
Chapter 9

We took off to my territory in wolf form. It's just Liam, Isaac, Adam, and myself. My father wanted to come or send Connor, but we said no. I told him how Isaac and his brother are going, which he sent me a look to. I ignored it saying how it involved his pack, which earned a growl and a nod. So here we are running to save Luke.

'So how do we know for sure this is going to happen?' Liam asks. I roll my eyes at him getting annoyed. He now knows I'm the rare sandy colored wolf, and we are able to all share a link because of it.

'Because I have been told about it.' I answer vaguely.

'That didn't answer the question.' Liam says annoyed.

'Has anyone thought of what we are actually going to say?' I ask ignoring Liam.

'No Cupcake.'


'No sis, do you got one?'

'No, but it seems like I need one.' I groan. 'I got it!' I cheer. 'We sneak in and surprise them saving the day in the process.' I say proud of myself.