
Chapter 14

"So, why are you meeting him?"

"I can't not see him, it's hard right now. I don't know if he is safe or what he is doing. Mates can't be away from each other. Trust me it's hard." I look at her, and she gives me an understanding look. "Like right now I'm craving his touch. The warm tingly feeling I get when our skin touches..." I stop when Lilly yells my name.

"We don't need to know all that." Lilly says making a face. I roll my eyes and laugh at her.

"Hey Evelyn where do you want your party?" I ask her changing the subject.

"You said you couldn't come." She says a little hurt.

"I'll just meet him late." She smiles at me.

"Let's have it at the cabin by the stream." She says smiling non stop.

"That's not in our territory." Lilly says shocked.

"But it's close Lilly, it's right on the edge. I'll ask my father about it though." Evelyn looks at me giving me a hopeful smile.
