
Chapter 10

'Tyler.' I answer, and Isaac growls. I roll my eyes and go behind a tree and shift. I change into the clothes I tied to my leg and came out to see everyone else shifted back. Everyone from Isaac's pack looks at me weird- shit they saw my wolf.

I look to Adam with wide eyes then to Isaac. He looks at me concerned and then it seems to click for him. He looks to his pack narrowing his eyes at them. "No one mentions her wolf, got it?" He asks more as a statement than a question. They all gulp and nod their heads bowing. "Good, now the ones I need to talk to follow me." He orders and starts heading off. We all follow him not wanting to make him angry.

We follow him to an excluded spot from the others. He stops and so do we as we try and evaluate his anger. He turns back to us his eyes dark with anger. "Can someone explain to me what the hell that was about?"