitate when talking to me. Now, tell me who you're referring to," I said with a smile.

"I'm talking about my mother. She thinks you're even better than my father in all aspects. If you have no issue with her age, would you allow her to be your wife as well? I want her to live happily if you give her a chance to start a new life with you," Xu Zi told me with a serious expression.

"Hahaha... That's a first. I've never heard of a daughter wanting her husband to accept her mother as his wife," I chuckled at Xu Zhi's words.

"Xu Fang, don't laugh at me. I said 'if,' but if you don't want to accept her as your wife, then it's your decision," Xu Zhi said to me with a serious expression.

"Zhi Er, I accept your mother as my wife, but on one condition," I said with a smile.

"What's that?" Xu Zhi asked me, curious.

"Call me Husband first," I replied with a smile.

"Hus... Husband, so you accept my mother as your wife now?" Xu Zhi asked, her face blushing.

"Zhi Er, tell me the truth. Why did you confess your feelings to me?" I asked Xu Zhi with a smile.

"Because Mother helped me accept my feelings for you and not regret it in the future if I was late in confessing," Xu Zhi said to me in a serious tone.

"Zhi Er, didn't you find anything strange about her behavior in this matter? Why did she help you confess your feelings to me?" I asked, my smile mysterious.

"Husband, I felt something odd too, but I have no idea why," Xu Zhi said to me, sounding confused.

"Don't tell me... Sister Zhi, because our husband has already accepted your mother. Am I right, Husband?" Xu Min realized the real situation from my mysterious smile and Xu Zhi's response. She said this to Xu Zhi with a smile.

"That's correct. I accepted her yesterday. I didn't expect her to involve you in the matter as well," I replied with a smile.

"Does that mean our mother is also your wife?" Xu Ling asked in a curious tone.

"Sister Ling is correct. Mother also helped us accept our feelings, just like Mother Ning did for Big Sister Zhi," Xu Jing added with curiosity.

"Did any of you regret your decision to become my wife? If so, tell me now. I promise I won't be angry. Instead, I'll be happy with your decision because you all deserve to live your lives happily as you wish," I said to them with a serious expression.

"I have no regrets about my decision."

"I'm content with my choice."

"I'm glad I chose to spend my life with you."

Xu Zhi, Xu Ling, and Xu Jing said to me simultaneously, their tones serious.

"What about you, Min Er?" I smiled and nodded, then turned to Xu Min with a smile.

"Husband, I confessed my feelings to you of my own accord. No one told me to do so, so why would I regret my decision? I also promised to help you with our mother's case," Xu Min said to me with a smile.

"I'm glad to hear that. Now, I'll inform you that I have a total of eight wives, including you. The other four are not just my wives but also my partners," I said with a smile, nodding as I informed them about my partners.

"Husband, how did we also become your partners?" Xu Zhi asked me, her tone curious.

"After engaging in Dual Cultivation with me, you become my partner. Although we don't engage in Dual Cultivation now, I know you're curious about what it entails. You'll learn more about it from Min Er later," I explained with a smile.

"Husband, I'll explain everything to them later. But you still haven't told us the names of all your wives yet," Xu Min reminded me with a smile.

"Yes, Elder Sister Min is correct. We know the two names, the first is my mother and the second is Sister Ling and Sister Jing's mother," Xu Zhi added with a smile.

"Indeed, we're missing two names," Xu Ling chimed in with a smile.

"Then listen, my first wife and first partner is Long Xiu, my second wife is Xu Min, my third wife and second partner is Shen Yin, my fourth and fifth wives are Xu Ling and Xu Jing, my sixth wife and third partner is Lie Ning, my seventh wife and fourth partner is Zheng Yu, and my eighth wife is Xu Zhi," I listed all the names and sequences of my wives and partners.

"Husband, you've already made a move on mother? How and when?" Xu Min asked me, her tone curious.

"Min Er, you can question her later on your own. Now, I'm heading to the mansion. After that, you can brief them and then take them to the Techniques Tower to search for techniques that suit them perfectly. After they search for techniques, come over to the mansion, and then guide them to choose their rooms on the first floor," I instructed Xu Min with a smile.

"Husband, I'll do as you said. See you later at the mansion," Xu Min said with a smile.

"Zhi Er, Ling Er, and Jing Er, take your time searching for techniques that suit you well. Read the descriptions carefully," I told Xu Zhi, Xu Ling, and Xu Jing with a smile.

They all nodded with confident expressions, and I walked toward the mansion.

In the garden, where they sat on the grass, Xu Min began explaining from the beginning.

'As you rest in peace, Xu Fang, your family is now my family and under my protection. From this day forward, if anyone dares to harm them, I, Dai Tao, now Xu Fang, will not hesitate to eliminate the threat,' I declared in my thoughts as I approached the mansion.

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