
Chapter 26

There on the ground are the two dead rogues and Holden comforting the female. I sniffle before smashing my lips to his. My stomach flips and I feel the passion he brings into the kiss. I kiss him with all the passion I have. One of his hands travel up to my head and moves to the back of my head. He keeps me close and seems to be trying to get me closer. We pull apart breathless resting our foreheads on one another's. "It's okay." Mervin says. I nod my head agreeing. "It's nice to know you care though." He says ruining the moment. I slap his chest before I get out of his grip and stand up.

"Don't ever put me through that again." I sternly tell him. He stands up taking my hands in his.

"I knew what I was doing." He says. I can see in his eyes though that he is in pain. I look over him for any injuries, and my eyes widen from the blood soaking his shirt around his abdomen. I feel myself stop breathing.