
Chapter 25

A throat clearing stops us before the kiss can get anymore heated. We both snap our heads to Roy, who seems to be itching to leave. Mervin sets me down on my feet but keeps his arms around me. Mervin goes stiff as he turns to glare at Roy. "What did you say?" He growls at him. "You aren't that fucking important, Roy." Mervin says in such a dark and scary voice. Roy flinches.


"Don't." Mervin spits pushing me behind him. "You disrespect not only your family, but a future Luna. What gives you the idea that it's okay to do that?" Mervin growls out. His hands are clenched in suck tight fists his knuckles are white. His body is now shaking and I stand there shocked.

"Mervin, please I'm just frustrated. My mate ran Mervin." Roy pleads. Mervin growls and looks back to me as I place my hand on his shoulder.

"Mervin it's fine. I'm fine. The pups are fine." I reassure him. He takes deep calming breaths nodding his head slowly.