
Chapter 42

"I won't let them hurt you." He says and hugs her. She tenses at first, but I can see her relaxing. I look to Elijah, who is being held back by his two brothers, he is trying not to explode.

"Enough of this!" Jerald booms. "Get them in the cells I don't want to see them right now." He orders. Klaus growls at him standing in front of Ashton protectively.

"Thomas either control your son, or he goes too." He growls looking to the vampire. The vampire growls at him looking to him boy.

"Not you too." He sighs.

"Dad." He growls.

"Cells it is." He sighs before walking out.

"You better not turn like your children." Jerald growls following him. I am shell shocked at everything that happened. All I know is Mervin knew this was happening.