
Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation

[Warning: Mature Content, R18] ~~~~~~~~ Dai Tao is the martial arts expert in Beijing, and after he died, his soul got Transmigrated in 13 years old young boy Named Xu Fang's body (Single son of the Emperor). Then his new Journey on different planet started. ~~~~~~~ "I didn't die?" The realization struck him, and a cascade of questions flooded his mind. "Oh wait, the big question is where am I?" "What?" "What the f**k." A burst of laughter escaped him as he beheld his reflection, realizing that the old man had metamorphosed into a 13-year-old child. ~~~~~~~ "Where am I?" I said in a low voice. A few minutes later when I sleep, I feel something is not right and open my eyes then look around, and see a boundless blue sea with nothing in my surroundings. "This is a dream?" "Hello, how are you?" I heard a sweet tone of female. "Who?" I asked back when I heard that voice. "Who are you?" "My name is Yuan Shuren and you already know me as the Goddess of Light and Wisdom." ~~~~~~~ The narrative takes a profound turn as Dual Cultivation becomes the cornerstone of his journey, marked by glimpses into realms both serene and tempestuous. The pivotal moment arrives when he inherits the legacy of the Supreme God of Flames, bestowing upon him control over all Heavenly Fires. ~~~~~~~~ "Destined to be Supreme God: Dual Cultivation" is a saga that transcends worlds, where the essence of Qi binds reality, and the Xu Fang's evolution is intertwined with the cosmic forces. Join this odyssey of self-discovery, where the Heavenly Flames of destiny burn bright, and the path of Dual Cultivation leads to realms unseen. ~~~~~~~~ Note: Art is not mine. Source: Generated by AI and Edit and Title added by me. ~~~~~~~~

Master_AD · Eastern
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88 Chs

73- I want to go to Jade Orchid City

Xu Fang left Lin Bo's shop and found a secluded spot to change their appearances, and Shen Yin and Lie Ning followed suit. Afterward, they headed directly to the Ledal Alchemist Association.

"Husband, you're amazing. You use a different identity for gathering information, and you have also earned a lot of respect already," Shen Yin complimented him with a smile after they entered her chamber.

"Indeed, Husband, the rate Lin Bo offers you for materials is better than what I get as the queen and leader of the Ledal Crafts Center. Normally, we have to wait for days even after paying in advance," Lie Ning remarked with a pleased expression.

"It's nothing; I'm just lucky," Xu Fang replied humbly with a smile.

"Don't be modest, Husband. Now, tell us your plans regarding the 'Golden Lion Auction Center' in 'Jade Orchid City'," Shen Yin inquired with a serious expression.

"I've been contemplating something, but I do intend to attend the auction," Xu Fang started with a serious tone.

"So, when do you plan to go?" Lie Ning asked with a serious expression.

"Jade Orchid City isn't far; even if we travel by road, we should reach there in a few hours," Xu Fang explained seriously.

"Husband, you know we won't let you go alone," Shen Yin asserted with a serious tone.

"Additionally, Elder Sister Yu hasn't given you permission to leave the city," Lie Ning added, also with a serious expression.

"I know that. How about you, Yin Er, try to get permission to attend the auction in Jade Orchid City? It will make things easier for me to accompany you," Xu Fang suggested, sharing his plan to attend the auction.

"Husband, why can't I go with you? Jade Orchid City is my family's city," Lie Ning questioned with a smile.

"Obtaining permission from my mother might be challenging for you, as the materials related to your profession won't be auctioned there," Xu Fang explained to Lie Ning with a smile.

"I think you're right, Husband. What do you think, Sister Yin?" Lie Ning agreed and turned to Shen Yin with a smile.

"I believe this plan will work well," Shen Yin nodded in agreement.

"Then it's settled. You discuss it with her at dinner, and I'll also request permission to accompany you," Xu Fang suggested to Shen Yin, who nodded.

"Ning Er, starting from now, I won't attend the Lightning Element training class," Xu Fang turned to Lie Ning and informed her with a smile.

"Why, Husband? I want to spend more time with you in our training class, but you told me you didn't want to come," Lie Ning asked with a slightly sad tone.

"My dear Wife, did you forget that you can enter the LOG treasure by yourself? You can enter inside every night after dinner," Xu Fang reminded Lie Ning with a smile.

"Husband is right. Every night after dinner, we can spend time together inside the LOG treasure," Shen Yin chimed in with a smile.

"That sounds wonderful," Lie Ning expressed happily.

"One night in the real world is equivalent to more than three days inside the LOG treasure," Shen Yin explained to Lie Ning with a smile.

"Now you can't complain about not having enough time with me every day," Xu Fang teased Lie Ning with a smile.

"Yes, Husband, I'm delighted," Lie Ning replied with a smile.

After chatting for a few more minutes, Lie Ning left the Ledal Alchemist Association to collect the pill from Shen Yin. Following her departure, Xu Fang walked toward the leader's seat in Shen Yin's chamber, which belonged to her as the leader of the Ledal Alchemist Association. He took a seat there.

Shen Yin directly approached him, locking the door, seated herself on his lap, facing him, and wrapped her arms around Xu Fang's neck. Xu Fang reciprocated by encircling her waist, pulling her into his embrace, and resting his face between Shen Yin's peaks.

They remained in this intimate position for a few more minutes before loosening their embrace. After some more conversation, Xu Fang left the Ledal Alchemist Association. On his way, he changed his appearance to collect material from Lin Bo's shop.


Inside the royal-looking room of the Ledal Emperor Castle, Lie Ning sat on the bed with her daughter, Xu Zhi, sitting beside her. Lie Ning had returned directly to the castle after leaving the Ledal Alchemist Association and called Xu Zhi into her room.

"Mother, what did you want to talk to me about?" Xu Zhi inquired with curiosity.

"Zhi Er, do you know that Xu Min, Xu Ling, and Xu Jing have already apologized to Xu Fang?" Lie Ning asked Xu Zhi with a serious tone.

"Really? But Sister Ling and Jing told me that we were supposed to apologize together. Why didn't they call me?" Xu Zhi was surprised by her mother's revelation.

"That's not their fault. Sister Yin arranged a meeting for them after lunch," Lie Ning explained with a smile.

"Oh, I see. Well, now that Mother knows where my little brother is, I want to apologize to him as well," Xu Zhi expressed with a serious tone.

"I think Xu Fang at the Ledal Alchemist Association to practice his alchemy skills this time. But if you want my help, I can tell him to meet you when he is freed," Lie Ning offered with a smile.

"Thank you, Mother," Xu Zhi said, expressing her gratitude by hugging her mother with happiness.

"Zhi Er, the real reason I called you here is not about that, but something more important," Lie Ning said to Xu Zhi with a serious tone.

"What is it?" Xu Zhi asked in curiosity after breaking the hug.

"Zhi Er, tell me honestly, do you like someone?" Lie Ning asked her daughter with a serious tone.

"Mother?" Xu Zhi was shocked by her mother's question.

"Why are you surprised? I haven't asked anything inappropriate," Lie Ning assured her with a serious tone.

"No, Mother, I don't have feelings for anyone. I'm still too young for those things," Xu Zhi replied to her mother with a serious yet slightly blushing expression.

"Age doesn't necessarily matter when it comes to having feelings for someone. If there's someone in your life who makes you feel better, safe, happy, and lively when you're with them, someone who can do things for you that not everyone can do, and if you feel like something is missing when they're not around, then you may have found someone special. And if given a choice, you would want to spend your entire life with them," Lie Ning shared her thoughts, expressing the feelings that everyone experiences for someone special.

"Zhi Er?" Lie Ning gently shook her daughter's shoulder, as Xu Zhi seemed lost in her thoughts.

"Sorry, Mother. I was just lost in my thoughts," Xu Zhi apologized.

"Hahaha... So, you do have someone you like," Lie Ning chuckled.

"Mother, it's not as you think," Xu Zhi clarified, her cheeks slightly blushing.

"I'm your mother; you can't hide things from me. Now, tell me his name," Lie Ning urged with a smile.

"Mother, the feelings you mentioned, I did feel the same when I was with him, but..." Xu Zhi began explaining, her expression becoming more complex, and she didn't complete her sentence.

'I think my Husband already makes her feel the same way I feel when I'm with him,' Lie Ning added in her mind.

"But what?" Lie Ning asked with a serious tone.

"Mother, I think he doesn't feel the same way about me," Xu Zhi shared with a slightly saddened tone.

"Zhi Er, don't jump to conclusions. Tell me why it's difficult to be with him. Can you tell me his name? I can help you," Lie Ning offered with a motherly and supportive tone.

"Mother, if I tell you his name, you might not approve because he's not from a lower-status family." Xu Zhi hesitated as she shared her concerns.

"Zhi Er, don't beat around the bush. Just tell me his name. I'm your mother, and I'll do anything to make you happy," Lie Ning urged Xu Zhi with a comforting tone.

"Mother, first promise me you won't get angry," Xu Zhi requested with a serious tone.

"Alright, I promise not to be angry," Lie Ning assured her daughter seriously.

"Xu... Xu Fang," Xu Zhi hesitated as she shared the name with her mother.

"Xu Fang?" Lie Ning acted as if she were shocked by her daughter's revelation.

"Mother, you promised not to be angry. If you think I'm wrong, I won't even consider it again," Xu Zhi expressed with a slightly fearful tone.

"I knew it. I noticed you looking at him differently when we gathered to eat in the dining hall. Don't worry; you haven't done anything wrong," Lie Ning reassured Xu Zhi with a smile.

"Mother, you're not angry with me?" Xu Zhi asked, surprised.

"Why would I be angry with you? Zhi Er, you know Xu Fang is different from others and better than anyone else I've met in my whole life," Lie Ning replied with a smile.

"Mother, you say he's better than anyone else you've met in your whole life. Does that mean he's even better than Father?" Xu Zhi asked with curiosity.

"Zhi Er, if I'm being honest, I always regarded your father as the best person, even after his passing. However, about two months ago, when I started attending Xu Fang's Lightning Element training class, I spent more time with him. Xu Fang changed my perspective, and now I can honestly say that he surpasses your father in various aspects – in his thoughts, dedication to family, hard work, quick learning, diverse skills, and much more," Lie Ning explained to her daughter with a serious yet contented tone.

"Do I confess to him when I meet him?" Xu Zhi asked her mother with a serious expression.

"If you genuinely want to be with him, I'll support you every step of the way. Just don't let the opportunity slip away, or you might regret it later," Lie Ning advised Xu Zhi with a supportive smile.

"Then I'll talk to him about it. I hope he accepts me," Xu Zhi said in a low tone.

"That's great. You are lucky to have a chance to be with Xu Fang. Sometimes, I wonder why I didn't have the same opportunity to be with him... sigh," Lie Ning sighed, expressing a hint of sadness.

"Mother? You know what you're saying, right? You're aware of the age difference," Xu Zhi asked her mother with a shocked expression.

"Zhi Er, I said I was just thinking. I'm well aware of the age difference between Xu Fang and me. That's why I didn't pursue a life with him. But I'm happy that you, as my daughter, have the opportunity to be with him," Lie Ning explained in a somewhat sad tone.

Xu Zhi remained silent, processing her mother's words and expressions.

"Let's leave it at that. Now, let's go back to your room. Come here after breakfast, and I'll also invite him," Lie Ning suggested to her daughter with a smile, and Xu Zhi nodded.

'I hope everything goes well,' Lie Ning thought to herself.

'Husband, get ready for a surprise,' Lie Ning added in her mind as Xu Zhi left Lie Ning's room.

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