
Chapter 25

My head starts pounding and I grab my head. I see Bentley and Holden doing the same thing. 'Isaac help! Our heads are pounding!' I yelp.

'We're coming we see Ryder. Can you fight them off?' As he says that we are grabbed. My arms are pinned behind me and tied with chains. They put a gag rag thing in my mouth. I kicked one in the balls and he slaps me.

Holden snapped ones neck and pinned down another. Bentley was crying with one guy holding her over his shoulder.

'Isaac, I'm sorry.' I whine as I kick my legs around trying to get out of their grip. Next thing I know I see black and I'm dropped to the ground. Isaac ripped his head off. I knew he was faster than the others. Holden shifted into his wolf, so Isaac and him were killing the others before they can shift. I look to Bentley as the guy tries to run with her.