
Desires of a Lead

When Nadia is handed a new novel in a series to edit, she isn't exactly thrilled. What Nadia doesn't know is that the story she'd been handed is about to come off the pages. One character in particular is not happy with the way the story is going. He's a side character name Xyle. Xyle is angry that he has been treated so poorly in the series he was written. He has a few things to say and mistakes Nadia for the author at first. Nadia has no idea what to do with this inhuman warrior that has stepped off the pages of the novel she is editing. What's worse, he starts to come after her in a far different way. When Xyle realizes that if you want to stay alive you need to find a way to be a lead in this world. To him it seems obvious that Nadia is a female lead. A female lead that does not appear to have a male lead in her life. How is that not a perfect opportunity to escape his fate and get what his original author denied him? A life, a mate and even simple joys. Xyle realizes pretty quick that Nadia is going to make this hard. To bad he's already used to a hard life, and being denied. He's going to win this time, even if he has to write their fates himself into the pages of this story.

Lee_C_Conrad · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Rethinking Your Moves

"What do you want to do?" Xyle asked as they were standing in a rather dense wooded area. They had stopped now that distance was starting to increase from their females. It didn't seem smart to keep following the scent. Yes dawn was coming, but they had found the kills of the pure bloods. They were well fed right now and both brothers were tired and had not gotten much sleep or food themselves. That meant energy wise the vampires would have more to spare than they did. So that wasn't good in a fight.

"I think we would be smart to rest and then follow again. They are clearly running far. We don't even know what is out that way. If they find a suitable resting place they will have their own wards up. That will take us time, we should plan. Clearly we will not catch them in the open this night." Zyer growled. Both of them were undressed having been running as werewolves.

"I agree, they are covering ground fast. I don't like being too far with no other to protect Lillian or Nadia. Especially if they were to circle around and we were too late to figure that tactic out." Xyle stated and while he'd have loved a chance to kill the two, didn't seem smart now. He was feeling exhausted.

"We will rest and then resume our hunt. No doubt they will try to amass puppets. We must be on the lookout for that." Zyer said and turned to go back. Xyle narrowed his gaze in the direction the vampires went.

"Son of a bitch should already be dead." Xyle really did growl and Zyer glanced at him over his shoulder. Yes he should be, the number of fucking times they nearly did it. Not to mention the near death encounter Xyle had. Kane should have died in that fight too. Zyer just felt his jaw clench seeing the faint scaring on Xyle from that fight. He refused to see that again, Zyer would not lose his brother to that hell spawn. Not this time.

"Yes he should. That wasn't what was written though. No matter, let's not set this time up for either of our deaths. We will be smart about it, calculate our moves. It will be their death not yours Xyle. I promise you." Zyer told him and they shifted to their wolf to run. Xyle didn't respond just followed his brother. His wolf was that of the creature of legends, not a normal wolf. They were true werewolves. Not those fluffy critters that other stories showed, just really big dogs in his opinion. No they were eight feet tall standing. Large clawed hands, bodies that had a humanoid shape with a wolf-like appearance.

When they were close to the hotel they stopped. Shifted back to human and grabbed the pants they left to put them on. They clearly weren't going to go walking into the hotel lobby naked. Bound to get noticed then. The two were fast up to their level and Xyle turned toward the room that Nadia had gotten. Lillian had mentally told them what they were doing.

"Tomorrow we should talk with Nadia about finding Laural. She will be a target for the vampires. She could still have control over our fates too." Zyer said as Xyle took a few steps forward.

"Yeah, I know. Plus whoever gave the computer, Nadia said it wasn't either of theirs." Zyer just gave a nod. He was feeling really tired. He was excited to be able to go to Lillian and just have the comfort of her presence. To not feel exposed to be honest.

"Zyer." Xyle called and he looked at him over his shoulder. "I'm glad you're here, both of you. It doesn't feel so lonely this time." He admitted and Zyer gave a nod.

"I am too. For the first time something in me feels lighter. Like I'm me, not held back in some unseen way." Xyle knew exactly what he was saying. The feel of manipulation was barely there this time. Whether that was good or bad remained be seen however.

"Oh and Zyer." Xyle said as his brother moved again. Zyer once more looked at him eyebrow raised.

"Don't flash my mate again, she's sensitive like that. I might have to hit you." Zyer gave a deep laugh. He shook his head.

"I still don't feel bad. I'll do what I want in my living space." As Zyer reached his door it opened and Lillian was already there. She gave him a welcoming smile. Xyle felt a slight jealousy, it did not hit him as hard as it once had. He after all had someone now, someone he was clearly going to have to work hard with to get a smile like that.

"Xyle." Lillian called and she moved toward him. She handed him a card.

"Thanks." He said with a smile of his own. Lillian gave him a sly one. It was nice to look at her and feel his real emotions toward her. She was perfect for his brother, and did what Xyle could not do. Pulled Zyer from the edge of self destruction. She was a good female.

"No need to bang on the door and wake her up. Behave now, don't you go in there and maul her." He raised an eyebrow at Lillian.

"Maul her? Lillian give me a little more credit." She crossed her arms and eyed him. A very haughty air. Right there he could see the fierce luna she could be if allowed. Clearly she was already starting to see Nadia as one of their pack. She had a slight defensive air too.

"Xyle, you are his brother." She pointed harshly over her shoulder. "Do not think for one second I am not aware of how stupidly male you can be. Don't go in there and be an ass." Xyle flashed her a smile.

"Never my dear Luna." He gave her a slight bow. Lillian shook her head and turned to go back to Zyer who was smirking in the doorway.

"I see why she smacked you. Ever the sarcasm." Xyle let a small chuckle escape. Zyer just gave him a knowing look. Xyle turned and went down to the room that was Nadia's as they disappeared into their room. He stood there for a second and could feel the barrier. However it would not keep him out. Lillian would have been sure to allow him access. He just stood there thinking for a moment.

Honestly he felt a little off balance here. He was confident about all things, Nadia so far was the only one that made him question his confidence some lately. He'd been alive for how long now? Feeling like an inadequate youth for a moment he let out an annoyed sound. Xyle just opened the door. The room was dark and he let the door close softly.

He had to stand there for a moment and just close his eyes taking in the scent of his mate. It had grown more potent, which meant the first exchange was more than likely nearly done. Xyle was tired though, he really wasn't going to try anything. Well maybe. He smiled a bit to himself.

Moving into the room he saw Nadia's still form laying on the bed. Her breathing was even and deep for the moment. He was slightly surprised that there was only one bed. Not that it would have meant anything. He'd have gone where she was.

Xyle moved onto the bed and it was pretty soft, way nicer than most types he'd ever been on. He looked down at Nadia and that longing hit him. However he just laid down next to her. Unable to help himself he turned on his side and got an arm around her. He more moved to her rather than pull her to him.

Regardless of their circumstance or wants this was nice. This felt good to him in a different way. There was no describing to someone that hadn't had a curse to feel the loneliness. The hole caused by never being able to find another. Being right here next to her, having her in his space, it felt wonderful. A peace in his soul, and it was worth it to have her anger or annoyance. He nearly felt a purr even if he was technically canine. Having her here was fulfilling to the very primal part. His hold got just a little tighter and he buried his nose in her hair.

Now he knew what Zyer had meant by Lillian's scent being addicting, like he just could not think straight with it in his nose. He'd thought his brother was over reacting when he told him this. Just the excitement of finding his mate. Honestly as long as he lived nothing and no one would smell as good to him as Nadia's scent.

"Xyle?" Her voice was very tired and clearly his tighter hold roused her a bit. He just made a sound in his throat in affirmation.

"There is plenty of space on this bed." He felt a darker smile. Yeah no, this was were he'd lay.

"I find this the most appealing spot. I'm as tired as you are Nadia, you can relax." There was a bit of amusement in his tone. Nadia let out a rush of air. She was way to tired to get him to move, or move herself. If he did try something he was going to be hurting. Not in the mood to fight it right now she just let him.

"Did you find them?" She asked. Her eyes closed, and was starting to feel that pull of sleep. It was trying to drag her back in. Odd, she'd not felt it easy to sleep beside another before.

"No, they moved fast and far. We will search again tomorrow." He said and in his tone she could hear that he too was tired. She felt him settle a bit and there were a few minutes of silence. Both nearly falling into sleep, Nadia roused a bit though.

"Xyle." She said and heard his sound of acknowledgement.

"Don't let your hands wander. You're lucky I'm letting you near me, so don't forget it." She heard him chuckle lightly.

"Whatever lets you sleep easier Nadia." He said in a rush of breath and she did try to scoot a bit. He just tightened his arm and that kept her there. Him and his ridiculous strength.

"Sleep." He more demanded. Nadia lifted her head slightly but let out a rush of air. Whatever, she really was too tired at the moment to fight it. To herself she also thought it was secretly kind of nice having another there. Not just for once not feel so alone, or a space so empty. Maybe she sort of liked being held as she fell back to sleep.