
Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation

[Warning: Mature Content, R18] ~~~~~~~~ Dai Tao is the martial arts expert in Beijing, and after he died, his soul got Transmigrated in 13 years old young boy Named Xu Fang's body (Single son of the Emperor). Then his new Journey on different planet started. ~~~~~~~ "I didn't die?" The realization struck him, and a cascade of questions flooded his mind. "Oh wait, the big question is where am I?" "What?" "What the f**k." A burst of laughter escaped him as he beheld his reflection, realizing that the old man had metamorphosed into a 13-year-old child. ~~~~~~~ "Where am I?" I said in a low voice. A few minutes later when I sleep, I feel something is not right and open my eyes then look around, and see a boundless blue sea with nothing in my surroundings. "This is a dream?" "Hello, how are you?" I heard a sweet tone of female. "Who?" I asked back when I heard that voice. "Who are you?" "My name is Yuan Shuren and you already know me as the Goddess of Light and Wisdom." ~~~~~~~ The narrative takes a profound turn as Dual Cultivation becomes the cornerstone of his journey, marked by glimpses into realms both serene and tempestuous. The pivotal moment arrives when he inherits the legacy of the Supreme God of Flames, bestowing upon him control over all Heavenly Fires. ~~~~~~~~ "Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation" is a saga that transcends worlds, where the essence of Qi binds reality, and the Xu Fang's evolution is intertwined with the cosmic forces. Join this odyssey of self-discovery, where the Heavenly Flames of destiny burn bright, and the path of Dual Cultivation leads to realms unseen. ~~~~~~~~ Note: Art is not mine. Source: Generated by AI and Edit and Title added by me. ~~~~~~~~

Master_AD · Eastern
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88 Chs

74- Zheng Yu’s Visit to Xu Fang's Room

Meanwhile, Xu Fang returned to his room from Lin Bo's shop after picking up the storage ring filled with materials that Lie Ning had ordered.

After arriving in his room, Xu Fang took a moment to rest and then proceeded to the bathroom for a bath. While he was in the bathroom, his mother, Zheng Yu, entered his room.

Zheng Yu closed the door behind her and looked around, but didn't find Xu Fang in his room as she used her power to check his presence. and sensing Xu Fang's presence in the bathroom, she sat on the bed. Xu Fang, aware that someone had entered his room, used his spiritual sense to check who was in his room and when he sensed Zheng Yu, he continued with his bath without reacting.

After about five minutes, Xu Fang finished his bath, picked up a towel, draped it over his head, and began to dry himself. Unconcerned about clothing, he exited the bathroom directly.

Xu Fang came out of the bathroom in a relaxed manner; he acted like he didn't know anyone in his room. Zheng Yu was sitting on the bed facing the bathroom when she saw Xu Fang come out of the bathroom. Her mind went blank, her eyes wide open in shock, and her right hand was on her opened mouth.

Xu Fang's big rod was erect because Xu Fang was planning to start making his move on Zheng Yu slowly. Xu Fang's face is still hidden under a towel and he is drying his hair with it.

'It's so big…' Zheng Yu said in her mind and her expressions turned normal as she didn't see anything shocking.

'He is a lot bigger compared to his age.' Zheng Yu thought in her mind while memorizing the view in front of her.

"Mother? When will you come here?" Xu Fang asked and showed a shocked expression.

"I… I just came a few moments ago." Zheng Yu said to him with hesitation that her eyes were still on Xu Fang's big rod, that was still seen because Xu Fang didn't try to hide it.

"Mother, please give me a few seconds to put my clothes on." Xu Fang told her with a smile and she only nodded, her eyes still on Xu Fang's big rod.

'He was way bigger than his own Father's.' Zheng Yu added to her.

'What I'm thinking, he is my son.' Zheng Yu said in her mind.

'But he is big down there, I can't forget that big thing for the rest of my life.' Zheng Yu added in her mind.

Xu Fang doesn't put his clothes on faster; he takes his time and does slow movements, which fills lust in Zheng Yu, Xu then uses his charms technique with low sensitivity.

'I want to touch it... no, no, it's wrong; he is my son.' Zheng Yu said in her mind.

'But it's only touch, nothing to happen with.' Zheng Yu fought against the lust that filled her mind.

Xu Fang saw her complex expression and decided not to tease her more He put his clothes on and walked towards her.

"Mother, you came here, did you want to say something?" Xu Fang asked Zheng Yu with a smile.

"Y… Yes, I came here to give you Light Element Qi Stone, it'll help you with your cultivation." Zheng Yu came out of her thoughts after hearing Xu Fang and waved her hand and a light-type Element Qi Stone appeared in her hand.

"Light Element Qi Stone? Mom, I don't need that. Keep it for yourself. It could help you break through when you reach the peak of your cultivation," Xu Fang said with a friendly smile.

"Xu Fang, I have a few extras. Please, take one," Zheng Yu insisted, smiling warmly.

"Mom, as I mentioned, I've got plenty of ways to get stronger," Xu Fang replied mysteriously, a sly grin on his face.

"Other ways? What are you talking about?" Zheng Yu asked, genuinely curious.

"It's a secret," Xu Fang replied, maintaining his mysterious smile.

"Don't play the mysterious card. I know you don't have some special plan; you just don't want to accept help from others," Zheng Yu said, smiling knowingly.

"I understand that you might not believe me, but I want you to know I'm much stronger than you think," Xu Fang told Zheng Yu with a serious tone, his confidence shining through.

"I know you've been honing your technique because you believe in your strength, but it's crucial to elevate your cultivation as well; otherwise, you risk falling behind," Zheng Yu advised with a serious tone.

"Hahaha… Mom, you have no idea about my current cultivation," Xu Fang chuckled, prompting Zheng Yu to scrutinize him closely.

"Don't act like that. You're still in the Qi Initiate Realm (Stage-2), just like your sisters Xu Ling and Xu Jing," Zheng Yu said sternly.

"Mom, that's not my original cultivation. Let me show you something magical," Xu Fang said with a confident smile. He closed his eyes and increased his cultivation by a whole stage, utilizing the 'Cultivation Level Seal' feature of the LOG treasure.

"Ho... how is that possible? How did you boost your cultivation by an entire stage?" Zheng Yu asked, her expression a mix of shock and disbelief.

'Could he be using some artifact to conceal his true cultivation?' Zheng Yu pondered in her mind.

'No, in the Ledal Empire, the highest-tier artifacts only help hide cultivation from two and a half Realms above the user,' she added to her thoughts.

"Mother, it's a secret," Xu Fang replied with a cryptic smile.

"Xu Fang, please, tell me what your original cultivation level is," Zheng Yu urged, her expression serious.

"I didn't intend to reveal this, but I'll give you a hint: I surpassed the accomplishments of the average genius at 18 years old," Xu Fang offered, providing Zheng Yu with a glimpse of his true strength, although it was still somewhat misleading.

"What? Comparable to a genius at 18?" Zheng Yu gasped in astonishment.

"Exactly, Mother. And I don't require those Element Qi Stones to enhance my abilities. If I were to use them to augment my cultivation, I'd have more than enough to reach your level," Xu Fang stated confidently, a smile playing on his lips.

"Are you joking? Do you have any idea what my cultivation level is? Do you understand the quantity of Element Qi Stones required?" Zheng Yu questioned him, a mixture of seriousness and frustration in her tone.

"Don't worry, Mother. I know precisely what I'm saying," Xu Fang reassured her with a smile before employing a detailed-checking feature on her, leaving Zheng Yu both curious and apprehensive about the outcome.


Name: Zheng Yu

Age: 43 Years Old

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Cultivation: Celestial Integration Realm (Stage-7)

Elements: Light, Earth

Profession: Current Ruler of Empire (Swordsman: King Level Intent)

Title: Empress of the Ledal Empire, Healer, Light Goddess


"Then, tell me my current cultivation realm and stage," Zheng Yu inquired with a serious tone.

"Celestial Integration Realm (Stage-7)," Xu Fang disclosed, revealing Zheng Yu's cultivation. She was taken aback by his accurate response.

"How do you know my current cultivation realm and stage so precisely? Did someone inform you?" Zheng Yu asked, her expression reflecting her shock.

"Mother, I can perceive anyone's cultivation level, and I harbor numerous secrets," Xu Fang shared with a gentle smile.

"I find it hard to believe that you can discern the cultivation of others. It's not possible; cultivators of higher realms can assess those of lower realms, but lower realm cultivators can only speculate about the higher realm cultivators' levels based on their auras," Zheng Yu explained, stating the common practice in checking cultivations.

"Mother, I've told you, I possess many secrets, and you still doubt me. What if I share some insights about Elder Ji?

Eight months ago, I checked his cultivation and found he was at Celestial Integration Realm (Stage-Peak). I even knew he was renowned as 'Stone Body.' I know his age; at 68, he had mastery over Wind and Earth elements. Moreover, I discovered he was merely posing as a librarian when, in reality, he served as the 7th Guard of the Ledal Empire," Xu Fang divulged, providing Zheng Yu with detailed information about Elder Ji that left her stunned in disbelief.

"How? How do you know that?" Zheng Yu asked, her disbelief evident.

"Hahaha... Mother, you're surprised by this little revelation. Imagine how astonished you'll be when you discover more about me," Xu Fang chuckled, teasingly.

'Why is he acting as if I know nothing about him?' Zheng Yu pondered in her mind.

"Xu Fang, share more with me. I want to understand you better because your behavior suggests there's much more I don't know," Zheng Yu urged with a serious tone.

"Mother, don't burden your mind trying to figure me out. Instead, take these and focus on becoming stronger," Xu Fang said, waving his hand. Ten Light-type Element Qi Stones materialized in his grasp, which he then handed to Zheng Yu.

"Xu Fang, where did you get these Light-type Element Qi Stones?" Zheng Yu inquired, her expression marked by astonishment.

"Mother, don't dwell on the details, and if you find you need more after using these, just ask me for more," Xu Fang replied, flashing a charming smile and employing his charm technique.

'He becomes even more handsome,' Zheng Yu thought to herself, captivated by his transformed appearance.

"I won't accept this until you disclose the source," Zheng Yu asserted, her tone carrying a determined seriousness.

"Mom, if you're curious about my secrets, you'll have to accept my Qi imprints into your soul," Xu Fang responded, a charming smile playing on his lips and a sweet tone in his voice.

'Why is my heart racing? He's quite attractive.' Zheng Yu wondered silently.

'What's going on with me? Why are my thoughts straying in the wrong direction about him? He's my son,' Zheng Yu contemplated inwardly.

"Mother?" Xu Fang shook Zheng Yu after holding her right shoulder. He used his Lust Goddess technique with low sensitivity.

"What did you say?" Zheng Yu came out of her thoughts.

'What happened to my body?' Zheng Yu started to lose control of her own body.

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