
Chapter 26

"Oh come on I'm pretty sure you did too." Tyler says, and Paul kicks him under the table. A few more footsteps are heard and we look to see two girls our age, but they clearly just woke up. One has brown hair lighter than mine as the other had blond hair.

"Good morning everyone, and good morning handsome." The brown haired girl says. She walks in and sits on Liam's lap. He wraps his arms around her smiling.

"Good morning beautiful." He says and kisses her cheek. She smells a lot like Liam too, so I'm guessing the are mates.

"Babe come here." Paul says smiling and patting his hand on his lap. She rolls her eyes, but walks over sitting on his lap. Her blond hair is in a messy bun and she just has shorts and a tee shirt on. He kisses her cheek, and she blushes.

"Oh, Karla this is my mate, Maya. Maya this is Isaac's mate Karla." Liam says. The girl smiles at me and looks at Liam.

"Karla this is my mate Taylor." Paul says.