
Chapter 1

I wake up opening my eyes as Katie sits up in her bed. "Good morning Sabrina." She says. She rubs her sleepy eyes and then runs a hand threw her blond wavy hair. She just turned twelve last week, and has school today. I lift my head watching her walk to her closet.

She pulls out jeans and a peach colored sweatshirt. The sweatshirt had the word love written on it in white. "I'll be right back." She says heading to the bathroom to get ready. I sand up once she closes the door. I stretch before shaking my fur. No, I'm not a wolf... I'm not a werewolf.

I'm a were-dog, which means I'm a Irish wolfhound. They are already a big dogs, but with me and my pack being were-dogs the makes us get to four feet. Which happens to be the size of some werewolves. We are also the last of our kind, which makes us a threat to some. But it also makes us special.