
Chapter 45

One dog steps forward, she is the biggest girl out of the group. She growls warningly, but Isaac wasn't having it. He growls back grabbing her by the neck. "Stupid mutt." He growls. Mervin chuckles, and Chase looks down at the ground.

"No one gets away with trespassing." Isaac growls, and snaps her neck tossing her to the ground. The dogs jump back yelping looking at their sister.

"Isaac." I growl, but he ignores me glaring at the dogs. Something is different though. These dogs are already big, but clearly they are still young. Then a huge Irish wolfhound jumps out in front of the younger ones. He growls at Isaac looking to the dead one.

This dog is huge, and when I say huge I mean a huge dog. He is about four feet tall. Some of our pack members are that big. Isaac seems slightly taken back, but growls regaining himself.