
Chapter 41

"Good work Roy." A vampire says stepping into my line of sight. My boys growl and I glance at Roy. He looks to the ground shameful. I look back to the vampire. He has dark red hair and bright red eyes. He is flanked by a vampire and werewolf, who have a smug look.

"Who are you?" I question in a low growl. The vampire chuckles as more come out surrounding us.

'Mervin!' I call out frantically through our mind link.

'What's wrong?' He asks.

'rogues and vampires. There are a lot of them.'

'I'm trying to get there. Hang on the rogues are lunging at Lance.' He says before cutting the line. I gulp taking in all the vampires and rogues that are surrounding us. There are a total of twenty, and what makes it worse is Roy backs away from me and my pups.

"Roy!" I shout. He looks so guilty. "I thought you were family." I say hurt before snapping my head to the laughing vampire who comes to stand a foot away from me. My boys growl out a warning.