
Desires of a Lead

When Nadia is handed a new novel in a series to edit, she isn't exactly thrilled. What Nadia doesn't know is that the story she'd been handed is about to come off the pages. One character in particular is not happy with the way the story is going. He's a side character name Xyle. Xyle is angry that he has been treated so poorly in the series he was written. He has a few things to say and mistakes Nadia for the author at first. Nadia has no idea what to do with this inhuman warrior that has stepped off the pages of the novel she is editing. What's worse, he starts to come after her in a far different way. When Xyle realizes that if you want to stay alive you need to find a way to be a lead in this world. To him it seems obvious that Nadia is a female lead. A female lead that does not appear to have a male lead in her life. How is that not a perfect opportunity to escape his fate and get what his original author denied him? A life, a mate and even simple joys. Xyle realizes pretty quick that Nadia is going to make this hard. To bad he's already used to a hard life, and being denied. He's going to win this time, even if he has to write their fates himself into the pages of this story.

Lee_C_Conrad · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Side Characters

Nadia stayed in her room and refused to leave it for the rest of the night. She laid there hoping like hell that this was some absurd dream that she would wake up from. That there wasn't a man out in her living room that just popped out of a story. This was insane and the longer she laid here the more she thought perhaps she was just having a breakdown or something. Still there was this pull to go out the door and toward where Xyle was. Some stupid primal part deep inside that now sensed him and wanted to go to him.

"This is insane. No one feels things like that." She grumbled to herself and turned over grabbing her pillow. Nadia was just a stream of thoughts and confusion, but she did fall asleep for a short while. When she woke she sat straight up and felt her heartbeat just a bit faster.

No one was in her room and she breathed a sigh of relief. For one blissful second she thought it all a dream. Until she realized that there were voices. They weren't loud but immediately Nadia was up and ripped open her bedroom door. Who was in her house now? Who came over and who was Xyle talking to? She felt panic and came into the living area and stopped dead.

There were two other people sitting in her living room. Nadia had never seen these two before. The man sitting there looked like a damn near carbon copy of Xyle. Except he had these coal colored eyes and just a bit lighter hair. There were faint scars on his arms and neck. Nadia looked over at the computer that was open and typing silently. Her head turned back to the three and they were all now looking at her.

"No, oh my god no." Nadia snapped and walked quickly to the compter reading it some.

"This is her?" The woman that was sitting there spoke. Her voice was soft and almost timid. She got up and walked toward Nadia who had a hand to her face and took a sharp breath. The woman was tall and slender, dark blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Honestly she kind of looked like a super model. Right there Nadia felt like shaking her head, writers sure liked making their characters nearly unrealistically beautiful.

"Yes." Came Xyle's deep voice answering the woman. He was staring at Nadia though. He'd left her alone in her room. Clearly she wanted space, and honestly he needed a moment to think too. He'd just laid on the couch and stared at the ceiling. Xylee didn't know exactly how to go about this with Nadia now. It wasn't like he planned anything. Not like he expected to be pulled into another world.

"Nadia?" Nadia looked at the woman as she stopped before her. She was slightly taller than Nadia. The woman looked like she was going to cry. Nadia already knew who this was having read some of the text there.

"I'm Lillian. Thank you." Without warning Lillian just embraced Nadia hard. Nadia was not prepared for her strength and the slight bit of a sob that escaped her.

"Oh thank you so much." Lillian used to be human, she wasn't anymore. Clearly she was forgetting her inhuman strength. Nadia felt nearly crushed in her grip.

"Uh, it's hard to breathe." Nadia commented awkwardly patting her back. Her gaze met Xyle's for a moment. Those light green eyes meeting hers felt piercing. Like he was seeing more of Nadia than she wanted and she looked away.

"Oh sorry." Lillian let go and kind of wiped at her face a bit. "Forgot you're not like us." Lillian commented and offered a smile. Nadia glanced over at Zyer who was sitting there and then back to Lillian. She did not look at Xyle again, though she could feel his gaze on her. She felt it way more than last night.

"Why are you thanking me?" Nadia asked confused. "He sure was angry coming out of that story last night." Nadia quipped gesturing at Xyle but once more no eye contact with him. Nadia was looking at Lillian and missed Zyer's slow smile and raised eyebrow. He then looked at Xyle.

"Your female is refusing to acknowledge you." Zyer chuckled a bit. The two women were talking and he spoke low to his brother.

"Yeah, I noticed." He grumbled back. Zyer gave a flash of white teeth. Xyle was sure that Zyer was going to get a kick out of this. Even if he'd been happy to hear he found a mate, even if the circumstances were incredibly bizarre. Zyer was very happy to not be the main subject of a story. That others weren't going to be reading his every move with his mate. He could watch this time if it worked.

"I'm thanking you," They heard Lillian comment to Nadia, "because you stopped the progress of our story. The moment you started that program it froze us in place. You let us have a chance for a better ending. None of us want the way Laural was going to end it." Lillian took Nadia's wrist.

"Come sit, talk with us for a moment. I want to know you. Laural didn't like to give me many friends, or she killed them off." Lillian had a sad look. Nadia felt a swallow as she let Lillian pull her into the living area. Nadia steadfastly refused to sit anywhere close to Xyle at the moment. So she sat in the single chair closer to Lillian who was now next to Zyer. Zyer immediately reached and smoothed Lillian's hair. He pulled her sideways a bit and kiss her temple. There was also a bit harder of a look to him as he did it. He was not a soft man, but had a soft spot named Lillian.

"We will work this out. We won't have to live that way anymore if this works." Nadia looked at him and then to Lillian. She finally glanced at Xyle again who was leaning forward on his knees. This crazy train was starting to get very deep.

"You brought them here?" Nadia asked without anything in her tone. Was that computer just going to start spitting characters out?

"Actually the computer over there started asking if the next characters were wanted to join the new story. Plot suggestion, why wouldn't I say yes?" He asked her. "Especially if you were going to ignore me." He stated dryly and Nadia sat a bit straighter. A haughty look on her face.

"You don't deserve attention. I'm not feeling very charitable in regards to you Xyle. Changing my fate to suit your survival. Now you can work for it." Zyer laughed rather deeply.

"Yes!" He said with a light slap on his knee. "Thank you moon goddess. She hates you Xyle, it's going to be so nice to watch someone else struggle. I hope you're as difficult as you sound. He needs someone to straighten him out, make it hard on him." Xyle looked at his brother, but Zyer eyed Nadia.

"Sometimes Zyer, I don't know why I don't just stab you in the kidney and watch you pee blood." He looked back at his brother who gave him a flash of white teeth. Lillian gave a small laugh this time.

"Sometimes I wonder if you two actually love each other." Lillian stated. Nadia thought that Xyle's cold statement was a bit much. Zyer didn't seem upset by it. He looked like he was going to laugh.

"Brotherly love sweetheart. I may have said the same thing to him when I first met you." Zyer stated. "Not so funny when it's you is it?" He chuckled meeting Xyle's eyes. Nadia found it so very strange to sit here with characters from a story and see them as real people. In her head reading they were, but at the same time you knew it wasn't true. Her world though had just been ripped open. Honestly her world was starting to feel a bit crowded just like her home.

"So uh, I kind of have to ask. You happy to be here? Even though you were the main characters in the other story? Are you now side characters here? What if that changes something for you." Nadia asked, and for the first time felt like she really might like to interview a character. Strangely her nerdy side and editor side wanted to hear their thoughts.

"It might have been our story but there are a great many parts I hate. Especially once we were aware of it being a story and frozen in place. To know that our happiness and love was being toyed with for entertainment. That she wasn't going to let us have it makes me feel utter rage. We were children when we became cursed with our village." Zyer's eyes were black and his tone was very deep. Nadia could feel the air charge a bit, now she knew what they meant in the book describing him. Describing the presence of an alpha and what alpha mode was like. This was just a taste, she had a feeling that Xyle would be like this too. He chose to follow his brother. A beta by choice.

"To live as long as we have with the pain of the Hex is horrible. It threatens to make you insane, the need to search for what can never be found. Then I found it, Lillian fell into our world and yesterday I learned that our author had no plans on letting us enjoy what being a soulmate is." Zyer was very clearly angry and you could see a slight twist to his features. Nadia swallowed a bit but did not interrupt. She thought that would be bad for her health.

"Zyer." Xyle said calmly looking at his brother. He saw the wolf close to the surface. Zyer has struggled a lot when they were younger with his anger. Xyle couldn't blame him. Where Xyle turned self destructive, Zyer had become destructive to others. They relied heavily on each other to keep themselves in control. Zyer stopped talking and took a moment to breathe. Lillian started instead.

"This story, did you read how it ends Nadia?" Lillian asked softly. Nadia noticed how Lillian reached and took Zyer's hand in hers. She didn't even look at her mate, just knew how far to reach. Nadia noted how fast Zyer seemed to relax more. Their bond was very real, written or not.

"Actually I haven't read to the end." Nadia admitted and she gave Xyle a hasty glance. "I was editing about half way. Then I just kind of felt that Laural was going to kill Xyle. Even though you might be a side character, you are still a major character." Which was very true. "In all honesty I thought she was wrong to do that. Many will be greatly upset to read that. Even with the reasons why. I stopped reading and went back to where I was editing to start the program." She explained. Xyle was kind of glad to hear that. At least it seemed like she didn't have full on hatred for him. So there was that.

"After Xyle dies, it sends Zyer into a very serious downward spiral in the story." Lillian was gripping Zyer's hand rather harshly. Nadia noted his clenched jaw and that he was staring off more into the room. She also had a feeling that Zyer and Xyle were having a private mental conversation as Lillian spoke.

"How so?" Nadia felt she should know. Especially if this might trigger something here. Zyer was the fiercely possessive and protective type.

"He leaves me, in his grief she makes it powerful enough to ignore my pleas for him to not go after Kane." Kane was a main pureblood that wanted the two brothers in the room slain. They had stopped the vampires multiple times from taking over and making people slaves. Obviously a lot more there but that was the jist.

"Leaves you? That doesn't make sense, you are mated. That would be a rather large plot hole. You can't just leave your mate from what she wrote." Zyer still didn't speak, though it looked like he was going to crack his teeth with how hard he clenched his jaw. Clearly the ending of the story was not okay with it's leads. Nadia now wanted to know what it was.

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