
Chapter 15

I tackle Tyler to the ground shifting. He shifts too, but I still have him pinned down. I bare my teeth at him growling.

He throws me off and I land on my side, but get back up fast. I snap my teeth at him, and he snarls at me. We start circling each other I am standing strong making myself bigger. The sad part is he is doing the same, and is bigger than me.

He lunges at me and I meet him head on. He grabs my shoulder biting down with a ton of force. I tried grabbing his ear, and he got my shoulder. The pain is excruciating and I feel him bite harder. I yelp out in pain and feel him dislocate my shoulder from his iron grip he held on it.

He twists it like he was trying to ripe it off. I hear growling in the background, but tune it out trying to focus on getting out of his hold. I try turning but nothing is working. 'Isaac!' Is all I say before Tyler is ripped away and I am dropped on the ground.