
Chapter 49 I Didn't Mean It

The splashed water wet Leonard's clothes and hair.

He didn't care about these at all. He stared anxiously at the people in the pool.

Nina found out that it was Ivan who jumped into the pool to save Joy. She panicked in an instant.

Nina thought, "Didn't Dad say he won't come home at night?"

"Why did he come here suddenly?"

"No, I can't let Dad see me here!"

Seeing this thing was getting serious, Nina was afraid of being scolded by Ivan, so she wanted to slip away.

But Leonard clasped her wrist quickly and stopped her.

"You can't go!"

Nina was anxious. She shouted with red eyes, "Let me go! Take your hand off my wrist!"

No matter how Nina tried to break free from Leonard's hand, she couldn't withdraw her hand at all. She felt a pain in her wrist.

Nina felt even more guilty when she heard the onlookers discussing her.