
Chapter 38

"Anything for you, my beautiful mate. Now let's get some sleep." He says kissing my head. I try to fall back to sleep, but I'm scared I'll have a nightmare. I had one at the hospital, and Isaac luckily was there to calm me down.

"Isaac, I'm scared to." I whisper.

"Don't be. I'm right here, and I'll protect you. I'm not leaving your side." He says. I nod my head closing my eyes holding onto him tightly.

I open my eyes, and groan from the sun shining right in them. Bentley comes running into the room and jumps on Isaac. I laugh as his eyes snap open. He shoots up looking around. "What's wrong?" He asks, looking us over for anything wrong.

"Isaac, we are fine." I assure him sitting up.

"Mommy, um..." I raise an eyebrow at her.

"What baby?"

"Holden ran away, he said he wanted to get Sam." She says looking worried. I pull her in a hug as she starts crying.