
Chapter 39

"No, I just have an army. Bigger than Dean's." He growls. "Oh, and if you ever what to see that kid again I suggest you give me what I want."

"How about I make you a deal?" I ask thinking of a plan.

"What do you purpose?" He asks, and I can tell he's smirking.

"You can get all three of us... if you let Holden go, and cause no harm to the packs." I say. He chuckles.


"Now, meet me in the clearing on Thursday."

"Come alone."

"Bring Holden." He chuckles again.

"I will. I'll see you then Karla." He says. "Just know if you don't come alone you and everyone you love will be dead. You though will be the first to go."

"I'll see you soon, Sam." I say trying to say his name as nicely as I can. He laughs before the line goes dead. I look back to see everyone's eyes on me. Isaac rushes to my side. "He has an army, but I have a plan." I say. Isaac hugs me as close as he can.